Conservative comedian Steven Crowder recently took aim at a leftist activist whose social media posts included approval of punching Nazis and a rallying cry to “kill every member of ICE.”

He also issued a threat against Crowder himself, declaring he’s “wanted a piece of Crowder for a long time.”

Well, Crowder — who’s confronted others on video over the “crap” they’ve spewed on previous occasions — wasn’t going to let this guy just slide on by.
What did Crowder do?
The comedian tracked down the unnamed fellow, who posted on Facebook that he was attending an Aug. 18 rally in Dallas against “white supremacy.”
Crowder got his private phone number from a photo of a petition the guy started (which, Crowder said, “no one signed”).
On the day of the protest — which the leftist cancelled over rainy conditions — Crowder and his video crew showed up, got the guy on the phone posing as a fellow left-wing activist, and arranged a meet-up at a beer garden.
Let the fireworks begin
As video rolled, Crowder strode into the restaurant dressed in an “Aladdin”-like costume and headed over to the leftist who’s “wanted a piece of Crowder for a long time.”
“Your wish is my command, sir, how are you?” Crowder said, standing in front of the fellow.
“Is this Steven Crowder?” he asked, seemingly cracking a smile at the audaciousness of the moment before quickly coming to his senses.

“Aw, s**t!” he said before dousing Crowder with beer and walking away. “Go f*** yourself you piece of s**t.”

But Crowder followed him.
“C’mon, man, you’ve been wanting a piece of me for a long time,” Crowder told the guy. “Is that all you’re gonna do is throw some Pilsner?”
Crowder also repeated the leftist’s threats on social media — and even came prepared with a board emblazoned with enlarged shots of the guy’s posts, which Crowder showed him as they walked on the street.

During the tense walk-and-talk, the leftist surprisingly enough had little of interest to say — and he wasn’t game apparently for taking “a piece of Crowder” on this evening for some reason.
Crowder told him he’d forget about the whole thing if he agreed to take down his posts, but if the guy didn’t agree, Crowder would report him to police — which is apparently what happened afterward.
Crowder signed off with this warning: “As always our first choice is civil discourse on this channel. But if you cross the line into violence, or if you call for the physical harm of others, I will find you, I will report you, I will confront you, and I will shame you.”
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