Cheesecake Factory Suspends Workers Who Verbally Abused Black Man In MAGA Hat

Via CBS:

The Cheesecake Factory says it has suspended workers involved in an incident in which a black customer reportedly was subjected to verbal abuse by restaurant staff over his “Make America Great Again” cap.

Eugenior Joseph, 22, was dining with his girlfriend’s family at a Cheesecake Factory restaurant in Miami on Sunday, when his red MAGA hat was spotted by a female staff member, according to the Daily Wire, which first reported the incident. After the woman encouraged her co-workers to confront Joseph, about a dozen Cheesecake employees surrounded his table, multiple witnesses told the conservative news site.

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Atlantic: Trump’s Immigration Polices Reshaping the GOP

Establishment Republicans are trying to beat populist GOP primary rivals by mimicking President Donald Trump’s pro-American immigration arguments, says a top editor at the Atlantic magazine.

In the May primaries, candidates “aggressively … sought to coopt these arguments,” writes Ronald Brownstein, the Atlantic‘s editorial director for strategic partnerships. He continued:

If there was a major GOP candidate in these primaries who did not loudly declare their support for building Trump’s border wall, I didn’t see it. Likewise, every major GOP candidate pledged to crack down on so-called “sanctuary cities,” which limit their cooperation with federal immigration-enforcement officials, and several pledged to constrict legal immigration.

The trend towards populist migration policies is nationwide, Brownstein laments in his article, which is titled “The Eroding GOP Resistance to Trump’s Immigration Agenda”:

… relatively more mainstream Republican candidates are holding off the anti-immigration vanguard by accepting much of their agenda. Only a handful of prominent Republicans, such as Arizona Senators Jeff Flake and John McCain, still publicly dissent. “There is not an obvious set of leaders to put a break on this,” said Simon Rosenberg, the founder of the Democratic advocacy group NDN, who has long studied the impact of demographic change on both parties.

Especially striking is that Republicans are stampeding toward this harder line not just in Rustbelt states like Ohio, West Virginia, and Indiana—which have few immigrants and little diversity. They’re also doing so in the Southwest states, where there are growing Latino and Asian American populations. Texas Governor Greg Abbot has signed legislation to punish sanctuary cities. At last weekend’s California Republican state convention, delegates flocked to a session encouraging local governments to join the Trump administration’s lawsuit against the state’s sanctuary law. And the Arizona Senate primary has been a race to the right on immigration.

However, Brownstein mistakes the establishment’s virtue-signaling about illegal immigration for support of Trump’s populist policies.

Trump’s four-part reforms go far beyond simply enforcing the popular laws against CEOs hiring illegal migrants.

His popular reforms include reducing the level of immigration by ending the visa lottery and chain-migration program, fixing the many loopholes that are used by migrants, cheap-labor employers, and their allied politicians to reduce Americans’ wages and salaries. He wants to build the wall to block crime and illegal migration, and also to celebrate Americans’ borders and distinctiveness in a world where globalists enforce “diversity” to erase national democracies, culture, economies and communities’ political clout.

Those populist policies have been embraced by some GOP primary winners, including populists in West Virginia and North Carolina, but are just mimicked by establishment GOP candidates.

Trump’s focus on imported labor, wages, and salaries is still taboo for establishment politicians. Instead, the establishment lines up with business groups to preserve the federal government’s economic strategy of growth-via-mass-immigration.

That economic policy has a had a huge impact on Americans since the 1990s, because it grows Wall Street and real-estate prices while also stalling or shrinking income for the vast majority of Americans and legal immigrants. In practice, mass immigration is an economic policy which shifts wealth from the young and poor to the old and wealthy.

The strength of that economic agenda is made clear by the establishment’s refusal to fight for Trump’s four-part reform agenda, or even to fund the border wall. In February 2018, for example, 14 business-first GOP Senators voted against Trump’s election-winning reforms. On May 11, House Speaker Paul Ryan claimed business is suffering from a labor shortage, called for a DACA amnesty without any reductions in chain-migration or ending the visa-lottery — and without any increase in wages.

Brownstein depicts those establishment GOP politicians as “mainstream Republicans” in line with skewed “Nation of Immigrants” push-polls:

polls consistently show that significantly more Americans believe immigration strengthens, rather than weakens, the country; the margin was greater than 2 to 1, for instance, in an NBC/Wall Street Journal survey released last September.

But alternative “choice” polls reveal most voters’ often-ignored preference that CEOs should hire Americans at decent wages before hiring migrants. Those Americans include many blue-collar Blacks, Latinos, and people who hide their opinions from pollsters.

Similarly, the 2018 polls show that GOP voters are far more concerned about migration — more properly, the economics of migration — than they are concerned about illegal migration and MS-13, taxes, or the return of Rep. Nancy Pelosi.

Unsurprisingly, the establishment media is doing its best to downplay the establishment’s closed-door fight to preserve the mass-migration economic strategy.

Brownstein declares, “the party has now clearly surrendered the wheel to Trump,” but the GOP leaders’ actions show they are still stepping on the brake as hard as they dare.


Four million Americans turn 18 each year and begin looking for good jobs in the free market.

But the federal government inflates the supply of new labor by annually accepting roughly 1.1 million new legal immigrants, by providing work-permits to roughly 3 million resident foreigners, and by doing little to block the employment of roughly 8 million illegal immigrants.

The Washington-imposed economic policy of economic growth via mass-immigration shifts wealth from young people towards older people, it floods the market with foreign laborspikes profits and Wall Street values by cutting salaries for manual and skilled labor offered by blue-collar and white-collar employees. It also drives up real estate priceswidens wealth-gaps, reduces high-tech investment, increases state and local tax burdens, hurts kids’ schools and college education, pushes Americans away from high-tech careers, and sidelines at least 5 million marginalized Americans and their families, including many who are now struggling with opioid addictions.



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Video – Jackie Mason Applauds Trump for U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem: ‘Something Nobody Ever Expected, He’s a Miracle Maker’

Video – Jackie Mason Applauds Trump for U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem: ‘Something Nobody Ever Expected, He’s a Miracle Maker’

In these trying times, Jackie Mason is the Voice of Reason.

In another exclusive clip for Breitbart News, Jackie lauded President Donald Trump for spearheading the move and the opening of the official United States embassy in Jerusalem.

The embassy opened some six months after President Trump announced his decision to relocate the U.S. embassy in December 2017.

“Today we follow through on this recognition and open our embassy in the historic and sacred land of Jerusalem and we’re opening it many, many years ahead of schedule,” President Trump said of the historic move, which was a major campaign promise.

Applauding the President, Mason said “He’s a miracle worker — Trump is a revolutionary. He does things that other people promise and never do.”

Jackie slammed Democratic lawmakers — namely Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) — all of whom failed to make an appearance during this week’s opening of the official United States embassy in Jerusalem.

“Where were the Democrats,” Jackie asked. “If it doesn’t any good, they never heard about it. It’s not their field. This is unbelievable. The flaw and the fakery of the Democrats and the brilliance of Trump… Obama couldn’t create in eight years what [Trump] did in a month.”

Watch Jackie’s latest above.

Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter @jeromeehudson

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GROSS: NAACP President’s Claims He Was Racially Profiled by Police Officer — Cameras Prove He Lied (VIDEO)

GROSS: NAACP President’s Claims He Was Racially Profiled by Police Officer — Cameras Prove He Lied (VIDEO)

President of the Timmonsville, SC NAACP chapter, Rev. Jerrod Moultrie, claimed in a Facebook post he was racially profiled by a police officer during a traffic stop.

Body cam footage provided by the Timmonsville police department shows a different story. Oops.

Moultrie says in a Facebook post the police officer who pulled him over for failure to use a turn signal asked him if he had drugs in the car and wanted to know what he was doing in that particular neighborhood.

Screenshot of Moultrie’s since-deleted Facebook post via SCNow:

Body cam footage shows the officer who pulled over the NAACP official said no such thing and the Timmonsville Police Chief isn’t happy about Moultrie’s false allegations. 

SCNow reported:

In the body cam video, Officer Chris Miles tells Moultrie that the reason he came in contact with him is due to him not signaling when he made a right turn.

“That’s the only reason I’m coming in contact with you, OK?” Miles said in the video.

There was no mention of drugs in the body cam video. Miles did not question Moultrie about why he was in that particular neighborhood or make any mention of Bill Gates. He did suggest for Moultrie to not drive the car until he gets proper documentation because the registration came back to a 1992 GMC truck instead of a Mercedes car.

Timmonsville Police Chief Billy Brown said he was surprised when he heard of Moultrie’s allegations, as they were not of Miles’ character. Brown said he was out of the office when he heard of the allegations but immediately got his captain to look at the body cam video to see what happened.

“And my captain called me back and pretty much said chief, what he (Moultrie) said happened didn’t happen at all,” Brown said.

He said he accepted what the captain said but needed to see the video for himself, too.

Brown said Moultrie’s false allegations of racial profiling need to be made public.

“But I think by him being the president of NAACP for the Timmonsville area, that it needs to be out to the public for the simple reason, if and when something else happens, they need to be able to look at the credibility of who’s presenting it,” Brown said. “I mean, if he lied about this to us, he’ll lie about anything to anyone. I just don’t think we need his type of representation.”

Body cam VIDEO:


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Evangelical Christian Leaders Praise Trump and Thank Americans of Faith in Jerusalem

JERUSALEM, Israel — Leaders of the White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative gathered on a rooftop overlooking the Temple Mount on Tuesday to salute President Donald Trump’s success in moving the U.S. embassy to Israel’s capital city — and to thank the faith community for their role in making it happen.

The president created the Faith and Opportunity Initiative earlier this month under Executive Order 13831 “to assist faith-based and other organizations in their efforts to strengthen the institutions of civil society and American families and communities.”

Pastor Paula White, who is spearheading the initiative, praised the work that Christian and Jewish leaders had done to advocate for the embassy move. She also lauded the work of White House officials Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt, as well as U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman.

Ralph Reed, leader of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, called the embassy move “an incredible moment in history, something that we as Americans cherish.” He referred to Jerusalem as the “ancient, eternal, and indivisible capital of Israel.”

He also commented: “I don’t think that it was an accident that the first trip that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made … was to Israel.”

Former Rep. Michele Bachmann declared her “thanks and appreciation for the faithful rabbis and the faithful pastors who for the past decades faithfully preached the Word of God.”

She added: “Without that, there perhaps wouldn’t have been the political will to do this. President Trump acted out of his heart, I believe, and because of his love for the Jewish state, but also because the heart of the American people was with this move.”

Pastor Jim Garlow of California’s Skyline Church declared: “Where people know, love, and read the Bible, they stand with the Jewish people and the nation of Israel.”

He added: “Donald Trump does not come from amidst us. … [But] God knew what Israel needed.”

Later, he added: “You watch — he’ll be another Cyrus,” referring to the Biblical ruler of Persia, who permitted the Jews to return from exile to rebuild their temple.

“[Trump] has done more for religious liberty and Israel than any president we’ve ever had.”

Lourdes Aguirre of the Latino Coalition for Israel said that President Trump’s message in moving the U.S. embassy had been consistent with his message of peace.

She said that the humanitarian work Christians do in Syria, in coordination with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), is possible in part because of President Trump’s support.

“We are protected because the President of the United States stands for peace for all religions, for all faiths,” she said. “When our president came to the Middle East, he called upon everyone to unite, and to go against one common enemy: the terrorists.”

Ramiro Pena, pastor of Christ the King Church in Waco, Texas, praised Israel’s example of religious freedom: “As Americans, as peace and freedom-loving people, we celebrate the only true democracy in the Middle East. Where there is freedom, there is freedom to worship God as conscience dictates.”

“I have never seen in my lifetime what this president has accomplished in one year,” said Jay Strack, president and founder of Student Leadership University.

He stressed that the love Americans felt for Israel did not mean that they did not love the Palestinians, too — and added that most Israelis care for the Palestinians as well.

Strack said of President Trump: “He has a heart that is strangely warmed by the word of God.”


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At Police Week Speech, Donald Trump Calls for Death Penalty for Criminals Who Kill Police Officers

President Donald Trump spoke at the Annual Peace Officers Memorial Service on Tuesday and called for the death penalty for criminals who killed police officers.

“We must end the attacks on our police and we must end them right now,” Trump said. “We believe criminals who kill our police should get the death penalty. Bring it forth.”

Trump spoke at the ceremony which memorialized 199 slain members of law enforcement, on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC as part of National Police Week.

He specifically recognized the family of slain New York City Police Officer Miosotis Familia, calling them up to the podium to give them hugs and shake their hands.

Familia was shot and killed in July 2017, specifically targeted for wearing the police uniform in New York City by a man who had anti-police rants on Facebook.

Her partner, Officer Vincent Maher, gave Trump a challenge coin from his precinct and offered a tribute to his slain partner.

Maher said that despite getting injured, she volunteered to return to patrol one of the roughest areas of New York City.

“She may have been lost that night but she saved a lot of lives in return, because of her memory and everything that transpired after the fact,” he said.

Trump hugged Familia’s 90-year-old mother Adrianna Valoy.

“You’re representing something very important,” Trump said, praising the family. “She loved the department.”

He acknowledged that it was a painful day for families who lost loved ones but urged them to know the love that the nation had for them.

“We will never forget our heroes ever,” Trump said.

He shared a personal message to young children who lost their parents.

“I want you to know that your moms and dads were among the bravest Americans to ever live. When danger came, when darkness fell, when destruction loomed they did not flinch, they were not afraid, they did not falter,” Trump said.

Trump recalled the stories of Officer Charles Hartfield who was killed while he responded to the Las Vegas shooting at a country concert in October.

“He gave his life so that so many others could live,” Trump said.

Trump also paid tribute to Rogelio Martinez, a border patrol agent who was killed in Texas in November 2017. He called for more tough action against criminal gangs and drug dealers.

“We don’t want it any longer, we’ve had it. Enough is enough,” Trump said.

He explained that his administration had their own version of a “catch and release” program for illegal immigrants.

“It’s called we catch them and we release them in the country they came from,” Trump said as the audience applauded. “We’re getting them out or we’re putting them in prison.”




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Hate: NY Daily News Calls Jewish Ivanka ‘Daddy’s Little Ghoul’

There is no question the New York Daily News harbors a bitter and unabashed enmity toward President Donald Trump and his entire family, which the paper takes great delight in displaying at any given opportunity.

Thus, it was no great surprise (though no less disgusting) when the Daily News launched an utterly despicable and hateful — some might even suggest anti-Semitic — attack on Ivanka Trump following her participation Monday in the grand opening of the new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem.

The cover of the Daily News featured a picture of a smiling Ivanka Trump at the event next to an inset picture of Palestinian protesters in Gaza carrying a wounded individual away from the border fence guarded by the Israeli Defense Forces.

The headline on the cover read “Daddy’s Little Ghoul” and featured a subhead which read: “55 slaughtered in Gaza, but Ivanka all smiles at Jerusalem embassy unveil.”

The description of the photo read, “A seemingly oblivious First Daughter Ivanka Trump puts on glamorous face for U.S. Embassy opening in Jerusalem on Monday while 50 miles away in Gaza, protesters remove one of injured in bloody clashes with Israelis.”

The obvious and thoroughly atrocious implication here is that Trump was somehow taking delight in, if not actually bearing some responsibility for, the deaths and injuries of the Gazan protesters, who the Daily News neglected to mention were coerced, pushed and led into foolishly charging the well-guarded border fence by the Hamas terrorists who rule Gaza with an iron grip.

The paper also declined to mention that gunfire coming back across the border from Israeli troops was in response to rocks, makeshift bombs, molotov cocktails, incendiary kites and scattered gunfire first sent across the border by Hamas terrorists hidden inside the crowd of protesters/rioters.

Was the NY Daily News out of line with the headline it ran next to the photo of Ivanka Trump?

But let’s take a moment to really look at that horrific headline used to describe the president’s daughter, who is a convert to Judaism and was part of the contingent of American officials sent to Jerusalem to help open the new embassy with our nation’s friend and ally.

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word “ghoul” is an Arabic origin word used to describe “a legendary evil being that robs graves and feeds on corpses.” A secondary meaning for that word is “one who shows morbid interest in things considered shocking or repulsive.”

Both of those definitions, in the context of Trump’s smiling while Gazans are “slaughtered” by Israeli troops, are damning indictments which imply she was “robbing the graves” of Palestinians, “feeding on the corpses” of dead protesters or morbidly delighting in the “shocking and repulsive” treatment they received.

Then we throw in the Arabic/Judaic connection, and the whole thing takes on the appearance of an anti-Semitic smear, with Trump as the “legendary evil” Jewish woman doing all of those horrific things to the poor Muslim protesters, who again were guided into their actions by Hamas terrorists.

Now take another step back and consider — and you’ll really have to use your imagination for this part — if the embassy move had occurred under former President Barack Obama’s administration, and one of his daughters had attended the grand opening event and been similarly smeared with a disgustingly loaded racial term by a right-wing publication.

RELATED: Trump: Death Penalty for Cop Killers … ‘Bring it Forth’

We all know the ferocity with which that publication — and probably every subscriber or casual reader in that publication’s history as well — would be subjected to by the outraged leftist media mob. They’d have been hounded and shamed out of business, and not without legitimate reason.

Alas, this is the leftist-adored New York Daily News we are talking about, and the evil, hated Trumps they so despise. As a result, the vast majority of the liberal media will avert their gaze from this vomitous cover and ignore the sickening implications, even as some of them know how truly disgusting it really is.

The day the last newspaper rolls off the press at the New York Daily News and this sub-par excuse for a media outlet — which is barely fit to line a birdcage — closes its doors for the last time can’t come soon enough.

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Likely Midterm Voters Repeatedly Say Immigration Is Biggest Priority, Tax Reform One of the Least

Likely voters have repeatedly told pollsters that immigration is their biggest priority heading into the 2018 midterm elections, while tax cuts are one of the least important issues.

While the Republican establishment is attempting to run their re-election campaigns on tax cuts, Republican voters and swing voters have said tax cuts are not their top priority but rather wage-boosting cuts to immigration.

In a March poll, swing voters were asked, “What is the most important issue to you in deciding how to vote in this year’s midterm election,” Independents say immigration is their third most important issue. Meanwhile, taxes are dead last as an issue for swing voters.

Likewise, half of swing voters at the time, 50 percent, said the GOP tax cuts that were passed last year have “no impact” on their midterm election vote.

The March poll found that Republicans say immigration is more important than taxes, healthcare, and gun policy when it comes to their vote in the midterm elections. The economy is the only issue that is as much of a priority for Republican voters as immigration.

A month before, Republican voters told pollsters that reducing immigration to the U.S. was a bigger priority than repealing and replacing Obamacare, destroying ISIS, and passing an infrastructure bill.

The only issue that outpaced reducing immigration levels as the biggest priority for Republican voters was stimulating American jobs, which can be directly tied to immigration.

For Trump voters, reducing immigration to the country is more important than repealing and replacing Obamacare, passing tax reform, and even building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border to help stem illegal immigration.

Republican voters said again in March that reducing immigration was a bigger priority for them than tax cuts, repealing Obamacare, getting the U.S. out of the Iran Deal, destroying ISIS, and expanding family leave.

Immigration is so important to Republicans in March polling that it even surpassed the economy and jobs as being the biggest issue.

The latest polling from April revealed a similar trend among GOP likely midterm voters. When asked to rank the biggest priorities for the U.S., 47 to 40 percent of GOP voters say immigration and national security are the leading issues in their opinion.

Meanwhile, only 11 percent of GOP voters said taxes were the most important issue in the country, ranking lower than more obscure issues like school safety and defense spending.

About 45 percent of President Trump’s supporters say immigration is the most important issue in the country, while only 11 percent of Trump supporters say the same of taxes.

Not only are GOP voters and swing voters wanting immigration to be the leading issue of the midterm elections, rather than tax cuts, but both voting blocs are also vastly supportive of Trump’s plan to cut legal immigration levels in half.

Currently, the U.S. admits more than 1.5 million illegal and legal immigrants every year. Trump’s plan would cut legal immigration to the U.S. to raise the wages of America’s working and middle class.

In the latest poll by the Polling Company, a majority, 52 percent, of swing-voters said they wanted the 250,000 visas allotted to “chain migrants” — the foreign relatives of newly naturalized citizens — eliminated altogether rather than handed over to businesses to allow them to import an additional flood of foreign workers.

Harvard-Harris polling found that 66 percent of voters — or nearly two out of three — said they support a plan by the Trump administration to almost cut legal immigration in half by ending the process known as “chain migration,” as well as the Diversity Visa Lottery, and building a border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The Polling Company survey also revealed that nearly 70 percent of GOP likely midterm voters want legal immigration reduced to anywhere between zero to 250,000 admissions a year, a major reduction to current mass immigration levels that have led to poor job growth, stagnant wages, and increased public costs to offset the importation of millions of low-skilled foreign nationals.

The massive importation of low-skilled foreign nationals to the U.S. has translated to a cheap labor economy that has aided in keeping American mens’ wages stagnant for at least 44 years, as Breitbart News reported. Median earnings for American men working full-time were actually lower in 2016 than they were in 2007.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder

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Judicial Watch Lead Investigator: ‘It’s Time For Trump’s Team to Fight Like Hell Because Mueller’s Witch Hunt is a Slow-Motion Political Coup’ (VIDEO)

Judicial Watch Lead Investigator: ‘It’s Time For Trump’s Team to Fight Like Hell Because Mueller’s Witch Hunt is a Slow-Motion Political Coup’ (VIDEO)

Judicial Watch’s Director of Investigations, Chris Farrell told Lou Dobbs Tuesday evening Trump needs to fight like hell because Mueller’s witch hunt is a slow-motion political coup.

Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs expressed his frustration and anger over the never ending Russia witch hunt.

“Truly our government is a captive of a corrupt legal system, a corrupt Justice Department, a corrupt set of judges, a corrupt government Deep State and the obstructionism of RINOs and Dems…what in the world will we tolerate next?” Lou Dobbs asked Chris Farrell.

Chris Farrell began by firing a warning shot to the President.

“It’s now time to fight like hell,” Farrell said as a warning to Trump’s team.

“This kind of sitting back and letting it play out and letting all these characters run the tables, make their various declarations, moving the ball. Look, this is really not a legal investigation. This is a slow-motion political coup that’s being carried out by legal processes,” Farrell continued.


Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller as Special Counsel to investigate ‘Trump-Russia’ collusion on May 17, 2017 without any real intelligence that Trump had colluded with the Russians to hack the DNC’s servers.

There was already a counterintelligence investigation into several people in Trump’s campaign prior to Mueller’s appointment last May, so here we are entering year NUMBER TWO and the investigators still have NOTHING.

Mueller continues to rove around unchecked, harassing Americans and raiding people in Trump’s inner circle because no one has the guts to shut him down.

Chris Farrell is correct; it is time for Trump’s team to take the gloves off and fight like hell because Mueller and co are moving full steam ahead with their efforts to remove Trump.

They won’t back down until they are stopped by force.


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