In response to the horrific school shooting in Florida, Senator Kamala Harris has declared that she cannot take any “pride in our country” while “our babies are being slaughtered.” Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly expressed a similar sentiment while protesting outside of NRA headquarters. “Children are dead because of you,” he yelled.
You always hear these kinds of things from Democrats after a mass shooting. Suddenly they are very anxious to talk about violence against children. Suddenly they are very ashamed of a country where children so often fall prey to horrific brutality. Suddenly, when they have a gun control agenda to push, they sound almost pro-life.
I don’t believe them. Every baby slaughtered in an abortion clinic with their enthusiastic approval is a reason not to believe them. That adds up to 60 million reasons and counting.
It should be noted that Kamala Harris is perhaps the most rabidly pro-abortion politician in a party that is nothing more than a subsidiary of the abortion industry. She is so strenuous in her abortion enthusiasm that she turned the Attorney General’s office in California into a legal defense fund for Planned Parenthood. She supports slaughtering babies at every stage of development up until the very moment of birth. And yet this woman who does not wince at the thought of a nine-month-old infant having his skull crushed is somehow deeply upset at the thought of high school students being shot to death?
Harris may be a leading member of the Democrat death cult, but her views are not anymore extreme than the rest of them. The Democratic platform calls for abortions at every stage, free abortions, funding for abortions overseas. Abortions everywhere. All kinds of abortions. The Democratic love for abortion is so intense and bizarre that you may even call it a fetish. They have never met an abortion they don’t like. “More! Give us more,” they shout as they stand on a pile of 60 million dead babies. “Oh, and gun violence is bad,” they add. But it’s hard to hear them as the mountain of corpses grows taller and taller beneath their feet.
Abortions and school shootings are symptoms of the same spiritual disease in our culture. They are born from a complete disregard for the sacredness of human life. A school shooter and an abortionist may have different motives, but they possess the same internal emptiness, the same deadened conscience, the same contempt for humanity. They are apples falling from the same tree and landing not all that far apart. If Nikolas Cruz had only gone to medical school and become an abortionist, he could have discovered an outlet for his bloodlust and been hailed as a saint and a hero by these very same Democrats who pretend to cry over the victimization of “our children.”
But the Democrats are correct when they say that children have a right to live and grow and become adults in peace, without having to worry that some monster will rob them of a life they barely had the chance to live. It is a shame that kids are not safe in school. And it is an even greater shame that they are not safe in the womb. It seems they are not safe anywhere. And our nation will have to answer to God for that.
via Daily Wire
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