President Trump Admits His Biggest Mistake Was Appointing Jeff Sessions as Attorney General (VIDEO)

President Trump sat down for an interview with MSNBC host Chuck Todd and told him his biggest regrets of his first term as US president.

The President told Chuck Todd that if he could have one do-over it would be personnel.

“I would say if I had one do-over, it would be, I would not have appointed Jeff Sessions to be attorney general.”

“That’s your, in your mind, that’s your worst mistake?” Chuck Todd asked.

“Yeah, that was the biggest mistake.” Trump replied.


Trump is correct.

His appointment of Jeff Sessions proved to be a disaster for his first two years because the Justice Department got hijacked by Deep State criminals.

After recusing himself like a coward and allowing Rosenstein and Mueller to hijack the Justice Department for two years – which ended in a bloodbath of Trump associates, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions had the gall to say in April it’s time to move past the Mueller probe.

Thankfully Trump fired Jeff Sessions in November and brought on Bill Barr to be his new Attorney General. Barr took control of Mueller’s witch hunt and immediately shut it down.

Sessions cited the wrong law when he recused himself from the Russia investigation and all things Hillary Clinton the first day on the job.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein became the de facto Attorney General and quickly appointed Special Counsel Robert Mueller and gave him permission (with THREE scope memos) to rove around unchecked in a massive, $35 million witch hunt.

Mueller, Rosenstein, Weissmann and over a dozen angry, crooked Democrat donors on the special counsel’s team ruined many lives and reputations over the past two years with perjury traps and damaging leaks to the media.

General Mike Flynn, George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and Carter Page were targeted for ruin — Manafort ended up in solitary confinement and sentenced to over 10 years in prison.

Flynn, a three-star General, was forced to sell a home after being buried in legal fees thanks to Mueller’s corrupt witch hunt.

Good riddance, Jeff Sessions!

The post President Trump Admits His Biggest Mistake Was Appointing Jeff Sessions as Attorney General (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

via The Gateway Pundit

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