Woman Accuses Cop of Racism, But Bodycam Footage Proves She’s a Liar

This time, a camera trumped the race card.

A South Carolina woman who apparently hoped to gin up some sympathy in Black Lives Matter circles after a routine traffic stop in Virginia is finding out the hard way that when cops wear bodycams, they might end up showing what really happened.

And what really happened in Dawn Hilton-Williams’ case was nothing like what she tried to pretend.

In a 12 minute Facebook video, recorded shortly after an April 27 traffic stop in rural Brunswick County, Virginia, 50-year-old Hilton-Williams painted her roadside interaction in the most dangerous terms.

“I was just bullied by a racist cop who threatened to pull me out of the car,” a sometimes tearful Hilton-Williams said on the Facebook Live video.

“This is where we got lynched. This is where we got lynched, even in today’s (world).”

Hilton-Williams claimed not to have known how fast she was going above the speed limit, and said the deputy was such a “bully” that she was in fear of her life.

Check it out here. (Warning: It’s almost 12 minutes long. It won’t take more than a few minutes to get the gist of it.)

According to WTVR, a CBS affiliate in Richmond, Hilton-Williams’ video was shared more than 800 times, and brought enough attention that Brunswick County Sheriff Brian Roberts decided to release video footage from the bodycam worn by the sheriff’s sergeant who pulled Hilton-Williams over.

Let’s just say it doesn’t quite match Hilton-Williams’ story (partial transcript below). In fact, Hilton-Williams story doesn’t even come close to a true recounting of events.

Check out it out here. (Note: At about the 1-minute mark, you might want to skip to about 4:40. The sergeant is just processing the ticket.)

Here’s a partial transcript of the end of the conversation after the sergeant returned to Hilton-Williams’ vehicle. Does this cop sound like a “bully”?

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Hilton-Williams: “I will not be paying this ticket.”

Sergeant: “If you don’t want to prepay it, you’ll have to come to court on June 6th at 10:30.”

Hilton-Williams: “I’ll hire an attorney.”

Sergeant: “I need you to sign right here.”

Hilton-Williams: “I’m not going to sign that ticket.”

Sergeant: “Uhh ma’am, OK.

Hilton-Williams: I don’t have to sign it.”

Sergeant: “So ma’am.”

Hilton-Williams: “But I appreciate it.”

Sergeant: “Hold on… So, what you are signing here is a promise to either come to court or promise to prepay. It is not an admission of guilt. It’s only a promise to me that you’re going to get it taken care of by either coming to court or prepaying it. If you refuse to sign the summons at this point, I’m gonna have to get you out of the side of the police car, place you under arrest and take you in front of a magistrate. I will get your vehicle towed and go from there. So, yes ma’am you do not have a choice…”

Hilton-Williams: “My cousin is on the phone.”

Sergeant: “I don’t care about that. I don’t care who’s on the phone. I’m talking to you right now. You do not have a choice but to sign the summons. See thank you. I knew you was gonna sign it. I appreciate it very much and you have a safe day. OK, thank you.”

Do you think the country has seen too many of these kinds of false complaints?

That wasn’t exactly “Birth of a Nation” was it? If anything, it was a tribute to the

kind of professionalism

Americans respect in their law enforcement officers.

There’s no way of knowing how sincere Hilton-Williams really was when she recorded that Facebook video. Everyone’s perceptions of a given encounter will be different. But from the evidence, it looks like she has precious little regard for the truth of the situation.

The problem here is really that if she has not been conditioned herself to belief that some sort of state of war exists between American law enforcement and blacks, she certainly thinks her viewers have been conditioned that way. She thought her viewers would believe it.

And if the sheriff’s sergeant in this case not been wearing a body camera that proves just how distorted Hilton-Williams story was, the country might well have been in another Starbucks-like vortex of he-said/she said.

Fortunately, though, the sergeant was wearing a bodycam.

And in this case, the camera trumped the race card.

Hands down.

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via Conservative Tribune

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