As KJU Stomps His Feet, Trump Sends in Invasion Force
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Kim Jong Un is continuing to shout harsh words and make threats against the United States, but he’s beginning to look a bit like a crazy man shaking his fist at an approaching thunderstorm.
As the North Korean dictator’s tantrums seem more desperate each day, President Trump has doubled down on the U.S. military’s presence in Asia.
This week, the USS Theodore Roosevelt began steaming from its home port of San Diego toward the Korean Peninsula… and it’s carrying about 7,500 battle-ready U.S. Marines.
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According to The Daily Star, the mission of the Roosevelt is to back up American forces and their allies near North Korea.
“The US Navy carrier strike group is the most versatile, capable force at sea,” explained Admiral Steve Koehler.
“After nearly a year of training and integration exercises, the entire team is ready as a warfighting force and ready to carry out the nation’s tasking,” he continued.
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It’s possible that “the nation’s tasking” could include the “storm” that Trump mentioned during a new event last week. What exactly the president meant by that has been the subject of much speculation, but there’s no doubt that nearly 8,000 Marines would bring plenty of fury with them if they were deployed.
The USS Theodore Roosevelt won’t be alone in the Korean region. The equally formidable aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan is already conducting operations near Japan and Korea.
Two nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in the same area is a dramatic show of power, and those two mighty ships could form the basis of a military operation against the Kim regime if the time for talk finally passes.
The world cannot afford nuclear missiles in the hands of a madman like Kim Jong Un. If he continues down his current path, he will have to answer to one force: The United States military.
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H/T Zero Hedge
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via Conservative Tribune
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