UNHINGED: John Brennan Vows to Continue to Attack POTUS Trump ‘Until Integrity Returns to the White House’

UNHINGED: John Brennan Vows to Continue to Attack POTUS Trump ‘Until Integrity Returns to the White House’

Former CIA Director-turned-Twitter-troll, John Brennan vowed to continue attacking President Trump on Friday in a Washington Post op-ed.

“This is why I speak out against Mr. Trump and will continue to do so….” said Brennan in a tweet caption linking to his op-ed.

Never have we seen the former administration undermine and attack the current administration the way Obama and his cronies do.

It is unprecedented.

John Brennan compared President Trump to foreign dictators in his unhinged WaPo op-ed titled: “I will speak out until integrity returns to the White House”

What does that mean? Until Trump is removed from office?

The op-ed shows how narcissistic John Brennan is, claiming he had “the rare privilege of directly serving four presidents.”

Brennan continually calls President Trump a liar throughout the piece and paints President Trump as a power hungry dictator.

Brennan was actually describing the Obama administration’s weaponization of law enforcement and intel agencies, however; he projected it onto President Trump:

For more than three decades, I observed and analyzed the traits and tactics of corrupt, incompetent and narcissistic foreign officials who did whatever they thought was necessary to retain power. Exploiting the fears and concerns of their citizenry, these demagogues routinely relied on lies, deceit and suppression of political opposition to cast themselves as populist heroes and to mask self-serving priorities. By gaining control of intelligence and security services, stifling the independence of the judiciary and discrediting a free press, these authoritarian rulers followed a time-tested recipe for how to inhibit democracy’s development, retard individual freedoms and liberties, and reserve the spoils of corrupt governance for themselves and their ilk. It never dawned on me that we could face such a development in the United States.

“The impact of the Trump presidency will be felt for many years to come,” said Brennan.

Brennan notes many have harshly condemned his continued attacks on the current administration.

In response to the criticisms, Brennan claims he’s apolitical and nonpartisan.

Many have condemned my public criticism of Mr. Trump, arguing that as a former CIA director, I should bite my tongue. My criticisms, however, are not political; I have never been and will never be a partisan. I speak out for the simple reason that Mr. Trump is failing to live up to the standards that we should all expect of a president.

In conclusion, Brennan vows to “continue to speak out loudly and critically until integrity, decency, wisdom — and maybe even some humility — return to the White House.”

John Brennan is a leaker and a liar; he was directly involved in Spygate which is why he continues to attack President Trump.

Brennan’s crimes are bubbling up to the surface; he is also stuck in a perjury trap.

The former CIA Director knows there is a chance he can end up in prison just like other CIA officials who were jailed for leaking classified information.


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via The Gateway Pundit

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