Not only did President Donald Trump visit with troops abroad during “Christmastime,” despite media claims to the contrary, but the troops were happy to see him.
Some service members even had MAGA hats and asked the president to sign them.
Trump signing MAGA hats for the troops in Iraq pic.twitter.com/bDUIk94jpR
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) December 26, 2018
That did not go over well with the left.
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Almost immediately, claims of troops being in violation of military rules were tossed around. They were wrong, but that didn’t seem to matter.
“But troops’ requests for the autographs could brush up against Department of Defense guidelines for political activities,” CNN admonished. “Those guidelines say that ‘active duty personnel may not engage in partisan political activities and all military personnel should avoid the inference that their political activities imply or appear to imply DoD sponsorship, approval, or endorsement of a political candidate, campaign, or cause.’”
Under the heading of “haters are gonna hate” is this insanity from @CNN – a blatant and near criminal misrepresentation of “The Hatch Act” – troops having and bringing out MAGA hats is completely legal (and kinda cool that they had them in Iraq BTW)https://t.co/mTnu7QPz9J
— Tony Shaffer (@T_S_P_O_O_K_Y) December 27, 2018
Were the troops wrong to bring out MAGA hats for the president to sign?
What CNN left out was the rest of the guidelines, which clearly state that “(a)ctive duty members may, however, express their personal opinions on political candidates and issues, make monetary contributions to a political campaign or organization, and attend political events as a spectator when not in uniform,” according to The Daily Wire.
Of course, CNN also made sure to throw some Trump-bashing in with their attack on the troops allegedly breaking the rules. The panel doing the smearing included White House correspondent Jim Acosta, who, perhaps surprisingly, somewhat came to Trump’s defense when it was implied that he might have provided the hats to the troops.
“(W)hat would the concern be if something like that is going on, do you think? Or is this just, you know, a soldier is there, he’s got a hat in his locker, and he runs over and says, ‘Hey, when am I going to have another chance for the president to sign one of these things?’” Acosta said, according to NewsBusters.
But the hate-fest was worse than just hate. It was hypocrisy, as well.
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HYPOCRISY 101: #CNN Attacks Trump for signing #MAGA hats for TROOPS; Media said NOTHING when Obama did the SAME thing…https://t.co/BOoPKqu6iK
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) December 27, 2018
As a candidate and throughout his presidency, President Barack Obama also signed items for troops, and there are photos to prove it.
— Guerrilla 495 🇺🇸 (@Guerrilla_495) December 27, 2018
But let’s not a little thing like facts get in the way of the media pushing their Trump Derangement Syndrome onto whatever viewers they have left to keep the hate and division going. So what if the “fake news” label continues to be applied to them. They’ll just attribute that to Trump, too.
Using the brave men and women who risk all for us back home to push a hate-filled narrative is pathetic. Attempting to smear the sitting president by smearing them is not journalism and it is not OK.
The troops, the president — and for that matter, the American people — deserve better than that.
We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.
via Conservative Tribune
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