INTO THE LION’S DEN: Chick-Fil-A Opening Its First Seattle Location This Week

America’s most beloved (and hated) fast-food chain, Chick-fil-A, will be going straight into the lion’s den this week by opening its first ever restaurant in the ultra-left-wing haven of Seattle, Washington.

According to Eater, the restaurant will be operating within the Seattle city limits in Bitter Lake and it already has customers camping overnight to get themselves that first bite of a juicy chicken sandwich when it opens on June 27.

“In the past, opening events have included parking lot campouts of fans hoping to win a year’s worth of free meals. They’ve also caused traffic jams for weeks,” reports KIRO. “In 2015, the opening of the Bellevue location had police officers directing traffic to keep cars moving and the crowds continued for several weeks. The city had to implement a new traffic plan to accommodate the massive lines of cars traveling around the restaurant.”

Despite the restaurant’s clear popularity, some leftists have expressed hope that Seattle-ites will mount a sandwich-killing boycott of the new location. Writing for The Stranger, Katie Herzog wrote a cruelly mean-spirited piece in which she suggested that Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy’s “biblical definition of the family unit” means he wants “a mob to rape his daughters instead of the angels they’d rather rape instead.”

“Will there be protests when Chick-fil-A opens its doors?” wrote Herzog of the new Seattle location. “It’s certainly possible—Seattle loves a good picket … The president of Chick-fil-A has some crazy and clearly bigoted beliefs, to be sure, but tons of other corporations have donated to anti-gay politicians and no one pitches a fit about it on Twitter, much less starts a boycott. Even worse, some of these companies do it while promoting themselves as pro-gay.”

Despite the obvious hatred for Dan Cathy and Chick-fil-A, Herzog ultimately concluded that dozens of companies who wave the rainbow flag and pronounce themselves as being pro-gay have a ton of hypocrisy in how they practice.

“This doesn’t mean I’ll be frequenting Chick-fil-A, and I fully support anyone who chooses to wage some kind of protest against this company coming to Seattle,” said Herzog. “But at the same time, if you’re going to boycott Chick-fil-A for being anti-gay, you may want to consider boycotting companies that wave Pride flags while donating to politicians who harm actual queer people.”

The fact Seattle actually allowed a Chick-fil-A to stand without some serious governmental pushback is a nothing short of a miracle in light of the discrimination the restaurant has faced in recent months, with universities and airports seeking to ban the fast-food chain from doing business over to the founder’s biblical worldview on human sexuality. In 2019 alone, the chain has been banned from two major airports — San Antonio and Buffalo — and several universities.

Most recently, a dean at Rider University resigned from his post when the school banned the fast food restaurant on campus. Officials in San Mateo, California, also tried (and failed) to prevent the restaurant from obtaining an architectural permit.

To prevent further discrimination, the Texas House recently passed a “Save Chick-fil-A” bill to prevent the San Antonio Airport and other venues in the state from banning the restaurant. As noted by The Daily Wire, however, the chicken giant just continues to thrive, becoming the third biggest fast-food chain in the United States with $10.2 billion in sales.

via Daily Wire

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