What would you call someone who opens fire in a school and cowardly murders 17 innocent students? The President of the United States called that person a “savage sicko” and I think most people would agree with that. The clowns over at fake news CNN however find the President’s terminology to be problematic. Why? Because it is offensive to school shooters apparently. I’m not making this up. CNN is calling Trump out for pegging a psychopathic killer as a sicko.
Here’s what CNN considers both real and important news:
Trump’s language on school shooter’s mental health could be harmful, experts say
In a tweet Thursday, President Donald Trump described someone who would shoot up a school as a “savage sicko.” At CNN’s town hall on the Parkland, Florida, school shootings on Wednesday, NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch described the gunman as “an insane monster” who is “nuts” and crazy.” And at a White House briefing Thursday, the President again used the term “sicko.”
And your point is?
“Hearing language like this is a punch to the gut, particularly if we have a goal as a nation to increase access to mental health care. This is about the worst thing you can do,” said Ron Honberg, from the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
Killing 17 innocent people is not a bad thing, but Trump calling the killer a sicko is the worst thing a person can do? CNN sure knows how to pick “experts” don’t they?
This is already one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever read, but CNN managed to make it the single most absurd thing ever written. Yup, they found a guy who thinks this proves Trump’s racism as well:
“How helpful is calling a black person the n-word? Not only is it disrespectful, it fans racism. Using such language when it comes to people with mental illness is the height of disrespect and the height of ignorance, as it reduces some hugely complex person down to a diagnosis,” said Pat Corrigan, a psychology professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology.
This CNN expert actually just said that Trump calling a mass murderer who killed 17 people a sicko is the same thing as calling a black person who did nothing the N-word. That actually is sick.
This is CNN saying that they hate Trump so much that they will side with a cold-blooded killer just to oppose him. It’s like how they love brutal dictator Kim Jong Un and his sister as a way to resist the freely-elected President of the United States. This is Trump Derangement Syndrome to the extreme and a perfect example of how truly horrible liberals are.
And guess what? It’s the entire network that is attacking Trump over this. Check out this tweet from CNN’s Brooke Baldwin:
I wonder how people suffering from mental illness in this country feel about @realDonaldTrump calling them “sickos.”
— Brooke Baldwin (@BrookeBCNN) February 22, 2018
I wonder if she wonders how law-abiding gun owners like being called terrorists and killers, because that’s what the entire liberal media and leftists everywhere are doing. Responsible gun owners haven’t done anything, while the Florida school shooter took 17 innocent lives and here we have liberals sympathizing with the killer and calling good people monsters.
via Downtrend.com
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