FBI: ISIS Used eBay to Send Terror Cash to United States

FBI: ISIS Used eBay to Send Terror Cash to United States

11 Aug, 2017
11 Aug, 2017

FBI investigators announced this week that they have uncovered a global financial network run by members of ISIS who are utilizing fake eBay transactions to transfer money to one another.

Federal investigators arrested an American citizen residing in Maryland who had been receiving some of the funds in question under the FBI’s investigation:

The government had alleged in a 2016 indictment that the American suspect, Mohamed Elshinawy, pledged allegiance to Islamic State and had pretended to sell computer printers on eBay as a cover to receive payments through PayPal, potentially to fund terror attacks.

The recently unsealed FBI affidavit, filed in federal court in Baltimore, alleges that Mr. Elshinawy was part of a global network stretching from Britain to Bangladesh that used similar schemes to fund Islamic State and was directed by a now-dead senior ISIS figure in Syria, Siful Sujan.

The alleged financial network through eBay has been used to buy military supplies. Some of the players in the network may have been killed in a December 2015 drone sweep, according to FBI documents. The same documents reveal that now-dead senior ISIS official Siful Sujan was one of the parties that participated in the underground financial network. The ring operated through a British technology company that Sujan founded.

A spokeswoman for PayPal, which facilitates transactions on the eBay platform, said that it “invests significant time and resources in working to prevent terrorist activity on our platform….We proactively report suspicious activities and respond quickly to lawful requests to support law enforcement agencies in their investigations.”

A spokesman for eBay said that the company “has zero tolerance for criminal activities taking place on our marketplace” and said that they are cooperating with law enforcement’s requests on the case.

Tom Ciccotta is a libertarian who writes about economics and higher education for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter @tciccotta or email him at tciccotta@breitbart.com

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Breitbart California, National Security, Tech, Ebay, FBI, ISIS, Paypal, terrorism


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Jorge Ramos Misinforms Audience on RAISE Act

Univision’s continued dependence on unchecked immigration evidently demands that any effort to control our borders be attacked and smeared – even at the expense of the truth. That is precisely what viewers saw on Univision’s weekly public affairs program, Al Punto, as anchor Jorge Ramos made blatant material misrepresentations of the Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Economy (RAISE) Act to Univision’s audience.

Here is how Ramos opened the August 6 edition of the program, and with it the discussion of the RAISE Act:

JORGE RAMOS, HOST, AL PUNTO, UNIVISION: Let’s get to the point. We begin today with three very important news items. One is the new immigration plan proposed by President Trump, that compels new immigrants to know English.

When Ramos goes on to take up the topic of immigration with Trump senior policy advisor Carlos Díaz-Rosillo, the first thing mentioned is the fact that the bill does not directly deal with those who are already in the country illegally. It is worth pointing out that Ramos says "from my point of view" when addressing the RAISE Act. The fact is that Ramos always reports and interviews from his point of view, but this is the first time I recall him saying so in such a direct manner. Díaz Rosillo responds by basically saying that legislative action on immigration will be done piecemeal, as opposed to one comprehensive bill that everyone will hate.

But then Ramos zeroes in, as he did in the program’s opening, on the English-language testing portion of the RAISE Act, and proceeds to suggest, as did Azteca América in recent days, that the bill intends to keep brown people ("Latin Americans, Asians, Africans") out of the country and favor immigrants from England, Ireland, Canada, and Australia. Here Díaz Rosillo slams the door shut on Ramos by saying,

…this means that you think that we Latin Americans are not on par with Europeans – that we lack education and don’t have the means with which to contribute to society like the Europeans, which is not true. We can have a Latin American, I believe we are an example of that, that can contribute to this country with a high level of education, and it is not a way to eliminate Latin American immigration but rather there will be many Latin American immigrants who have the training, who speak English, and have a college degree and will be able to contribute to this economy.

Ramos had no choice but to double down on his point after being shut down, as is his habit – and in so doing, came very close to affirming the soft bigotry that Díaz Rosillo – whose patience and skill is to be commended here – denounced just seconds earlier.

Left with nothing after Díaz Rosillo throughly demolished his misinformation on the RAISE Act, Ramos proceeded to go to his "anti-immigrant" card, and his well-worn evocation of his 2015 beef with Donald Trump.

Here is Ramos’ response to Díaz-Rosillo’s statement that President Donald Trump can’t possibly be an anti-immigrant when both the mother of his three eldest children and his current wife, First Lady Melania Trump, are both immigrants.

JORGE RAMOS, HOST, AL PUNTO, UNIVISION: You say the President cannot be anti-immigrant, but nevertheless he strongly criticized Mexican immigrants as being criminals, rapists and drug traffickers, something that is absolutely false. That is being anti-immigrant.

CARLOS DIAZ ROSILLO, ADVISOR TO PRESIDENT TRUMP: But later when, when he said that he later said ‘and others are good people’ that contribute. They usually don’t include that part.

JORGE RAMOS, HOST, AL PUNTO, UNIVISION: But it’s not others, it’s the great majority that aren’t like that.

CARLOS DIAZ ROSILLO, ADVISOR TO PRESIDENT TRUMP: I agree.The great majority are not criminals, but there are many that are, and we want to focus on removing that group of illegal immigrants that are criminals.

Jorge Ramos had no response for Díaz Rosillo this time, moving immediately to a discussion of Venezuela’s descent into dictatorship.

What we learned both from this segment and the Azteca segment spotlighted earlier is that our national Spanish-language media has collectively decided to cover the RAISE Act as an existential threat; in fact, the RAISE Act’s inclusion of testing prospective immigrants’ English-language skills has been covered as if it were a North Korean nuclear missile.

For far too long, our Spanish-language media depended on unmitigated immigration as the fuel for its TV businesses. As we see, they will defend their business even at the expense of the truth.



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Flashback=> Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Threaten North Korea: “We Could Destroy You” (Video)

The American media is very upset with President Trump’s “fire and fury” comments regarding North Korea.
They claim they’ve never heard anything like it… ever.

But back in 1994 while on a visit to the DMZ, President Bill Clinton told North Korea that it would be “pointless” to develop nuclear weapons because if they ever used nukes, “it would be the end of their country.”

And way back in April 2016 – Barack Obama warned North Korea, “We could destroy you.”

Evidently the liberal media was OK with those threats.

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Reject The Swamp! Mitch McConnell-Linked PAC ‘Very Interested’ in Kid Rock Senate Run

Kid Rock has literally rocked Michigan’s political scene since teasing a Senate run in his home state. Branding himself as an outsider, Kid Rock wants to shake up Washington by taking a bite out of its bloated bureaucracy by lowering taxes.

That’s why news about a Mitch McConnell-linked group expressing interest in a Kid Rock Senate run is odd to say the least. Mitch McConnell is the arch-type swamp creature who wants to keep power in D.C.

Washington Examiner reports:

The head of a group backed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., revealed Friday that they are “very interested” in Kid Rock launching a Senate campaign to take on Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., in 2018.

Steven Law, president of the Senate Leadership Fund, made the revelation when asked about the rock star, who has teased a potential run on social media over the past month. He also told Kid Rock that “we hope you run” for the seat.

“We’d be actually very interested in his candidacy,” Law said during an interview on C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers.” He pointed to a recent pollshowing him trailing Stabenow by 8 points. “That’s not a bad place to start at.”

“The superficial sense of Kid Rock is that he’s an entertainer, that he’s kind of this wild redneck,” Law continued. “But the truth of the matter is that he’s done a lot in his home state philanthropically, he’s a pretty smart guy, he thinks about policy, and he’s a shrewd businessman.”

“We’d be actually very interested in his candidacy,” Law said during an interview on C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers.” He pointed to a recent pollshowing him trailing Stabenow by 8 points. “That’s not a bad place to start at.”

“The superficial sense of Kid Rock is that he’s an entertainer, that he’s kind of this wild redneck,” Law continued. “But the truth of the matter is that he’s done a lot in his home state philanthropically, he’s a pretty smart guy, he thinks about policy, and he’s a shrewd businessman.”

Rockstar Kid Rock set off a political firestorm after teasing his Twitter followers about a potential Senate run in Michigan.

News broke this weekend that Kid Rock is LEADING challenger, Dem Debbie Stabenow in a new poll 30% to 26%!

Days later, Kid Rock tweeted out a ‘manifesto’ to his followers, laying out his political believes in a short graphic.

“I believe if you work your butt off and pay taxes, you should be able to easily understand and navigate the laws, tax codes, health care and anything else the government puts in place that affects us all.”

According to a new poll, Kid Rock is leading in a hypothetical match-up against challenger, Debbie Stabenow.

delphianalytica.org reports:

On July 12th, 2017 Robert Ritchie, aka Kid Rock, confirmed his intention to run for the United States Senate seat in Michigan. His announcement sent a shock through the media and many dismissed it as a cheap publicity stunt. While Ritchie has yet to file his official documentation to seek the office, he stated his intentions on Twitter and pushed back at his critics, saying “the press is wrong.”

Debbie Stabenow is the incumbent Democratic Michigan senator who is scheduled to defend her seat in 2018. Ritchie intends to run as a Republican who would likely have to defeat a crowded primary field to challenge Stabenow.

To gauge Ritchie’s chances in a hypothetical general election matchup, Delta Analytica conducted a poll from July 14-18 of 668 Michigan residents. Of respondents who stated a preference between Debbie Stabenow and Robert Ritchie, 54% stated they would vote for Ritchie while 46% said they would vote for Debbie Stabenow. These results could indicate that Ritchie is a popular figure in Michigan, Debbie Stabenow is unpopular, or some combination of concurrent trends. The relatively large, 44%, number of undecided respondents may be due to the early stages of the campaign.

On Sunday, POLITICO published a piece outlining why the political class shouldn’t write-off a Kid Rock Senate bid. POLITICO explains Kid Rock would face off against lesser known Republican primary opponents, which could help him clench the nomination.


Trump competed with 16 rivals for the Republican nomination, more than a dozen of whom were established, well-regarded, well-financed campaigners; Ritchie would enter a primary field of three little-known newcomers to partisan politics. Trump was targeted by a national network of influential donors and activists who laughed him off at first, only to mount a desperate scramble to thwart his candidacy once they realized their peril; Ritchie would face little such resistance in a state where primaries aren’t preordained by party bosses. Trump started his run with no obvious base or blueprint for victory; Ritchie would launch a campaign on the strength of his favorite-son status that cuts across socioeconomic boundaries and is particularly resonant with the president’s winning coalition of culturally conservative, populist-minded, blue-collar voters.

“He’s well-liked in Michigan. He’s a hometown darling. He’s got deep connections to Detroit. He’s done a lot throughout the state.”

“Anybody who’s writing him off is making a mistake,”former chairman of the Michigan GOP, Saul Anuzis, told POLITICO.

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Fired NSC Aide Reveals Political Warfare Operation Targeting Trump

A White House National Security Council official has charged that leftist opponents of President Trump are engaged in political warfare operations designed to subvert his presidency and drive him from office.

Rich Higgins, until recently director of strategic planning at the NSC, revealed the program in a seven-page memorandum produced in May that warns of a concerted information warfare campaign by the Marxist left, Islamists, and political leaders and government officials opposed to the populist president.

"The Trump administration is suffering under withering information campaigns designed to first undermine, then delegitimize and ultimately remove the president," Higgins states.

"This is not politics as usual but rather political warfare at an unprecedented level that is openly engaged in the direct targeting of a seated president through manipulation of the news cycle," he said.

Higgins, an Army veteran and former Pentagon official who specialized in irregular warfare and who was dismissed last month for writing the memo, said the attacks should not be confused with normal partisan political attacks or adversarial media attention.

The former aide criticized the White House for failing to counter the activities and said the political warfare attacks threaten the Trump presidency.

"The White House response to these campaigns reflects a political advocacy mindset that it is intensely reactive, severely under-inclusive and dangerously inadequate to the threat," he said. "If action is not taken to re-scope and respond to these hostile campaigns very soon, the administration risks implosion and subsequent early departure from the White House."

Higgins was fired by the national security adviser, Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, July 21 after the memo came to McMaster’s attention as part of an internal search for leaks from the staff.

Higgins’s firing, along with that of two other NSC conservatives, Derek Harvey and Ezra Cohen-Watnick, has set off political infighting and charges from conservatives that National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster is opposing Trump’s populist policies in favor of maintaining the policies of the former Obama administration.

Harvey, a retired Army colonel, recently complained to McMaster about the large number of officials who were kept on at the NSC from the Obama administration. He was told by McMaster that he has a "leadership problem," according to people close to the matter.

Cohen-Watnick was senior director for intelligence programs at the NSC and ran afoul of McMaster because of his conservative views.

A White House official said McMaster appears to be trying to clear out anyone from the NSC staff who is outspokenly pro-Trump and has been slow-rolling the president’s directives that he disagrees with.

According to White House sources, Trump is said to be unhappy with McMaster and has considered dispatching him to Afghanistan.

A possible replacement is said to be CIA director Mike Pompeo, who is regarded as more of a Trump loyalist.

An NSC spokesman declined to comment.

Foreign Policy first published the memo on Thursday and quoted sources as saying Trump read it and "gushed over it."

Higgins urged in the memo that immediate action be taken to counter what he described as a campaign of subversion reflecting "cultural Marxist" narratives used by political leftists who are aligned with Islamist groups.

"In candidate Trump, the opposition saw a threat to the ‘politically correct’ enforcement narratives they’ve meticulously laid in over the past few decades," Higgins said. "In President Trump, they see a latent threat to continue that effort to ruinous effect and their retaliatory response reflects this fear."

During the presidential campaign, Trump was able to break through the leftist narratives and as a result the political left regards him as "an existential threat to cultural Marxist memes that dominate the prevailing cultural narrative."

"For this cabal, Trump must be destroyed," he said. "Far from politics as usual, this is a political warfare effort that seeks the destruction of a sitting president. Since Trump took office, the situation has intensified to crisis level proportions."

The opponents also include officials within the permanent government apparatus, also called the Deep State.

Other opponents are supporting the Marxist subversion, including those within government, along with "globalists, bankers, Islamists, and establishment Republicans."

"Globalists and lslamists recognize that for their visions to succeed, America, both as an ideal and as a national and political identity, must be destroyed," Higgins said.

The political warfare campaign seeks to exploit differences in society based on sexism, racism and xenophobia narratives. The program is implemented by mainstream media, and the academic community is the main driver promoting the imposition of cultural Marxism and derivatives of it.

Islamists, supporters of political Islam in the United States, also are working with leftists who they regard as having the best chance of reducing Western civilization to the benefit of Islamic supremacists. The Islamists are seeking to divide American society against itself as a way of undermining stability.

"This is the intended outcome of hostile information cum political warfare campaigns and today we see their effects on American society," he said.

Higgins also said a complicating factor in the political warfare program is that "many close to the president have pushed him off his message when he was candidate Trump thus alienating him from his base thereby isolating him in the process."

The political warfare follows the insurgency methods used by Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong. "In Maoist insurgencies, the formation of a counter-state is essential to seizing state power," he said. "Political warfare operates as one of the activities of the ‘counter-state’ and is primarily focused on the resourcing and mobilization of the counter state or the exhaustion and demobilization of the targeted political movement."

In the Marxist strategy and tactics, political correctness is being used to foster intolerance of political movements of the right and toleration of leftist movements.

The attack narratives being used are pervasive and can be seen in social media, television, and the 24-hour news cycle in all media, as well as within the foreign policy establishment. "They inform the entertainment industry from late night monologues, to situation comedies, to television series memes, to movie themes," Higgins said. "The effort required to direct this capacity at President Trump is little more than a programming decision to do so. The cultural Marxist narrative is fully deployed, pervasive, full spectrum and ongoing."

Information attacks against the president are carried out through overt publicity and covert propaganda and infiltration and subversion means.

The current campaign against Trump is seeking to delegitimize the president, his administration, and the vision of America he promoted as a candidate.

Key major opposition themes are that Trump is illegitimate, corrupt, and dishonest. Secondary political attacks include the notion that Russia hacked the election, Trump obstructed justice and is hiding Russian collusion, and that he is a "puppet" of Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

"Adversaries utilize these interlocking narratives as a defensive political and information warfare screen that silences critics and smears supporters of President Trump," Higgins said.

"When people in the media question the behavior, actions and decisions of the Trump administration’s opponents, they are immediately said to be ‘working for the Russians’ or ‘supporting Russian propaganda.’"

Additionally Americans who support the president are deemed "deplorable" and "racist."

"Attacks on President Trump are not just about destroying him, but also about destroying the vision of America that lead [sic] to his election," Higgins said.

Higgins concluded the memo by noting that defending the president is a defense of the United States. "In the same way President Lincoln was surrounded by political opposition both inside and outside of his wire, in both overt and covert forms, so too is President Trump.

"Had Lincoln failed, so too would have the Republic. The administration has been maneuvered into a constant backpedal by relentless political warfare attacks structured to force him to assume a reactive posture that assures inadequate responses. The president can either drive or be driven by events; it’s time for him to drive them."

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EXCLUSIVE: Soros-Funded Activist And His Group Try To Undercut LAPD

An activist that was paid by George Soros’ foundation to “challenge Los Angeles Police Department surveillance” has vowed to shut down the LAPD’s drone program before it gets off the ground. After the LAPD presented police commissioners with plans to move forward with an “unmanned aerial system” earlier this week, Hamid Khan ignited a disruption of shouts and chants that quickly turned the boardroom into an unlawful assembly, as declared by an officer on the scene. One protester warned, “civil war is coming.”

“The LA Police Commission rubber stamped building the program that will give LAPD much more firepower and surveillance capacity to brutalize and stalk our communities,” Khan said. “We have the power to stop it and we will.”


Khan has been studying the LAPD’s surveillance, infiltration, and wiretapping techniques for at least six years. In 2011, he created the Stop LAPD Spying Coalition after receiving a paid fellowship from Soros’ Open Society Foundations to work on so-called “criminal justice reform” issues. Since then, it has become part of an interwoven conglomerate of anti-police activist groups that coalesce to dismantle law enforcement in Southern California. Allies include Black Lives Matter-Los Angeles, the local branch of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and several Soros-affiliated community-based organizations that are familiar faces to the Los Angeles Police Protective League (LAPPL), which represents rank-and-file LAPD officers.

“It’s time for the conspiracy theorists and professional protesters to stop obstructing every effort we make to keep Angelenos safe,” the union recently said in a statement.

Khan’s Stop LAPD Spying Coalition shares an address with the Los Angeles Community Action Network (LACAN) — a non-profit with direct ties to Soros, operating on money that trickles down from his foundation. Dr. Melina Abdullah, the lead organizer for the Los Angeles chapter of Black Lives Matter, sits on LACAN’s board of directors.

“We must disrupt systems of oppression that continue to surveil and oppress communities of color,” said Pete White, LACAN’s executive director, who is also a member of Black Lives Matter-LA. “We say disrupt, divest, and abolish values that suggest public safety rests in the hands of police.”

Ironically, LACAN also receives funding from a foundation led by a current LAPD commissioner, which once honored Khan as an up-and-coming organizer — opening the door for his Soros fellowship.

Now Khan leads a resistance whose mission includes “the dismantling of government-sanctioned spying and intelligence gathering.” He insists there are “no circumstances” under which law enforcement should use drones.

As the Los Angeles Times reports:

The LAPD’s vision, if approved by the Police Commission, is to fly a small drone – measuring about a foot long and 7 ½ inches tall – during incidents such as standoffs with hostage-takers or barricaded suspects, bomb scares, or shootings where a gunman is still targeting people. The devices could help gather crucial information as such situations unfold, without putting officers at risk, Assistant Chief Beatrice Girmala said.

The LAPD would draw up strict criteria before flying drones, she said. Each use would require the approval of a high-ranking department official and would be documented in a written report to ensure that the rules were followed, she said.

The LAPD plans to hold public meetings and draft guidelines that must be approved by the Police Commission before the drones can be flown.

Khan’s coalition has been described as “working to build a grassroots movement.” However, drone opposition might not be as widespread as some media reports have conveyed. Stop LAPD Spying Coalition launched the “Drone-Free LAPD/No Drones LA!” campaign in 2014 to mobilize the community by “holding rallies, demonstrations, and press conferences,” but some outlets identify the coalition and campaign as two separate groups when, in fact, they are one in the same. The No Drones LA! Twitter account has not tweeted since 2014.

“We’re going to fight this; we’re going to fight it until the very end,” Jamie Garcia, a member of Stop LAPD Spying Coalition, cautioned police commissioners. “These drones will be destroyed, and they’ll be grounded. You won’t even purchase them. So just drop the idea. It’s not going to happen.”

Follow Jeffrey Cawood on Twitter @Near_Chaos.

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INSANE Congresswoman Calls NRA And Dana Loesch ‘Domestic Security Threats’

On Thursday night, Rep. Kathleen Rice (D-NY) called the National Rife Association (NRA), which represents over 5 million Americans, and organization spokeswoman Dana Loesch, “domestic security threats.”

The NRA and Dana Loesch “are quickly becoming domestic security threats under President Trump,” wrote Rep. Rice in a Twitter post. “We can’t ignore that.”

Loesch, not one to stay silent against slanderous attacks, asked the congresswoman for an explanation of her tweet. “Hi Congresswoman, can you explain why you say I and millions of members are “domestic security threats?” Thank you,” she wrote.

Rice has yet to respond to Loesch, or post anything for that matter.

“Rephrase: An elected gov’t official just labeled me and millions of others ‘domestic security threats.’Wow,” clarified the spokeswoman for the pro-Second Amendment group.

Loesch also quipped:

As you might suspect, calling 5 million-plus Americans a threat to their own country didn’t sit well with the public, either. NRA members and Second Amendment supporters were quick to slam the congresswoman for her irresponsible and outrageous claim.

Others pointed out Rep. Rice’s soft language on actual national security threats, like vicious and murderous gang MS-13.

Dana pointed out the same during an appearance on NRATV:

Loesch was recently targeted by left-wing journalists after they incorrectly claimed the spokeswoman threatened to “fist” The New York Times, when Loesch actually said “fisk.” At least one journalist, Yashar Ali, apologized for his mistake.

Before firing-off her inflammatory tweet, Rice accused the NRA of racism for staying “silent” on the death of Philando Castile, a black man who was fatally shot by a police officer last summer.

Last month, Loesch, speaking on behalf of the organization, said, in part:

I don’t agree with every single decision that comes out from courtrooms of America. There are a lot of variables in this particular case, and there were a lot of things that I wish would have been done differently. Do I believe that Philando Castile deserved to lose his life over his [traffic] stop? I absolutely do not. I also think that this is why we have things like NRA Carry Guard, not only to reach out to the citizens to go over what to do during stops like this, but also to work with law enforcement so that they understand what citizens are experiencing when they go through stops like this.

Rep. Rice is currently a member of the House Committee on Homeland Security and the Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence.

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Former MI5 Boss: UK Facing Thirty Years of Islamist Terror Threat

Former MI5 Boss: UK Facing Thirty Years of Islamist Terror Threat

11 Aug, 2017
11 Aug, 2017

The Britain people should prepare for the threat from Islamist attacks to continue for another three decades, a former MI5 chief has said.

Lord Evans said the scale of the threat was “severe” and a “generational problem” that the UK needed to “persevere” to defeat.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, he warned: “We’re at least 20 years into this. My guess is that we will still be dealing with the long tail in over 20 years’ time.

“I think this is genuinely a generational problem. I think we are going to be facing 20 to 30 years of terrorist threat and therefore we need, absolutely critically, to persevere.”

At the end of May, Government sources said there are at least 23,000 jihadists in Britain with 500 being subject to active investigations led by MI5.

Since 2013, there have been 19 attempted attacks on Britain, with a number successfully claiming lives, including Westminster, London Bridge, and Manchester.

Lord Evans added: “There’s no doubt that we are still facing a severe terrorist threat but I think it’s also important to put this in a slightly longer context, because, right the way back from the 1990s, we have been experiencing difficulties from Islamist terrorists of one sort or another.

“Over that period, the threat has come and gone but the underlying threat has continued.

“Since 2013, there have been 19 attempted attacks that have been disrupted and even since the attack at Westminster we are told there have been six disruptions, so this is a permanent state of preparedness.”

In 2015, it was reported that the Muslim population of England and Wales had nearly doubled in 10 years, and a significant proportion is sympathetic to radical views. There is also a growing threat from terrorists trained abroad.

Twenty-seven per cent of British Muslims polled in 2015 said they had sympathy with the attacks on Charlie Hebdo – the French satirical magazine that published cartoons of the Muslim prophet Muhammed.

A further 78 per cent supported punishment for the publication of cartoons featuring Muhammed and 68 per cent backed the arrest and prosecution of British people who “insult Islam”.

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‘He can’t be blamed for all this’: Al Gore defends Donald Trump on North Korea crisis he inherited

Climate change activist and former Vice President Al Gore gave an interview to Newsweek on Friday, and when asked his thoughts on President Donald’s Trump’s promise of “fire and fury” on North Korea, he gave a shocking response.

Though Gore called the warning to North Korea “intemperate” and “really unwise,” he did absolve the commander in chief of any wrongdoing in exacerbating tensions between Washington and Pyongyang.

“I think it’s only fair to point out [Trump] inherited this crisis,” Gore said. “The previous three presidents were not able to find an adequate solution [to the North Korea crisis], so he can’t be blamed for all this.

“He has a secretary of defense and national security adviser, both of whom are immensely respected,” Gore said. “I hope he will listen to them, and I hope their cooler heads will prevail.”

Gore also spoke of Trump’s decision in June to pull the U.S. out of the Paris accord, a climate agreement, but didn’t say a negative word about Trump.

Asked about the decision, Gore said, “I was worried when Donald Trump made that speech [announcing the withdrawal] it would have a negative effect. I was worried that some other countries might pull out and use him as an excuse. But that didn’t happen. The very next day the entire world redoubled their commitments to the agreement.”

Despite Trump’s withdrawal, however, Gore still has hope for the U.S. and its role in the Paris accord.

“It looks like the U.S. will meet its commitments under the Paris Agreement regardless of Trump,” Gore said. “A new president could just give 30 days’ notice and legally the U.S. would be back in.”

Not one Republican lawmaker showed up at Paramount and Participant Media's special Washington, D.C., screening of Al Gore's climate change documentary, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, for Capitol Hill. All 535 members of Congress were invited to the July 19 event, held less than two miles from the U.S. Capitol at the Newseum. Gore, who did a long stint in Congress before serving as U.S. vice president under Bill Clinton, hosted the gathering, which did succeed in drawing scores of Democrats. An Inconvenient Sequel, a follow up to Gore's blockbuster 2006 documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, opens in select theaters Friday and arrives on the big screen as the Trump administration continues to dispute that man-made pollution is causing global warming. On June 1, Gore, along with leaders around the globe, were stunned when President Donald Trump pulled the U.S. from the Paris Climate Accord. Gore's film, which was produced and financed by Participant Media, follows Gore at the Paris

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Alert: Google “Revising” History… Try Searching This US President

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Even George Orwell would be stunned by this.

The liberals at Google have been making a lot of news lately for all the wrong reasons: Firing an honest engineer who wrote a memo stating the obvious about women in the engineering field; letting political biases skew their search results the company gives its users.

But flat-out lying about Abraham Lincoln is something no American could have expected.

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But that’s just what the world’s most popular search engine is doing when users type in a question about the nation’s 16th – and most revered – president.

And it’s lying about one of the most basic facts that are known about the first Republican Party president, besides his being assassinated and freeing the slaves.

If a Google user types in the question “What political party did Abraham Lincoln belong to?” the answer is absolutely astounding – and it’s not the one that every schoolchild learns.

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The National Union Party? Sure, that was the name the Republican Party adopted for the election of 1864, when Lincoln was facing a re-election challenge from Democrat and former Gen. George McClellan.

It’s an election Lincoln might have lost, too, if it had not been for Union victories in the field of battle – especially the fall of Atlanta the September before the voting.

But no American learns that Abraham Lincoln was the nominee of the National Union Party, because that wasn’t how he got elected to the presidency in the first place.

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Lincoln was a Republican, the nominee of the party that was literally founded to ensure the end of slavery in the United States and the consequent emancipation of blacks in slavery in the Democrat states of the South.

Trying to wipe away that history is apace with the mainstream media’s complicity with the Democrat Party today in trying to paint Republicans as the party opposed to civil rights for all Americans. However, that is simply not the case.

Manipulating history — or attempting to do so — for current political goals is common in totalitarian, socialist societies. It was such an obsession in the Soviet Union that when Orwell wrote his magnificent “1984,” predicting where socialist dictatorships would eventually lead Western civilization, he made his chief character a man who rewrote history for a living.

In the world Orwell envisioned, the ruling socialists would make inconvenient historical facts disappear down “memory holes,” to be replaced by historical fiction more in line with the political demands of the totalitarian rulers.

But trying to pretend Abraham Lincoln was something other than a Republican?

Even Orwell would have been stunned.

H/T RedFlag News

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via Conservative Tribune

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