A defining characteristic of the Deep State is this: when its members need to attack someone or some organization, they must expose themselves. It has happened before, it is happening now, and it will happen again.
James O’Keefe, through his Project Veritas, is compiling video evidence of government employees using government databases, government offices, government communications, and the associated taxpayer funds to push a socialist-communist agenda and to thwart the will of the people by opposing the directives of their boss, the elected president of the United States. These are people, government employees, who are literally taking your money and using it to defeat you.
Recently, Mr. O’Keefe exposed a State Department employee bragging about working for democratic socialists and serving as an officer for a subversive organization while on duty at the State Department. Did I say this has happened before?
In 1949, State Department employees asked Senator Joe McCarthy to obtain congressional oversight because there were, at the time, a shocking number of communist party members and activists on the payroll at the State Department. As it turns out, other Executive Branch agencies were not immune to communist infiltration.
The Deep State went into overdrive. Both houses of congress belonged to the GOP, so in order to wield any government power, the left had only the Executive Branch agencies to use, and McCarthy became a serious threat to that plan. They went after Tail-Gunner Joe, hammer and tong, and they haven’t stopped. In 1952, the White House went over to the GOP, but Eisenhower proved to be no help to Senator McCarthy. Ike sat back and allowed McCarthy’s reputation to be destroyed, and communists continued to ride herd over his own federal agencies. The Deep State went back underground, but it would surface again, leaving destroyed reputations in its wake.
Over the years, the names come and go, but the Deep State rolls on. Now it’s Mueller, Comey, Strzok, Brennan. Doubt about the political sympathies of these reprobates is vanishing like a ghost at the top of the staircase. It remains to be seen if the members of this crew pay the price for their crimes. No one is more able to throw the switch on them than Donald J. Trump.
So the issues and the players and even the rules may be slightly different, especially now in the internet age, but make no mistake about it: there are communists in the State Department, just as Joe McCarthy said there were. There are communists in every other government agency. When you think about it, where else would a subversive operate? Where else could he do the most damage?
I call these people communists out of a concern for clarity, not for purposes of bombast or hyperbole. It is one thing for an American to employ legal methods of activism toward bending his government’s policies toward his own sense of moral quality. Attempting to overturn the will of the people and abolish the republican form of government mandated by the Constitution is a different kettle of fish. These leftist criminals and their fellow travelers in the news media are a danger to Western civilization.
They may lose this time, but unless they are torn out, root and branch, they will go back to working undercover, paid by you and me, beating us over the head with bags of our own money. And when they see an exigent circumstance, one that calls for the drastic measure of exposing themselves, they will be seen again. Like whales that occasionally surface to blow, they can’t help themselves.
Willie Shields is a radio host, a paralegal, and the author of Exit 13A – A Control Tower Diary. A “once and always” U.S. Marine and a former air traffic controller, Mr. Shields resides in Wilmington, Delaware. He responds to email: WSHIELDS1775@VERIZON.NET , Twitter @WILLIEONRADIO.
A defining characteristic of the Deep State is this: when its members need to attack someone or some organization, they must expose themselves. It has happened before, it is happening now, and it will happen again.
James O’Keefe, through his Project Veritas, is compiling video evidence of government employees using government databases, government offices, government communications, and the associated taxpayer funds to push a socialist-communist agenda and to thwart the will of the people by opposing the directives of their boss, the elected president of the United States. These are people, government employees, who are literally taking your money and using it to defeat you.
Recently, Mr. O’Keefe exposed a State Department employee bragging about working for democratic socialists and serving as an officer for a subversive organization while on duty at the State Department. Did I say this has happened before?
In 1949, State Department employees asked Senator Joe McCarthy to obtain congressional oversight because there were, at the time, a shocking number of communist party members and activists on the payroll at the State Department. As it turns out, other Executive Branch agencies were not immune to communist infiltration.
The Deep State went into overdrive. Both houses of congress belonged to the GOP, so in order to wield any government power, the left had only the Executive Branch agencies to use, and McCarthy became a serious threat to that plan. They went after Tail-Gunner Joe, hammer and tong, and they haven’t stopped. In 1952, the White House went over to the GOP, but Eisenhower proved to be no help to Senator McCarthy. Ike sat back and allowed McCarthy’s reputation to be destroyed, and communists continued to ride herd over his own federal agencies. The Deep State went back underground, but it would surface again, leaving destroyed reputations in its wake.
Over the years, the names come and go, but the Deep State rolls on. Now it’s Mueller, Comey, Strzok, Brennan. Doubt about the political sympathies of these reprobates is vanishing like a ghost at the top of the staircase. It remains to be seen if the members of this crew pay the price for their crimes. No one is more able to throw the switch on them than Donald J. Trump.
So the issues and the players and even the rules may be slightly different, especially now in the internet age, but make no mistake about it: there are communists in the State Department, just as Joe McCarthy said there were. There are communists in every other government agency. When you think about it, where else would a subversive operate? Where else could he do the most damage?
I call these people communists out of a concern for clarity, not for purposes of bombast or hyperbole. It is one thing for an American to employ legal methods of activism toward bending his government’s policies toward his own sense of moral quality. Attempting to overturn the will of the people and abolish the republican form of government mandated by the Constitution is a different kettle of fish. These leftist criminals and their fellow travelers in the news media are a danger to Western civilization.
They may lose this time, but unless they are torn out, root and branch, they will go back to working undercover, paid by you and me, beating us over the head with bags of our own money. And when they see an exigent circumstance, one that calls for the drastic measure of exposing themselves, they will be seen again. Like whales that occasionally surface to blow, they can’t help themselves.
Willie Shields is a radio host, a paralegal, and the author of Exit 13A – A Control Tower Diary. A “once and always” U.S. Marine and a former air traffic controller, Mr. Shields resides in Wilmington, Delaware. He responds to email: WSHIELDS1775@VERIZON.NET , Twitter @WILLIEONRADIO.
via American Thinker Blog
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