If You Can Kill a Human Before They’re ‘Viable,’ Why Does Doing the Same to a Turtle End in Jail Time?


If You Can Kill a Human Before They’re ‘Viable,’ Why Does Doing the Same to a Turtle End in Jail Time?

An ultrasound picture, left, and a baby sea turtle, right.Gagliardi Photography / Shutterstock; apiguide / ShutterstockA baby developing in the womb gets less respect from liberals than some species of endangered sea turtles whose nests are protected by law. (Gagliardi Photography / Shutterstock; apiguide / Shutterstock)

Hypocrisy is not a new look for the left.

While the left pickets on the front steps of state legislative halls over bill that dare protect a human baby once a heartbeat is detected, they are silent when it comes to a law that protects the unviable fetuses of the Atlantic Loggerhead.

A quick read of Florida’s Marine Turtle Protection Act proves my point: “A person, firm, or corporation that illegally takes, disturbs, mutilates, destroys, causes to be destroyed, transfers, sells, offers to sell, molests, or harasses any marine turtle species or hatchling, or parts thereof, or the eggs or nest of any marine turtle species described in this subsection commits a felony of the third degree.“(FLA. 379.2431 (1)(d)(5))

Yes. You read that right.

Florida levies a stiff burden for a first-time offender of harassment of turtle eggs — to the tune of up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine. However, if you abort a human baby, the left tells you to celebrate it on social media or go watch a comedy routine that makes abortion jokes.

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The Florida law threatens to imprison and fine a person for disturbing a turtle, egg or nest during nesting season. But the left is outraged at states have for drawing a line in the sand to protect human life. They are furious that someone dare tell a mother she is not allowed to murder her own child.

They picket and protest that it’s unfair. They shriek and howl that that thing inside a mother is “not a baby.” (They really say that. Watch it here.)

As they sigh in feigned frustration that a group of legislators dare protect human life more than turtle life, they reveal the underlying issue: They don’t care.

They don’t care that “viability” as a standard could give license to kill grown adults.

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They don’t care that science has expanded the period of viability, not restricted it.

They don’t care that abortion lets rapists off the hook. That abortion lessens responsibility of men who prey on vulnerable women. That abortion affects minority babies far more than Caucasian ones.

They simply do not care.

No one on the left is screaming that Florida’s Marine Turtle Protection Act is a vestige of a bygone era. They are not complaining that protecting those eggs is unfair to the autonomy of female leatherbacks.

They aren’t throwing blood on themselves and dog-piling each other to expose the injustice of saving the unviable fetuses of the Lepidochelys kempi.

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To be clear, conservation is good. Protecting the creation that God gave us is a worthwhile goal. But murdering those who are fashioned in the image of their Creator is neither moral nor compassionate.

Abortion is shaping up to be the most controversial issue of the 2020 election. The arguments on both sides expose a fundamentally different perspective of the value of human life. The left much prefers for the controversy to be put behind us because as science develops, so does technology that reveals with great clarity and definition that life within the womb is human, valuable and worthy of protection.

Medical advancement and research only weakens the lefts’ argument. So they become more desperate. They lean so heavily on the argument of a mother’s “choice” that they now — with a straight face — endorse measures that allow a baby to be aborted at full term and even post birth.

The greatest resource that God gave earth is human life. We must protect these innocent lives at all costs. At every stage. For all time. Without exceptions.

America finds itself once again at a moral crossroad. The iron is hot.

It is time.

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via Conservative Tribune

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