Cheesecake Factory Under Fire: Staff Attacks Man for Wearing MAGA Hat in Restaurant

This stuff is getting tougher to swallow.

A young black man trying to enjoy a Mother’s Day dinner with his girlfriend’s family at a Florida Cheesecake Factory is finding out firsthand that some discrimination complaints matter more than others.

And that a black man who supports President Donald Trump isn’t going to get much sympathy in the mainstream media.

According to an exclusive report by the conservative news site The Daily Wire, 22-year-old Eugenior Joseph made the mistake of thinking he had a right to a political opinion on Sunday when he entered the restaurant franchise at Miami’s Dadeland Mall.

He wore a pro-Trump “Make America Great Again” hat, which was apparently enough to make him a target of the restaurant’s staff.

The “welcome” he got wasn’t exactly what the family was looking for.

As The Daily Wire reported:

“According to multiple witnesses and Joseph’s own account, a woman who worked at the restaurant walked up to him and started pointing at his hat, signaling for the other employees to come over.

Does Cheesecake Factory owe this man more than a lame apology?

“Her finger was literally on top of his head, we were all looking at her like ‘what is happening?’ one witness told The Daily Wire. ‘She was pointing at him, calling her other coworkers, telling them to look at this guy wearing a Make America Great Again hat.’

“At that point, approximately a dozen or so employees approached the table and began making comments about the hat, with some saying they wanted to punch Joseph in the face. Witnesses also allege that some of the employees also referred to him as a ‘n—–‘ in their conversations among each other.

“‘So then all the employees started standing there, saying things out loud, like, ‘I’m going to knock his head in so hard his hat’s going to come off,’ the witness continued.”

Considering the state of race relations in the country today, that should be enough to spark protest marches, a nonstop stream of mainstream media commentary and maybe even a chainwide “standdown day” so every Cheesecake Factory employee can be instructed on the finer points of customer relations.

(Serving staff rule No. 1: Don’t threaten to knock guests’ heads in so hard their hats come off.)

RELATED: No ‘Credible Evidence’: Nunes Attacks Russia Investigation As Nothingburger

The incident was confirmed by an apology issued by the Cheesecake Factory chain on Monday that might have been just a little forced.

As The Daily Wire reported in a follow-up, the chain stated:

“No guest should ever feel unwelcomed in one of our restaurants and we are taking this matter very seriously. Upon learning of this incident, we immediately apologized to the guests in person. We are conducting an investigation and will take the appropriate corrective action.”

After the apology, the incident got grudging coverage from a few traditional outlets. (USA Today gave it a perfunctory seven paragraphs, for instance.)

It got sneering coverage from liberal outfits (like the puerile Miami New Times.)

But for the most part, it’s been ignored in a way the tale of two non-paying customers who ran into trouble at a Philadelphia Starbucks never was.

Fortunately, conservatives on social media were all over the story:

This one really hit it on the head, though:

Clearly, a still-unexplained dust-up at a Starbucks, where two black man couldn’t bring themselves to buy a cup of coffee for some reason, merits a full-court, Obama-era-style baring of America’s racist soul for the mainstream media.

Meanwhile, a documented, seemingly open-and-shut case of harassment perpetrated against a black supporter of the current president is either ignored by the mainstream media or outright mocked by liberal outlets.

Cheesecake Factory has already given much of America reason not to trust it, after six armed law enforcement officers were ordered out of one of the chain’s franchises in December 2016 because the chain has a policy against firearms in the premises. The company put out a lame apology then, too.

Cheesecake Factory can issue its half-hearted apologies, and the mainstream media can all but ignore a legitimate news story. But conservatives know what’s going on in the country.

And it’s getting tougher to swallow every day.

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Trump: Death Penalty for Cop Killers … ‘Bring it Forth’

Under President Barack Obama, there was a disconcerting rise in anti-police sentiment that led to a “war on cops” that many Americans believed was not sufficiently opposed by the Obama administration.

While that cop-hating sentiment still exists among some sectors of the populace, the same cannot be said of the Trump administration and how that “war on cops” is dealt with.

Indeed, then-candidate, now-President Donald Trump has routinely made it abundantly clear just how highly he regards the men and women of law enforcement who place their lives on the line to protect and defend their communities from dangerous criminals on a daily basis.

According to the Daily Caller, Trump strongly reiterated that pro-cop stance during his remarks Tuesday at the 37th Annual National Peace Officer’s Memorial Service in honor of fallen police officers.

The president used his remarks to call for the death penalty for those who intentionally kill police.

Trump first noted that this day was “one of the most important and solemn occasions of the year … the day we pay tribute to the law enforcement heroes — and that’s what they are, heroes — who gave their lives in the line of duty.”

“They made the ultimate sacrifice so that we could live in safety and peace,” the president said before offering up the heartfelt condolences and sympathy of the country to the families of those fallen officers.

Would you support the death penalty for criminals who deliberately murder cops?

Trump said his administration had vowed to protect and defend police officers, and noted that as of 2016, an officer was assaulted nearly every 10 minutes somewhere in America — a travesty he refused to let continue.

“We must end the attacks on our police, and we must end them right now,”  Trump said to resounding applause. “We believe criminals who kill our police should get the death penalty. Bring it forth.”

Following even more applause and cheers from the crowd, the president noted how “alarming” it was that “ambush attacks” were increasingly being used by criminals to assassinate police officers.

“I have directed the Justice Department to do anything within their power to defend the lives of American law enforcement,” Trump said.

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This is incredible declaration in support of the men and women in law enforcement from the president is one those who back the “thin blue line” have been longing to hear for quite some time.

There is no doubt that Trump holds a great deal of admiration and respect for the risks those men and women face day in and day out, and he has made it abundantly clear that he stands alongside them as they perform their duties to the community and the country.

Though the Supreme Court ruled in 1987 that mandatory death sentences were unconstitutional — and such a penalty certainly shouldn’t be applied in cases of self-defense or honest accidents — there is no good reason why hardened criminals who purposefully murder police officers in the line of duty shouldn’t face the death penalty in response to their despicable actions.

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No ‘Credible Evidence’: Nunes Attacks Russia Investigation As Nothingburger

For over a year now, Democrats and their liberal media allies have incessantly crowed about baseless and unproven allegations of “collusion” between then-candidate Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia during the 2016 election.

Those still unverified allegations spurred numerous different investigations into the matter dating back to 2016. Now, as the media-driven narrative continues to crumble by the day, it has been revealed that the FBI under the Obama administration may have planted an informant in the campaign to find collusion-related dirt on Trump.

That story was part of a discussion Tuesday morning on “Fox & Friends” with House Intelligence Committee chair Devin Nunes, who once again reiterated that there remains “no credible evidence” of any collusion between Trump and Russia.

Nunes began the conversation by noting that Glenn Simpson — founder of Fusion GPS, the political opposition research firm hired by Democrats to compile the anti-Trump dossier — had testified under oath to the committee, and later confirmed, that he was aware of a “source” within the campaign.

Nunes was asked what it would mean if there had indeed been a “spy” embedded in the campaign, to which he replied, “It will look badly on the Department of Justice and FBI on how they conducted this investigation.”

Co-host Steve Doocy pointed out that if the entire investigation had stemmed from information provided by a “secret source” embedded in the campaign, that would call into question the entire Trump-Russia collusion narrative and the resulting investigation.

“I think if the campaign was somehow set up, I think that would be a problem,” Nunes responded. “If there were somehow meetings that occurred and all this was a setup, because we have yet to see any credible evidence or intelligence that led to the opening of this investigation.”

Doocy remarked that it sounded an awful lot like what Nunes had described would mean that Trump had been “framed,” an assessment Nunes didn’t necessarily dismiss or disagree with.

Do you believe the Trump-Russia collusion narrative was a “setup” to frame Trump.

“First of all, I believe (the FBI) never should have opened a counterintelligence investigation into a political party,” Nunes stated. “Counterintelligence investigations are — very rarely do they happen, and when they do happen, you have to be very careful because you are using the tools of our intelligence services and relationships with other countries in order to spy on a political campaign … probably not a good idea.”

The conversation then shifted to a meeting Nunes and House Oversight Committee chair Trey Gowdy recently held with top DOJ officials in regard to sensitive information the committees were seeking about the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation, as well as an upcoming follow-up meeting on the same topic.

Recall that Nunes had to resort to a threatened impeachment of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in order to even facilitate that meeting, much less actually see the sensitive documents that had been requested.

Nunes made it clear that there weren’t any hard feelings on his part toward Rosenstein and suggested the deputy attorney general had a chance to clear up a lot of the confusion about how the whole investigation was started without revealing sensitive sources and methods.

Co-host Brian Kilmeade then noted that Trump had been “hamstrung by a process” for nearly two years. This process is preventing Trump from moving forward as president with his agenda, Kilmeade said.

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Nunes replied, “Well, if they never had any evidence of colluding with Russians then you have to ask yourself why did they open this investigation in the first place.”

Once again, for the umpteenth time, it has been publicly stated that after nearly two years of investigations, no evidence has been found to support the allegations of collusion between Trump and Russia.

The only logical explanation left means the entire Trump-Russia investigation was a political hit job by Democrats to try and keep their opponent out of office, or get him impeached once he was actually elected.

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Gap Apologizes for T-Shirt Chinese Communists Find Offensive

Though China, a major trading partner of the United States, is skeptically regarded as more of a friendly rival than a bitter enemy, it must be remembered that the nation is still ruled by a ruthless communist regime.

China’s totalitarian tendencies can be seen in how it’s leaned on Hollywood not to portray the nation poorly in movies. Moreover, China recently demanded that U.S.-based air carriers adopt the regime’s “Orwellian nonsense” with regard to language used to describe disputed territories like Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, according to Politico.

Now, China’s authoritarian bent has compelled clothing retail outlet Gap to issue an apology to the communist regime for having the gall to produce and sell T-shirts featuring a map of the nation that failed to include all of the disputed territories to which China lays claim, according to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

At issue was the fact that the map on the T-shirt failed to include the mountainous region of Tibet, the semi-autonomous breakaway island of Taiwan and the various islands in the South China Sea that the commies have claimed as their own.

The “geographical mistake” caused an uproar on China’s version of Twitter, known as Weibo, which prompted Gap to pull the item in question from their stores in the country.

Incredibly, Reuters even noted that the picture of the offending shirt which caused the uproar in the first place was actually taken at a Gap store in Canada, not in China.

“We were informed the design of a Chinese map on a Gap T-shirt sold in some overseas markets was incorrect,” the retail outlet said Tuesday in an official statement. “The product has been withdrawn from the Chinese market and completely destroyed.”

Do you think Gap should have printed more shirts instead of apologizing?

“Gap Inc. respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China. We’ve learned that a Gap brand T-shirt sold in some overseas markets failed to reflect the correct map of China. We sincerely apologize for this unintentional error,” the statement added.

While it would appear that Gap “respects the sovereignty and integrity” of what China claims as its territory, the same cannot be said for the “sovereignty and integrity” of those territories that dispute the claimed ownership of China, such as Taiwan and Tibet.

Consider Taiwan, which is largely populated by nationalists who fled the communist regime imposed decades ago by Mao Tse Tung. Today, the Tawainese have asserted themselves as an independent and sovereign nation of their own.

Recall the uproar that ensued and the hurt feelings that needed soothing when then-president-elect Donald Trump actually called the president of Taiwan, an incident that was framed as an affront to China by that nation’s commie apologists in the liberal U.S. media.

Then there is Tibet, a small nation nestled among the Himalayan mountain range, a portion of which China has claimed as part of its own massive country.

RELATED: Look Who Else Was Spotted in Chinese Dress Like Utah Teen Wore

Despite long-standing claims of independence by Tibet, the country has been ruthlessly subjugated against its will over the years by the harsh impositions of China.

This “mistake” and subsequent apology by Gap would be the equivalent of a clothing company in the late 1980s or early 1990s printing, selling and then withdrawing a shirt featuring a map of Soviet Russia that failed to include all of the other Soviet republics that were in the process of breaking away from the decades-long totalitarian grip of Moscow.

Essentially, a U.S.-based retailer that enjoys the fruits of capitalism just bowed to the whims of a communist regime that ruthlessly stifles any hint of free thought in those territories they oppress. Gap shouldn’t have apologized. Instead they should have printed more of the “offensive” shirts promoting freedom, independence and self-determination in the face of authoritarianism.

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Corrupt Obama-Appointed Deep State Judge Upholds Mueller’s Authority to Prosecute Paul Manafort

Corrupt Obama-Appointed Deep State Judge Upholds Mueller’s Authority to Prosecute Paul Manafort

US District Judge Amy Berman Jackson upheld Mueller’s authority to prosecute Paul Manafort after she dismissed a motion filed by Manafort’s lawyers Tuesday.

Amy Berman Jackson is an far left radical, Obama-appointed judge who is on Paul Manafort’s case involving charges of money laundering and failing to register as a foreign agent for a Ukrainian political party.

There is a second, separate case against Paul Manafort involving allegations of bank fraud stemming from a bail package Manafort submitted after his first indictment.

Judge T.S. Ellis is on the bank fraud case and has not yet issued a ruling on a similar motion filed by Manafort’s legal team.

Judge Ellis recently lost his temper on Mueller’s legal team, calling them liars and accusing them of using the case against Manafort to ‘get Trump ousted from office.’

Far left Politico reported:

A federal judge on Tuesday rejected former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s attempt to get an indictment against him dismissed by claiming that special counsel Robert Mueller’s appointment was flawed.

U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled that Mueller’s prosecution of Manafort on charges of money laundering and failing to register as a foreign agent for a Ukrainian political party fell “squarely” within the authority Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein granted Mueller last May.

Here is more on the corrupt, Obama-appointed, Judge Amy Berman Jackson via TGP’s Joe Hoft:

TGP reported two months ago that Obama appointed liberal activist Judge, Amy Berman Jackson, was assigned to the most important court case in US history.  Judge Jackson has a horrible far left record on the bench.  In 2013 Judge Jackson rejected arguments from the Catholic Church that Obamacare’s requirements that employers provide cost free coverage to contraceptive services is contrary to their religious beliefs and violated their religious and free speech freedoms.  This was overturned by the Supreme Court.

In 2017 Judge Jackson dismissed the wrongful death suit against Hillary Clinton filed by two of the families who lost loved ones in Benghazi. The families argued that Clinton had done little to help their sons and then lied to cover it up.

Then on January 19th of this year, a Paul Manafort’s case was reassigned to Judge Jackson on January 19th, a few weeks after being filed.

It is unknown why she was assigned to this case or by whom.

What is clear is that with her atrocious and slanted record to date, the Deep State and the Mueller team certainly wanted Judge Jackson overseeing the Manafort case and this is supported by her record to date.

Read more about Obama’s corrupt Deep State Judge Amy Berman Jackson here.


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McCarthy Trolls Pelosi With Video of Her ‘Endorsing’ Trump Tax Cuts

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) released a video Tuesday of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) "endorsing" the Republican tax cuts passed last year.

In the video, Pelosi discusses a hypothetically strong economy during a town hall in Arizona on Feb. 20, with clips of actual positive economic news spliced in following the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Mixed in with Pelosi’s statements are news items about increased investment, a majority of the country thinking the U.S. is doing well, the unemployment rate dropping below four percent, small business wage increases, and higher consumer confidence.

Pelosi is of course a fierce opponent of the tax cuts signed by President Donald Trump, calling the law a "tax scam" that acted as a giveaway to corporations and the rich. She’s frequently referred to bonuses doled out by companies in response to the slashing of corporate rates as "crumbs."

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Report: Pedophiles Using Livestreaming App to Lure Underage Girls into Child Porn

Report: Pedophiles Using Livestreaming App to Lure Underage Girls into Child Porn

Pedophiles are using a livestreaming app to lure underage girls into performing sex acts and distributing the explicit material of the girls as child pornography, according to a report.

KTTV reported that the pedophiles are using Live.Me, a popular Chinese livestreaming app, to feature streams of girls as young as seven or eight years old being manipulated into performing sex acts online.

The terms and conditions on Live.Me’s website state that children under the age of 13 are prohibited from using the app.

But KTTV investigated dozens of live streams posted on the website and found many of them featured underage girls.

One stream depicted an underage girl singing. When one viewer warned the girl in the comments to be wary of pedophiles, the pedophiles showed up in the video seconds later. Other girls took off their clothes at their viewers’ request.

Dr. Lisa Strohman, a practicing clinical psychologist and former FBI agent, called the site “a prostitution platform” for young women.

“I did homicidal pedophilia at the bureau, so I’ve seen a lot of really terrible things, but this terrifies me,” Dr. Strohman said. “For me, it’s like a prostitution platform, or turning into one.”

“It’s very clear these girls are creating sexualized dances in order to elicit a response,” she added. “They wanna get prices from people that they can turn into money.”

Chris Pavan, a computer forensics expert, told KTTV that other pedophiles not in the videos are also exploiting these young girls.

“The screen captures are being recorded to their computers,” Pavan said. “They’ll edit it down; they’ll generate something that is viewable by pretty much anybody’s computer, and then they upload it to a file-sharing site where an individual who wants to consume it can download it and has to pay some money for that file.”

Live.Me is not the only website where pedophiles prey on young children. Pedophiles are also using more mainstream social networking apps such as Snapchat to exploit minors for sex.

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The Atlantic: ‘Every Culture Appropriates’

The Atlantic: ‘Every Culture Appropriates’

In the aftermath of the Chinese prom dress controversy, a columnist for the Atlantic argued last week that nearly all cultures appropriate.

David Frum, a senior editor at the Atlantic, penned a column last week arguing that nearly all cultures appropriate ideas from each other. Frum was responding to an incident that unfolded on social media which centered on a high school student who wore a Chinese-influenced dress to her prom. The student received an instant backlash on Twitter after users began to accuse of her “cultural appropriation.”

Twitter exacerbated the controversy by promoting a Twitter Moment that included tweets from the student and her critics. But the “Chinese prom dress” was hardly the first controversy surrounding the notion of “cultural appropriation.” For example, back in 2015, students at Oberlin College accused the college’s dining hall of “cultural appropriation” over the choice of ingredients in certain ethnic food dishes such as General Tso’s chicken and Banh Mi Vietnamese sandwiches.

Frum made it clear in his column that all cultures borrow from other cultures. Because of this, it’s hard to accuse anyone of “cultural appropriation.”

The cultural appropriation police answer the yoga and banh mi objections with a familiar counter-argument: it’s about power. It’s fine for colonized Indians to incorporate European fitness regimes into their yoga; wrong for Canadians of European origin to incorporate yoga into their fitness regimes.

But the trouble with that argument is that — like culture — power also ebbs and flows. Customs we may think of as immemorially inherent in one culture very often originated in that culture’s own history of empire and domination. The Han Chinese learned to drink tea for pleasure from peoples to their south. The green flag of Islam was adapted from the pre-Islamic religions of Iran. The great west African kingdom of Benin acquired the metal for some of its famous bronze artworks by selling thousands of people as slaves to Portuguese traders.


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#MeToo demands of Spotify may end music as we know it

Those of you who use the music service Spotify may already be aware that they instituted a new policy wherein they are automatically removing the music of certain artists accused of sexual harassment or abuse from users’ playlists. These include such performers as R. Kelly and XXXTentacion, both of whom have had more than their fair share of allegations made against them. (Or convictions in some cases.) While this was seen as a step in the right direction by many in the #MeToo movement, a women’s group known as UltraViolet wasn’t satisfied. They generated an additional list of artists to also get the ax and criterion to identify even more. (LA Times)

In response to Spotify’s newly launched Hate Content and Hateful Conduct public policy, women’s advocacy group UltraViolet is calling on the streaming service to widen its net beyond R. Kelly and XXXTentacion, which were the first acts to see their music removed from promotional playlists.

UltraViolet, a national organization working on a range of issues including reproductive rights, healthcare, economic security, violence and racial justice, published an open letter Monday to Spotify head Daniel Ek, applauding a recent decision to pull Kelly and XXXTentacion’s music from playlists and algorithmic recommendations.

However, the group is also imploring that the policy be expanded to give the same treatment to the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nelly, Eminem, Don Henley, Steven Tyler, 6ix9ine and Chris Brown — acts that have been accused of abusing or harassing women.

Part of this has to do with allegations of real-world actions by some of these musicians. Others are commenting on inappropriate lyrics which “encourage” violence against women. When it’s the former, this is certainly understandable. If the charges are proven there’s no reason not to hold them accountable. When it’s simply allegations they should be looked into seriously. Some of them seem beyond question, such as the inclusion of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Their lead singer was convicted in court of indecent assault back in 1990. I was rather distressed to see Steven Tyler of Aerosmith on the list, not having heard much about allegations against him. And then there was, er… this. (I won’t unfold the details here.)

But how about musicians who perform songs with “questionable content”seen to encourage violence and sexual abuse of women as we measure such things in the Me Too era? Isn’t that the same as blaming video games for rising murder rates? And taking only a few moments to think about it we would probably be wiping out a significant portion of the male music industry with such a ban, including most of the genres. You might be striking a blow for Time’s Up, but you could leave us with nothing on the radio but Justin Bieber. (And maybe The Biebs doesn’t even get a pass.)

If you identify artists with credible claims against them of sexual assault and abuse, by all means feel free to try to chase them off Spotify or any other platforms. But when it comes to questionable lyrics, it’s probably better to educate everyone and let the free market render the verdict.

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