Photos: Dianne Feinstein Looks ‘Near Death’ as Angry Brett Kavanaugh Responds to Sex Assault Smears

Photos: Dianne Feinstein Looks ‘Near Death’ as Angry Brett Kavanaugh Responds to Sex Assault Smears

by Kristinn Taylor
September 27, 2018

Ranking Member Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) had a deathly pallor as she listened to an angry, indignant Judge Brett Kavanaugh respond to questioning from her at Thursday’s Senate Judiciary Committee to hear an uncorroborated allegation by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her decades ago at a small high school party.

Screen images from C-SPAN 3 show the 85-year-old Feinstein appearing like the life is draining out of her as Kavanaugh addresses her questions. Feinstein sat on the accusation by Ford for almost two months, not telling the GOP majority on the committee and never questioning Kavanaugh about it despite numerous opportunities to do so in public and private.

Video of the exchange:


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via The Gateway Pundit

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