WATCH: Anti-Trump Protester Disrupts Disney’s ‘Hall of Presidents’ Attraction

WATCH: Anti-Trump Protester Disrupts Disney’s ‘Hall of Presidents’ Attraction

An anti-Trump protester proudly heckled the animatronic of President Trump at Walt Disney World and posted a video of his “protest” to social media this week.

Jay Malsky, an actor and comedian, created a scene at Walt Disney World’s Hall of Presidents attraction earlier this week, much to the confusion of families in attendance. Right before the animatronic of President Trump was started to speak, Malsky started a series of “Lock him up” chants.

Malsky immediately faced a backlash on social media after he decided to share the video he recorded of his protest.

In a comment to The Wrap, Malsky argued that anyone who is concerned that his “protest” disrupted a family vacation can “check their privilege.”

“Anyone that’s upset I disrupted a family vacation can check their privilege and consider getting mad about the thousands of children being taken away from their parents because of Trump’s racist immigration policies, or the families of the hundreds of trans Americans murdered each year by transphobic and homophobic people, or the negative impacts of the tax bill on poor and middle-income Americans,” he said.

Malsky then praised Walt Disney World security for treating him professionally when they were escorting him from the show building. “Disney security is amazing and they do a great job protecting the millions of people who frequent their parks every day,” he explained. “They could not have been more professional and courteous to me once they made sure I wasn’t a legitimate threat to anyone.”

Malsky said that he chose to “protest” the Trump animatronic because he will “never get this close in real life probs.” Once Malsky’s chant began, audience members audibly began to express their frustration with his decision to interrupt the show.

Malsky justified scaring some of the children in attendance by arguing that President Trump’s immigration policies do more significant harm to children.

“Probably more scared than the children being taken away from their parents due to @realDonaldTrump’s inhumane immigration policies,” he wrote in a tweet. “Or more scared than a trans kid who fears getting murdered for being who they are. Or a sick child who has just lost access to healthcare.”


via Breitbart News

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