Democrats Rush to Pre-Blame Russian Hacking for Election Losses

To think that it was mere months ago that the Democrats had a full head of steam and the wind in their sails as they headed toward that epic wipeout of Republicans in this year’s midterm elections.

The “Blue Wave” was going to hit America as a perfect political storm of biblical proportions according to all of the same hacks in the media who predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide in 2016.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the annihilation. The Democrats – as they are prone to do – have entered self-destruct mode and those huge majorities in both houses of Congress don’t look like the slam dunk that they once did.

If the Dems fail to win big in November then there goes that promise of impeachment that they have oversold to the masses of asses that comprise their moronic base and with that, the energy is sucked out of #theResistance bubble putting 2020 in jeopardy as well.

So now we have the hysterical warnings that the Russians are going to meddle in the elections again because when your base gobbles up bullshit biscuits and bets for more, why even bother telling the truth that the Democrats are a party bereft of ideas and run by incompetents.

The Dems got even more horrible news that their best-laid plans are going awry via a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll that for the first time, shows them trailing to a generic Republican in the midterms.

So what are the Dems to do?

Easy, they quadruple-down on the Russian election hacking scam and use a rehashed NBC news story as the basis for demanding new action from the feds to protect the integrity of the process. This way should the Democrats blow it – which is looking increasingly likely – then they can just fall back on the same “the dog ate my homework” excuse that they have been using to explain away the voters’ rejection of Hillary Clinton in 2016.

According to Reuters “U.S. Democrats push $1 billion bill for election security”:

Congressional Democrats introduced legislation on Wednesday that would provide more than $1 billion to boost cyber security of U.S. voting systems, and Vice President Mike Pence defended the administration’s efforts to protect polls from hackers.

The measure followed warnings on Tuesday from U.S. intelligence officials that midterm races in November are likely to see renewed meddling from Russia and possibly other foreign adversaries.

“We cannot let the Russians laugh about and take joy in the success they had in the last election,” Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic leader in the House of Representatives, told a news conference. “Their goal is to undermine democracy.”

In putting herself at the forefront of this latest farce, Pelosi is in essence buying herself an insurance policy in the event that all of her efforts to make everything about opposing Trump blow up in her face and she faces a revolt from younger Democrats.

This way she is able to easily blame it on the Russians. It is astounding to watch this party continue to disintegrate from one that not that long had actual ideas (even if they were wrong-headed) into a collection of conspiracy cranks, race-baiters and identity politics extremists.

At some point the blame Putin excuse is going to stop being effective, signs are already appearing that they have flogged that particular donkey to death.


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