Liberal Celebrities Demand Justice for Hamas-Backed Rioters

The liberal Twitterverse has been having another meltdown over the U.S. embassy moving to Jerusalem. Now many of them are continuing their narrative of Trump as head of a mob family, whose political ties to Israel, another totalitarian regime, are putting the poor Palestinian people at risk.

Here’s another list of progressive celebs freaking out over the deaths of Palestinians at the Israel/Gaza border. Because the best way to be belligerent towards conservatives and Israel supporters, is to scream injustice on behalf of terrorist-backed militants on a suicide mission to get across a sovereign nation’s border.

Geez, do we really have to side with the terrorists on this one?

Daily Show co-creator Lizz Winstead, while not an active member of Hamas, seemed to be doing an excellent job of embracing the terror group’s propaganda. The impassioned humanitarian tweeted: “Fuck what is happening in Gaza. It is horrifying. It is a massacre. It should be tolerated by no one.” Now, many would agree that it is a tragedy what is going on, but not only at the hands of the Israelis, which is what she is implying. She retweeted MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, who implied that maybe it’s US and Israel policy to allow the killing of innocent protesters.

That would be problematic if not for the fact that these “unarmed” protesters are causing violence and chaos at the behest of Hamas, despite the multiple non-lethal warnings of Israeli guards at the border. Still, will no one look into the fact that Hamas has been quite open about its tactics on this one?

Well Judd Apatow certainly didn’t seem to get it. He tweeted: “Our country is part of the dehumanization of the Palestinian people and we must not lose our humanity. Remember when Trump always talked about Isis chopping heads. But there are no tears for these people and these children.”

And the always well-spoken and not crazy Bette Midler showed her balanced opinion on the subject, tweeting, “Fifty-two people die in protest over moving American Embassy to Jerusalem. Thanks, asshole! Your uninformed and demented actions have consequences!” Yes, you’re right. Thousands of these people attacked armed border patrols with slingshots and burning tires as directed by an extremist group. How dare anyone say they deserved consequences of their own!

Of course, Rosie O’Donnell couldn’t go two seconds without a gleeful barrage at the Trump family. She asserted that there was “US-sanctioned murder” afoot in Gaza on Monday, “as dumbshit barbie and ken [Kushner and Ivanka] smiled for the cameras — horror — pure horror — What has the US become under this lunatic #TrumpCrimeFamily.”

Jeffrey Wright, one of the stars of HBO’s violent, murder-happy staples, Westworld, also complained about Netanyahu’s claim that the embassy unveiling marked a “glorious day.” He stated that “Regardless of your position, that’s a heavy devaluation of Palestinian life.”

Honestly though, what kind of raving liberal wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to blame any bloodshed on Donald Trump? Still, it’s crazy to think that they would go so far as to condemn a US president instead of the openly bloodthirsty Hamas who is inspiring this chaos, especially when he’s just acting on a promise made 60 years ago.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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CNN Crank Posts Trump Assassination GIF – Blames Default Gif Generator

CNN Crank Posts Trump Assassination GIF – Blames Default Gif Generator

CNN’s Chris Cillizza posted, and later deleted, a GIF of President Donald Trump that appeared to show Trump in the cross hairs of a sniper rifle scope as he spoke Tuesday morning at the annual National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service held on the grounds of the Capitol in Washington, D.C.

Cillizza captioned the image with the line “killed in the line of duty”

“Donald Trump, pointing to heavens to commemorate police officers killed in the line of duty”

The image was captured by Sundance at the Conservative Treehouse.

Cillizza deleted the Trump assassination image and posted a ‘who me?’ explanation blaming a default GIF generator image, “I’ve deleted a GIF about President Trump. We use @GifGrabber to make our GIFs and it defaults to the image below as a first frame. To clear up any unintended confusion, I’ve removed the tweet.”

A Twitter user recorded the entire gif:


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Starbucks, Amazon Panic After Leftist Seattle City Council Passes Crippling ‘Head Tax’

Starbucks and Amazon might be well-known for their thinly veiled leftist agendas, but the pair or mega-corporations are sounding mighty . . . conservative . . . following Seattle’s decision to raise taxes on the city’s corporate residents in order to pay for affordable housing and "homeless services."

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California State Professor: “Don’t Call The Police On Black People”…

Because it’s racist, even if they’re committing a crime.

Via Daily Wire:

On Saturday, California State University Los Angeles Professor Melina Abdullah tweeted out a clarion call to Americans: stop calling the police on black people.

Now perhaps she meant that you shouldn’t call the police on somebody just because they’re black — which, of course, is correct. You shouldn’t call the police on somebody based on an immutable characteristic, rather than based on criminal behavior. That’s racism.

But then she clarified: you should never call the police.

Keep reading…

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Taxpayer-Funded Childcare Fraud Scheme Appears to Fund Terrorists

Somali soldiers patrol near the site where Al Shebab militants carried out a suicide attack / Gatty Images


Millions of taxpayer dollars appear to be going to support terrorists in the Middle East and Africa by using childcare centers as fronts, according to an investigation in Minnesota.

Local Fox affiliate Fox 9 KMSP tracked the flow of the money and found it was going to parts of the world that raised serious red flags.

The investigation revealed suitcases with millions of dollars, an estimated $100 million in 2017 alone, have been taken through Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport and to destinations in the Middle East and Africa, including parts of Somalia controlled by the Al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group al-Shabaab.

The funds have originally come from daycare centers that receive funding from the government for child care benefits. However, the daycare centers in many cases are not actually watching children, with video footage from outside one center showing a mother taking children in, only to leave minutes later. The center billed the government as though the children were there all day. Another video appears to show a payment from a man to a mother as a cut for her assistance with the scheme.

The money appears to be moved by “hawalas,” people who carry out the transfer of money to people from the United States to places where there is no formal banking system. After the money is brought out of the country, it is often brought to relatives. Glen Kerns, a retired Seattle Police detective and former member of the FBI’s joint terrorism task force, said at least some of the money is going to al-Shabaab and other terrorist groups.

“I talked to a couple of sources who had lived in that region and I said, ‘If money is going to this Hawala do you think it is going to al-Shabaab?'” Kerns said. “And he said, ‘Oh definitely, that area is controlled by al-Shabaab, and they control the Hawala there.’”

A number of daycare centers in Minnesota are currently under investigation or being considered suspicious. In previous daycare fraud schemes in Minnesota, funds used to be transferred out of the United States electronically, but authorities cracked down on the practice.

Money may legally be carried out of the country in luggage, but it must be declared on government forms.

In response to the Fox 9 investigation, the Minnesota State Senate scheduled a hearing to take up the matter Tuesday.

via Washington Free Beacon

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Spike Lee Goes on Profane Tirade About Trump at Cannes Film Festival (VIDEO)

Spike Lee Goes on Profane Tirade About Trump at Cannes Film Festival (VIDEO)

Spike Lee launched into a profanity-laced tirade about President Donald Trump during a panel at Cannes Film Festival promoting  his film BlacKkKlansman.

The film director took aim at “right-wing bullshit” happening all over the world and called the president a “motherf-cker.”

Lee was especially outraged about Trump saying that there were good people on both sides of the deadly protests in Charlottesville last year.

“That motherfucker was given a chance to say ‘we’re about love and not hate,’ and that motherfucker did not denounce the motherfucking Klan, the alt-right, and those Nazi motherfuckers,” Lee said. “He could have said to the world, not [just] the United States, that we’re better than that.”

“We look to our leaders to give us direction, to make moral decisions,” he continued. “This bullshit is going on all over the world, this right-wing bullshit.”

Trump has repeatedly explained that he simply meant that not everyone who wants to defend the Robert E. Lee statue was a Nazi or white supremacist.

“I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups,” he said. “Not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch.”

“Many of those people were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee,” Trump said. “So this week, it is Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson is coming down. I wonder, is it George Washington next week? And is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You know, you really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop?”

Lee used footage of the car plowing into a crowd of protesters and causing the death of Heather Heyer in the film — with the blessing of her mother.

“I was not going to put that murder scene in the film without her blessing,” Lee said. “And Mrs Bro said, ‘Spike, I give you permission to put that in.’ So once I got permission I said, ‘Fuck everyone else, that motherfucking scene is staying in the motherfucking movie.’ Because that was a murder. Heather should be alive now.”

The “comedy” film is about a black Colorado Springs police detective named Ron Stallworth who infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan.  In the trailor for the film, members of the extremist group are seen shouting “America First” in reference to the Trump campaign.



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Onion Marinates in Hate: Bloodthirsty Israel Loves ‘Slaughtering’ Women, Babies

What’s happened to The Onion? The satirical news site on Monday and Tuesday descended into the muck of anti-Israel hatred. The Onion published three vile articles sliming the country as blood-thirsty killers of women and babies. Here are the headlines in the last 24 hours. See if you can spot the “funny” in this satire: “IDF Soldier Recounts Harrowing, Heroic War Story Of Killing 8-Month-Old Child.” 

Another: “Trump Fascinated By Israeli Cultural Tradition Of Mass Slaughter Of Protesters.” And another: “Netanyahu Announces Day Of Mourning For Fence Damaged In Yesterday’s Conflict.” 



Here’s some of the faux Israel Defense Forces (IDF) story: 

Describing the terrifying yet valiant experience to his fellow battalion members, Israel Defense Forces soldier Yossi Saadon recounted Tuesday his harrowing, heroic war story of killing an 8-month-old Palestinian child during a violent attack against protesters.

At press time, Saadon’s battalion commander informed him that he was submitting his name for the Medal of Valor, the IDF’s highest honor.

Gleefully slaughtering children gets into the worst kind of blood libel attacks.  

Here’s another Onion piece on Donald Trump being “fascinated” by the Jewish “custom” of murdering innocents: 

“It’s very beautiful, such a beautiful custom,” said Trump of the cherished Israeli pastime of mowing down unarmed Palestinians with rifle fire. 

Trump added he was “particularly moved” by the portion of the festivities that celebrated a 13-year-old Palestinian boy becoming a dead man.

In a story on Benjamin Netanyahu, The Onion reiterated the smear that Jews are gleeful murderers: “Sources confirmed Netanyahu concluded the solemn ceremony with a 21-gun salute fired directly into a group of Palestinian protesters.” 

In fact, many of the “protesters” threw rocks, set fires and, as even The Washington Post admitted, had weapons including an AK-47.         

So-called “fact checkers” have taken to “debunking” conservative Babylon Bee’s satire. Snopes told readers that, in fact, Planned Parenthood did not defend Bill Cosby. It obliviously informed that CNN hasn’t purchased an industrial-sized washing machine. Politifact breathlessly related that ISIS didn’t lay down its arms after Katy Perry encouraged world peace

Given this, will these fact checkers explain that Israel doesn’t, in fact, give medals for murdering infants? Will they tell readers that Donald Trump isn’t planning on slaughtering people like the Jews do (according to The Onion, anyway)? 

Given the rabidly anti-Israel tone that’s taken over The Onion, one wonders if Helen Thomas has returned from the grave and is now a staff writer at the “humor” site. 

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Twitter Will Suppress ‘Trolls’ Who Don’t Violate Rules

Twitter announced on Tuesday it will institute a new policy to crackdown on how visible allegedly bad tweets are on the site. Users who are believed to be engaging in “troll-like” behavior will be corralled into a “[s]how more replies” section while users deemed to be contributing to “healthy” conversations will be unaffected.

In a statement, Twitter’s VP of Trust and Safety Del Harvey and Twitter’s Director of Product Management, Health David Gasca wrote about the problem of addressing so-called “trolls” on the site. According to the statement, while some trolling can be good-natured, others “distort and detract from the public conversation on Twitter, particularly in communal areas like conversations and search.”

CEO Jack Dorsey (pictured here) said the “ultimate goal is to encourage more free and open conversation.” He said Twitter will be “[l]ooking at behavior, not content” in order to reduce trolling. He vowed to discuss the issue more in-depth on Periscope.

In his tweet, Dorsey shared a BuzzFeed article with the headline, “Twitter Is Going To Limit The Visibility Of Tweets From People Behaving Badly.” The subhead visible on Twitter read, “Act like a jerk, and Twitter will start limiting how often your tweets show up.”

The statement also claims that less than 1 percent of Twitter users are the majority of accounts that are reported to the site, but most of their content does not violate the rules. Therefore, in order to limit people’s interaction with those accounts, Twitter is implementing algorithms behind the scenes. Project Veritas released undercover videos in early January had raised the issue of “shadow banning” with a hidden-camera interview of a former Twitter engineer.

As the statement explains, the site will use “many new signals” that are “not visible externally” to rank tweets and hide from view tweets from users who are seemingly trolls:

There are many new signals we’re taking in, most of which are not visible externally. Just a few examples include if an account has not confirmed their email address, if the same person signs up for multiple accounts simultaneously, accounts that repeatedly Tweet and mention accounts that don’t follow them, or behavior that might indicate a coordinated attack. We’re also looking at how accounts are connected to those that violate our rules and how they interact with each other.

In order to see tweets from offending users, you will have to manually click the “[s]how more replies” feature and opt to see everything in your feed in your settings.

Speaking to Slate, Harvey elaborated that the site will allegedly decide who is negatively impacting a conversation by surveying how many complaints a user receives and if they are blocked or muted.

When questions about whether the policy will impact bots or real people, Harvey told Slate it will impact “accounts that are having the maximum negative impact on the conversation.”

Alarmingly, Harvey confirmed to Slate that the site will not allow users to know whether their accounts have been impacted by this new policy, leading them to apparently tweet into a void.

This method raises questions about who will be considered a troll. Considering Project Veritas videos showed Twitter employees discussing how to keep conservative personalities out of people’s feeds, and the Media Research Center’s “Censored!” report noted that 12 out of the 25 American Trust and Safety Council members are liberal organizations, the definition of a troll seems very subjective and ripe for the same kind of abuse it allegedly tries to stop.


via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Woman Accuses Cop of Racism, But Bodycam Footage Proves She’s a Liar

This time, a camera trumped the race card.

A South Carolina woman who apparently hoped to gin up some sympathy in Black Lives Matter circles after a routine traffic stop in Virginia is finding out the hard way that when cops wear bodycams, they might end up showing what really happened.

And what really happened in Dawn Hilton-Williams’ case was nothing like what she tried to pretend.

In a 12 minute Facebook video, recorded shortly after an April 27 traffic stop in rural Brunswick County, Virginia, 50-year-old Hilton-Williams painted her roadside interaction in the most dangerous terms.

“I was just bullied by a racist cop who threatened to pull me out of the car,” a sometimes tearful Hilton-Williams said on the Facebook Live video.

“This is where we got lynched. This is where we got lynched, even in today’s (world).”

Hilton-Williams claimed not to have known how fast she was going above the speed limit, and said the deputy was such a “bully” that she was in fear of her life.

Check it out here. (Warning: It’s almost 12 minutes long. It won’t take more than a few minutes to get the gist of it.)

According to WTVR, a CBS affiliate in Richmond, Hilton-Williams’ video was shared more than 800 times, and brought enough attention that Brunswick County Sheriff Brian Roberts decided to release video footage from the bodycam worn by the sheriff’s sergeant who pulled Hilton-Williams over.

Let’s just say it doesn’t quite match Hilton-Williams’ story (partial transcript below). In fact, Hilton-Williams story doesn’t even come close to a true recounting of events.

Check out it out here. (Note: At about the 1-minute mark, you might want to skip to about 4:40. The sergeant is just processing the ticket.)

Here’s a partial transcript of the end of the conversation after the sergeant returned to Hilton-Williams’ vehicle. Does this cop sound like a “bully”?

RELATED: Trump: Death Penalty for Cop Killers … ‘Bring it Forth’

Hilton-Williams: “I will not be paying this ticket.”

Sergeant: “If you don’t want to prepay it, you’ll have to come to court on June 6th at 10:30.”

Hilton-Williams: “I’ll hire an attorney.”

Sergeant: “I need you to sign right here.”

Hilton-Williams: “I’m not going to sign that ticket.”

Sergeant: “Uhh ma’am, OK.

Hilton-Williams: I don’t have to sign it.”

Sergeant: “So ma’am.”

Hilton-Williams: “But I appreciate it.”

Sergeant: “Hold on… So, what you are signing here is a promise to either come to court or promise to prepay. It is not an admission of guilt. It’s only a promise to me that you’re going to get it taken care of by either coming to court or prepaying it. If you refuse to sign the summons at this point, I’m gonna have to get you out of the side of the police car, place you under arrest and take you in front of a magistrate. I will get your vehicle towed and go from there. So, yes ma’am you do not have a choice…”

Hilton-Williams: “My cousin is on the phone.”

Sergeant: “I don’t care about that. I don’t care who’s on the phone. I’m talking to you right now. You do not have a choice but to sign the summons. See thank you. I knew you was gonna sign it. I appreciate it very much and you have a safe day. OK, thank you.”

Do you think the country has seen too many of these kinds of false complaints?

That wasn’t exactly “Birth of a Nation” was it? If anything, it was a tribute to the

kind of professionalism

Americans respect in their law enforcement officers.

There’s no way of knowing how sincere Hilton-Williams really was when she recorded that Facebook video. Everyone’s perceptions of a given encounter will be different. But from the evidence, it looks like she has precious little regard for the truth of the situation.

The problem here is really that if she has not been conditioned herself to belief that some sort of state of war exists between American law enforcement and blacks, she certainly thinks her viewers have been conditioned that way. She thought her viewers would believe it.

And if the sheriff’s sergeant in this case not been wearing a body camera that proves just how distorted Hilton-Williams story was, the country might well have been in another Starbucks-like vortex of he-said/she said.

Fortunately, though, the sergeant was wearing a bodycam.

And in this case, the camera trumped the race card.

Hands down.

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via Conservative Tribune

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