Story by Sharon Black and Tracy Beanz
On Saturday, the #WalkAway Foundation held a rally in Dallas, Texas as part of their ongoing Rescue America initiative. The organization has been holding weekly events in various cities throughout the country, to “show the radical left that they do not own America’s streets and that our country is filled with kind, loving, big-hearted Americans of every race, religion, background, and creed.” The rally drew hundreds of people, and guest speakers included Mike Harlow, Blaire White, David Harris, Jr., Shemeka Michelle, Dr. Karlyn Borysenko, and #WalkAway Founder, Brandon Straka.
The event was disrupted by a group of local activists known as Next Generation Action Network (NAGN) which supports Black Lives Matter (BLM). The leader of the NAGN, Dominique Alexander, attempted to storm the stage to disrupt the #WalkAway rally and was quickly met by event security. Alexander is seen on video pushing a bullhorn into the neck of the security guard after they were asked to leave the stage area. The security guard and Alexander got into a physical confrontation. Someone in the crowd deployed pepper spray and a weapon was drawn but was quickly holstered once Alexander was subdued. No shots were fired. The security agent and Alexander were taken into custody, and Alexander was also later arrested for several outstanding warrants.
#WalkAway Rescue America DALLAS was a HUGE hit today!!!! Thank you, Texas, for showing up to #RescueAmerica
#RescueDallas@realDonaldTrump @IngrahamAngle @FoxNews @PeteHegseth @foxandfriends @BlazeTV @OANN @EmilyRoseFinn @STEPHMHAMILL @JackPosobiec @newsmax @DanCrenshawTX @CNN
— Brandon Straka (@BrandonStraka) September 5, 2020
Here’s some extended footage.
— Tony (@Mrtdogg) September 5, 2020
Supporters of Alexander have also taken to social media to mislead the public on what actually happened that day, including a picture from another event featuring people in black hoods waving confederate flags alongside pictures of the actual event. The men shown holding the confederate flags and dressed in black were not at the #WalkAway rally in Dallas.
From the Facebook page of Dominique Alexander, who infiltrated backstage of a private event, rushed the stage, threatened violence, & was removed. His supporters added a pic of ppl in black hoods w confederate flags to pics of our event. Our entire event is filmed & photographed!
— Brandon Straka (@BrandonStraka) September 8, 2020
Dominique Alexander states he is the Executive Director of the Next Generation Action Network, and was recently in Washington, DC during the time of the Republican National Convention, where his social media shows photos of him in the office of Representative Al Green (D, TX) alongside other Texas activists. Additionally, he has streamed video on his Facebook of nighttime protests he attended while visiting the city, many of which turned violent, just two days after the RNC.
Mr. Straka, who attended President Donald Trump’s speech on the last night of the convention, also experienced an attack by BLM supporters while leaving the event that evening. Several BLM activists followed their group down the street while screaming homophobic epithets, spitting at and assaulting people walking with Straka, two of whom are gay.
Alexander also spoke at the March on Washington held August 28th in the nation’s capital.
Additionally, he has shared videos on Facebook of himself and other protestors at the Dallas Mayor’s residence at 10 PM a month or so ago, while blasting sirens, screaming “Eric” and blowing loud whistles on the residential street.
Questionable Charities and Congressional Representatives
Another Texas activist, Marcus A. Hughes, also shared photos on his public Facebook page stating he met with Representative Al Green (D, TX) on August, 23rd alongside Alexander, Ashton P. Woods from Black Lives Matter, Houston, and Chas Moore, from the Austin Justice Coalition.
Three of the men state they are working for or have established 501(c)(3) organizations, however, a records check with the IRS shows that at least one of the organizations has had its status revoked. The Next Generation Action Network led by Alexander hasn’t filed a federal 990 form since the year 2016 when the IRS approved their non-profit status. Next Generation Action currently has 5 fundraisers active on GoFundMe, with one of those fundraisers, the “NGAN Protest Bail Fund” raising appx $109,000 to date. It is unclear if the organization plans to file form 990’s for each of the years they have missed.
Chas Moore states on Facebook that he is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Austin Justice Coalition, an Austin based not for profit whose home page boasts a large graphic that states “Imagine a World Without Police” and a plea to defund the Austin Police Department. They are still accepting donations, however, IRS records indicate that the organization had it’s 501(c)(3) status revoked in May of 2019.
More Violence
The #WalkAway rally continued and ended without further problems. Later in the day, Straka and his companions headed back to the police department to check on the status of the security agent who was being detained. They were then confronted by a mob of NAGN supporters who chased, robbed, and assaulted their group.
Mr. Straka took to Twitter and recalled the incident saying, “This was the most terrifying moment of my life. My team and I went to the police to check on the detained security agent. 30-40 BLM began throwing bottles at us & chasing us. They stole my employee’s phone &smashed it. We had to run for 4-5 blocks. All Dallas news stations were there.”
This was the most terrifying moment of my life. My team &I went to the police to check on detained security agent. 30-40 BLM began throwing bottles at us & chasing us. They stole my employee’s phone &smashed it. We had to run for 4-5 blocks. All Dallas news stations were there.
— Brandon Straka (@BrandonStraka) September 6, 2020
Dr. Karlyn Borysenko also tweeted regarding the assault, saying. “We just got chased down the street by a mob of #blacklivesmatter protestors #walkaway”
We just got chased down the street by a mob of #blacklivesmatter protestors #walkaway
— Karlyn Borysenko has run out of effs to give (@DrKarlynB) September 5, 2020
A History of Problems
Mr. Alexander, who was also detained, has a history of arrests, including domestic violence, theft, forging a check, evading arrest, and injury to a child causing serious bodily injury (a first-degree felony), according to Dallas County records. Alexander was sent to prison for the incident that involved his girlfriend’s then 2-year-old son, as was reported by the Dallas Observer back in 2016 “Police reported he’d been babysitting his girlfriend’s 2-year-old son for the evening when he called her at 11 p.m. and told her ‘to get home now’. But he didn’t tell her why. When she arrived, she found her child unresponsive. Alexander told his girlfriend that he’d been watching a movie with her son on the couch. He paused the movie, police reported, and as he walked into the computer room, he heard the sound of her son, who was asleep on the couch, fall off the couch and onto the carpet”.
The article continued, “But the doctor disagreed with his statement. He examined Alexander’s girlfriend’s son in the intensive care unit and reported that the child had a subdural hemorrhage between the halves of his brain and at the back of the brain. He also had retinal hemorrhages in both eyes. ‘The severity of his injuries is not consistent with rolling off the couch,’ the investigating officer reported the doctor saying. ‘The injuries are acute and likely occurred around the time that [his girlfriend’s son] started to have symptoms (like being unresponsive.) Without more adequate history of trauma, complainant’s injuries are more consistent with abusive head trauma and child physical abuse’.”
In addition to these charges, he has a lengthy criminal record, getting into trouble with the law for forging a check, leading police on a high-speed chase, stealing a car, and falsely claiming that a car was stolen, among other incidents over the past 10 or so years.
Alexander also organized the protest in support of Black Lives Matter in Dallas in July of 2016 where 11 police officers were shot and 5 police officers were killed by a lone gunman, Micah Johnson who was later killed by police.
Shortly after the police arrived and arrested both the #WalkAway security guard and Alexander, Brandon Straka said on Twitter that he and several of the attendees heard Alexander shouting “Call Chief Hall” referring to Dallas Police Chief U. Renee Hall. It wouldn’t be the first time that Alexander asserted his relationship with the police during an alleged criminal happening. During the altercation with his girlfriend at the time, Keyaira Saunders, the affidavit documents Alexander as saying “I know the chief of police and the DA. Who are you going to call?”. According to Dallas News, Alexander has met several times with Hall and City Manager T.C. Broadnax. Alexander had also contacted former Police Chief David Brown after the shooting incident in July 2016 via email, wanting to set up a one on one meeting.
On the same day as this email exchange, and after being removed from a Dallas City Council meeting following a confrontation with Mayor Mike Rawlings, Alexander was again arrested for 9 outstanding warrants.
After the incident at the #WalkAway event, Alexander was arrested and held on 10 outstanding warrants according to Attorney Kim Cole, who represents Alexander and NAGN. The warrants included traffic violations from 2015 to 2018, including a state registration violation, three speeding tickets, violations for driving with an expired license, driving without a license, failure to maintain financial responsibility, and defective brake lights. Alexander made a statement outside of the precinct after being released saying those warrants are old, and adding that police continue to arrest him on the same tickets, adding “The judge said, ‘Time served,‘” He announced via social media that they have a press conference scheduled for tomorrow, September 8, to discuss the events from this past weekend.
Media Coverage Questionable
There were numerous local media outlets present for both the rally and the altercation afterward. Members of the group took to social media to slam coverage of the incident. News reporter Eric Alvarez documented the entire attack on the group near the police station but appeared to only post snippets of the footage which didn’t accurately portray what had happened. When asked for the footage on-site, he responded that if anyone wanted it, they would need to get a subpoena. After this reporter and others tweeted in response to the lack of footage being released, Alvarez tweeted more available footage, including a video of an NGAN/BLM activist confronting Brandon Straka, and violently screaming in his face while not wearing a mask. You can view that footage here. In the original thread from that day, Alvarez had omitted the footage of Straka being attacked.
Addressing the FALSE narrative that I captured the entire incident outside DPD headquarters and am refusing to release it…My camera roll proves all day, I shot in 10-30 second clips, not continuous. Clips are unedited. Language Warning: @tracybeanz@brandonstraka@drkarlynb
— Eric Alvarez (@EricWFAA) September 7, 2020
1)@EricWFAA of @wfaa-there’s footage even in this video u just tweeted u did NOT put out-including girl screaming in my face.
2)ON WHAT PLANET is this NOT the story u all run on the evening news!?! You(all media present) witnessed this &STILL ran stories SYMPATHIZING w this mob!!— Brandon Straka (@BrandonStraka) September 7, 2020
*Editors Note: Tracy Beanz, CEO, and Editor in Chief of UncoverDC sits on the board of the #WalkAway Foundation. Sharon Black was first a volunteer and then employed by the organization as a Senior Director from May 2018 through January 2020.
The post #WalkAway Dallas Attack: More Details Emerge appeared first on UncoverDC.
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