‘Progressive’ Congressional Candidate’s Ad: ‘F*ck the NRA’

‘Progressive’ Congressional Candidate’s Ad: ‘F*ck the NRA’

Congressional candidate Pat Davis released a new ad Friday that opens with him looking into the camera, saying, “F*ck the NRA.”

Davis is a self-described “progressive.” Fox 8 reports that he is also “a former Washington DC police officer” who is now vying for an open Congressional seat in Albuquerque.

The ad opens with Davis saying, “F*ck the NRA,” then alleging the organization support policies that have “resulted in dead children, dead mothers, and dead fathers.”

He then proudly says, “I’m Pat Davis, and I approved this message. Because if Congress won’t change our gun laws, we’re changing Congress.”

One of the banners that appears on the screen during the ad is that of Michael Bloomberg-funded Moms Demand Action. That group formed in the wake of the attack on Sandy Hook Elementary School and pushed expanded background checks in response to that shooting in which the gunman stole his firearms.

The NRA’s Jennifer Baker declined to give any response to the ad, saying, “We would hate to dignify this with a response because it’s just crass language and a desperate attempt to get attention.”

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News, the host of the Breitbart podcast Bullets with AWR Hawkins, and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart.com. Sign up to get Down Range at breitbart.com/downrange.

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Kudlow: Trump Economic Victories Will Play ‘Huge Role’ in 2018 Races

Kudlow: Trump Economic Victories Will Play ‘Huge Role’ in 2018 Races

National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow predicted during Saturday’s edition of Breitbart News radio on SiriusXM Patriot 125 that the economic successes seen as a result of President Donald Trump’s policies will “play a huge role” in the November midterm elections.

Kudlow discussed the massive tax cut package passed in 2017 allowing “100% expensing in year one and also the repatriation… you’ve got these companies bring back, literally, literally billions and billions of dollars that was stashed overseas to dodge taxes.” He connected this with the unemployment rate that host Matthew Boyle had asked Kudlow about. 

Businesses are booming and America is probably entering the “biggest business boom in at least two decades,” according to Kudlow, who added, “…you’re seeing this very, very positive upward spiral of growth, jobs, wages.”

Kudlow went on to predict further increases in average hourly earnings, even up to three percent or more.

“Growth is the key,” he said, noting more than once that “critics on the other side of the aisle” have had a pessimistic view, claiming for over a year that growth could not ascend above 1.9 or 2 percent. Policies, taxes, and regulations “matter” he emphasized. President Trump has rolled back costly and burdensome regulations that are particularly harmful for small businesses but also for big businesses and farms.

“Let Americans take a rip at the ball. Don’t handcuff them. Don’t hinder them. Don’t yell at them. Don’t punish them. Open the door of opportunity and America free markets will work,” he said. 

Kudlow said the past 15-20 years has been filled with a lot of pessimistic attitudes and that most young Americans have not seen “a full-throated prosperity cycle.” Kudlow talked about the successes of the American economy under Presidents Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy. He said many reporters and economists have said: “It can’t be done.”

“Optimism and prosperity have been the hallmark’s of American prosperity,” he explained.  “We can get back to the good if we unleash the animal spirits and if we provide incentives to work, save, invest, and take risks,” said Kudlow. “I think that’s basically that’s what the Trump plan has done.”

Kudlow also discussed a recent Michigan consumer sentiment survey that showed the highest level since the mid-2000s, and he thinks it can be back to levels seen in the 1990s.

He spoke also of a “tremendous rebound in small business profits,” noting that “profits are the mother’s milk of stocks and they’re the lifeblood of the economy.”

“If they’re making money they can expand and if they expand they will hire and if they hire they will pay more,” Kudlow explained as part of “economics 101.” The coming to life of the supply-side of the economy will boost the consumer side of the economy.

“King dollar” has been steady and even stronger holding inflation down and making the American economy the “envy of the world,” said Kudlow. America, as the President has said, is the “most business hospitable place in the world right now and the money is flowing in,” and Kudlow’s “hunch is that it’s just beginning.”

Kudlow went on to predict, “come November, I think the Trump economic success is going to play a huge role in the election” and a mighty surprise for people claiming that Republicans will see big losses.

Follow Michelle Moons on Twitter @MichelleDiana 

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‘People Are Pissed Off’: House Candidate Sees ‘Red Wave’ Coming In California

Cross your fingers and get out and make it so.

Via Fox News Insider:

A California Republican candidate said she believes a “red wave” is coming in the state because people are “pissed off” about the current leadership by far-left politicians.

Morgan Murtaugh, who is running in the 53rd congressional district near San Diego, said there is growing opposition to the state’s sanctuary law toward illegal immigrants and high taxes.

She agreed with President Trump’s contention at a rally in Indiana that Democrats will have a tough time in November selling Americans on higher taxes and opposition to the Trump agenda.

Keep reading…

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Journalists Outraged Over Trump Were Silent About Obama Threatening Press Freedom s

Oh the humanity! The horror!

President Trump this week tweeted this:



The Media Research Center’s Rich Noyes wrote this on NewsBusters on May 8

The liberal media’s war against President Trump was as fierce as ever during the first four months of 2018, but the onslaught appears to be for naught: In the face of massive and hostile coverage from ABC, CBS and NBC, Trump’s overall job approval rating actually rose, from 37 percent in mid-December to roughly 43 percent at the end of April.

The Media Research Center studied all broadcast evening news coverage of the President from January 1 through April 30, and found 90 percent of the evaluative comments about Trump were negative — precisely the same hostile tone we documented in 2017.

From the spineless White House Correspondents’ Association came this gift-wrapped hypocrisy:

“Some may excuse the president’s inflammatory rhetoric about the media, but just
because the president does not like news coverage does not make it fake. A free press must be
able to report on the good, the bad, the momentous and the mundane, without fear or favor. And
a president preventing a free and independent press from covering the workings of our republic
would be an unconscionable assault on the First Amendment.”

This, mind you, from the self-same group to which I sent the following inquiry before their recent dinner that made much of celebrating the First Amendment. To Margaret Talev, this year’s WHCA president, I wrote: 

“This year there have been boycotts to force Laura Ingraham off of her Fox show and another attempting the same with Sean Hannity. Kevin Williamson, as you know, left National Review to accept an invitation from The Atlantic, where he was fired after two days for controversial tweets from an earlier time. When he pointed out to editor Jeffrey Goldberg that the late Atlantic contributor Christopher Hitchens was noted for controversial writings the response was: ‘Yes. But Hitchens was in the family. You are not.’

With all of that in mind, I note you have said of President Trump that “he will actively encourage members of the executive branch to attend and join us as we celebrate the First Amendment.”

My question: In celebrating the First Amendment, will anyone speaking at this year’s dinner be defending the free press/free speech rights of Laura, Sean, and Kevin? If not, why not?”

And the response from Ms. Talev? Complete and total silence. When the dinner rolled around there was not a peep about the assault on the First Amendment rights of Hannity, Ingraham and Williamson. (And full disclosure, I write columns at Hannity.com) Say again…not…a…peep. A check last year on this subject with Rush Limbaugh and I was told they had never bothered to stand up for him either when he was under assault from liberals wanting to get him off the air. 

Now? Mere words from a president using his own First Amendment rights and suddenly WHCA leaps into what passes for action from them. They castigate the President – really! – for “inflammatory rhetoric” – but are silent as liberal media was busy castigating Trump as another Hitler, an authoritarian and more. Hey…no inflammatory rhetoric there! 

Let’s recall a few things here about a president who actually did serious damage to press freedom. As the WHCA dinner loomed in 2017 (and yes, I was there for that one) The Washington Examiner’s Becket Adams took note of all the faux outrage by various media outlets that President Trump was stiffing the dinner for a rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The event is decorated with lavish media parties strewn throughout the weekend of the Saturday night event, not to mention on Saturday itself. But in 2017 with Trump in the White House and taking repeated shots at the “Fake News media”? With unerring accuracy, Adams wrote:  

“Though Time, People, The New Yorker and Bloomberg are coy about what drove them to cancel their parties, Vanity Fair’s editor in chief, Graydon Carter, came right out and said it was Trump. 

It’s a strong reaction to a president who, in spite of all his anti-media tough talk, hasn’t actually done anything like what his predecessor did to curb press freedoms.

The Trump administration hasn’t, for example, subpoenaed reporters in an effort to get them to reveal their sources. Nor has it secretly collected reporters’ phone records. Nor set new records for denying Freedom of Information Act requests.

These distinctions go to Obama, whose two terms in office included several real infringements on the press.

In February 2011, for example, federal investigators were revealed to have spied on the New York Times’ James Risen. They were attempting to determine whether he was the recipient of leaked CIA information. Investigators went through Risen’s credit reports and his personal bank records, and they obtained information about his phone calls and travel, according to a motion filed in a federal court.

In April of that year, the New Yorker, Vanity Fair and Bloomberg hosted WHCA parties as if nothing had happened.” 

Note well that James Risen called Obama the “greatest enemy of press freedom in a generation.” 
He wrote an op-ed in The New York Times headlined: “If Donald Trump Targets Journalists, Thank Obama.” 


So what do we have here? The Correspondents’ Association has its knickers in a knot because of things Trump has said – which is to say they are not pleased that he has used his own First Amendment rights to express his displeasure with the media. But boycott a WHCA dinner featuring President Obama when the Obama administration is busy using the Department of Justice to jail reporters, eavesdrop on reporters, threaten reporters and “secretly collect” information about reporters? Hey…party on! And didn’t Mrs. Obama look stunning tonight!

To borrow from an old movie, that old Paul Newman classic Cool Hand Luke, “What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.” So let’s make this as plain as possible.

Giving a left-wing President of the United States a pass when he is busy trying to jail, snoop on and otherwise actually assault the First Amendment is disgraceful. Being stone cold silent on the First Amendment assaults on a Hannity, Ingraham, Williamson and a list of conservative media figures from various members of the American Left while pretending support for a free press is inexcusable. 

All of which, in turn, makes utterly laughable the business of flying into a tizzy when that President’s successor merely verbally chastises the media for, as the Media Research Center vividly demonstrated, a mind-blowing and quite deliberate bias. What is really going on here is that the liberal media effectively gives a nod to those who would “pull the credentials” of the conservative media.

Worse, when the mob forms for a Rush Limbaugh or a Lou Dobbs or other conservative media figure the silence of liberal media is effectively a nod to the idea that somehow those in conservative media are illegitimate.  And, as it were, therefore not only should conservative media have their “credentials pulled” they have no right to have those credentials in the first place. And when that fails? Sic liberal media investigative reporters on their private lives – something that would raise holy you-know-what if done in reverse.

Over at The Washington Post, media journalist Erik Wemple praised the Correspondents’ Association reaction to Trump’s latest statement by praising the group  for, incredibly, getting “a spine.” Apparently a limp noodle passes for a spine in Dr. Wemple’s view. Wemple closed out his  column by saying:

“As ever, the President’s ongoing effort to poison American journalism among his followers is far more lethal than anything he could do with White House press passes.”

It would be respectfully suggested here that American journalism has determinedly been swallowing its own journalistic arsenic – liberal elitism – for decades. Now so self-poisoned – the word that comes to mind is addicted – the liberal media that shoots up by trashing Trump and refusing to stand up for conservative media is stunned to find themselves viewed in more untrustworthy terms than Lucy promising Charlie Brown that this time, really, honest, she will hold the football.

The real bottom line is that the liberal media pulled the credentials of their own credibility a long, very long, time ago. 

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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SARA CARTER: Identity of the Second FBI Agent Who Ambushed General Flynn Revealed ‘He Knows What McCabe’s Role Was in All of It’

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein Friday stating Comey testified the FBI didn’t think General Flynn lied.

Grassley also revealed Joe Pientka was the second FBI agent who joined Peter Strzok on January 24th, 2017 in an ambush style interview to take down General Flynn.

Grassley is demanding the FBI and DOJ produce the transcript of Flynn’s intercepted calls with Russian Ambassador Kislyak and the 302’s by May 25th.

302’s are reports FBI agents take to summarize an interview with a subject.

The newly unredacted portion of the House Intel report revealed Comey testified to House Intel members the FBI agents who ambushed Flynn did not detect any deception.

The report also revealed the illegal leak of Flynn’s phone call with Kislyak is what allowed the FBI/DOJ to keep a counterintel operation open on General Flynn.

Chairman Grassley is now demanding answers from the FBI and DOJ.

In the last paragraph of Grassley’s letter, he requests Special Agent Joe Pientka be available for a transcribed interview with Committee staff:

Accordingly, no later than May 25, 2018, please provide:
1. The information requested in our February 15, 2017 letter, including the transcripts of the
reportedly intercepted calls and any FBI reports summarizing them; and
2. The FBI agents’ 302s memorializing their interview of Flynn and 1A supporting docs,
including the agents’ notes.

In addition, please make Special Agent Joe Pientka available for a transcribed interview
with Committee staff no later than one week following the production of the requested
documents. If you have any questions about this request please don’t hesitate to contact Patrick
Davis of my staff at (202) 224-5225. Thanks for your prompt attention to this important issue.

Investigative reporter, Sara Carter says according to numerous law enforcement sources, neither Strzok or Pientka believed Flynn was lying during their interview with him, as reported. 

Special Agent Joe Pientka and another “non-partisan” law enforcement officer who was present in the Flynn interview can reveal McCabe’s role in all of it, says Sara Carter’s sources:

Grassley requested that FBI Special Agent Joe Pientka, who was with Strzok during his White House  interview on Jan. 24, 2017, be made available “for a transcribed interview with Committee staff no later than one week following the production of the requested documents.”

“There’s a lot these agents can reveal about that day and what (former FBI Deputy Director Andrew) McCabe’s role was in all of it,” said a U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak on the matter. “McCabe was apparently trying to find a reason, any reason, to make it look like Flynn was lying. But the truth of the matter is – no one thought he lied, not even the agent that hated Trump.”

Crooked Comey continues to contradict his testimony as he travels around on his book tour.

James Comey has told Bret Baier, George Stephanopoulos and Chuck Todd conflicting statements about General Flynn’s interview with FBI agents.

Notice how carefully weasel Comey talks in media blitzes ‘not to my recollection’ or ‘I don’t remember intending to say that.’

Byron York reported:

Comey has been asked about the matter in some of the publicity interviews he has given for his new book, A Higher Loyalty. In those interviews, Comey has denied telling lawmakers that the agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe Flynn had lied.

“No,” Comey told Fox News’ Bret Baier. “I don’t know what — maybe someone misunderstood something I said. I didn’t believe that and didn’t say that.”

“Not true,” Comey told NBC’s Chuck Todd.

“I don’t know where that’s coming from,” Comey told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. “That — unless I’m — I said something that people misunderstood, I don’t remember even intending to say that. So my recollection is I never said that to anybody.”

The post SARA CARTER: Identity of the Second FBI Agent Who Ambushed General Flynn Revealed ‘He Knows What McCabe’s Role Was in All of It’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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California can’t stop passing laws to shield illegal aliens

The RESIST movement in the California state legislature seems to be getting into something of a rut lately. They know they want to pass laws to obstruct the President at every turn, but by now they seem to be running out of fresh material. Their latest effort to enforce their sanctuary state status is aimed at further hindering Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) when they seek to detain illegal aliens in or around courthouses. The method they’ve chosen to accomplish this is a bit dubious, however. The state is seeking to prevent the courts from revealing the citizenship status of individuals called to testify or otherwise participate in trials. (CBS Sacramento)

The state legislature passed another measure Thursday, to counter the Trump Administration’s tough immigration policies.

The bill seeks to protect immigrants who take the witness stand in court. It’s billed as a measure that will keep the public safe.

Democratic lawmakers say the public is better off when witnesses or victims of crime can testify in court. But in recent years advocates say immigrants are refusing to go to court, for fear of being detained by ice.

“We know that ICE is in our courthouses,” said state Sen. Scott Wiener (D- San Francisco).

So under this law immigrants will be barred from revealing their citizenship status unless the judge rules that the information would be “relevant to the case.” Here’s the first question we should be asking the state legislature. Since when did we begin passing laws regarding courthouse procedures which only apply to certain individuals of a particular class and not the entire population? Even if this scheme were appropriate, shouldn’t they be barring anyone from revealing their citizenship status? How can you only make this apply to immigrants?

Let’s leave that question aside for a moment and point out why this law would be relatively meaningless. The goal is obviously to prevent ICE from “finding out” that the person is in the country illegally and taking them into custody. But here’s a news flash for you. ICE isn’t hanging out in courtrooms and twiddling their thumbs while waiting to see if some random witness happens to turn out to be an illegal alien. They generate lists of leads on specific individuals who are illegal aliens, generally the ones with criminal records and outstanding warrants. Then they figure out where they might be so they can apprehend them.

If they discover that one of the people on the list has a court date coming up they may very well send agents to pick them up at the courthouse, particularly if they’ve been unable to locate their residence or place of work. When they show up at the courthouse they already know the suspect’s name and their immigration status. They don’t need the person to announce it from the witness stand.

Are California’s legislators at the point where they’ve just run out of ideas to generate headlines and demonstrate how much they despise the President? Have some of them been partaking of the recently legalized pot during their planning sessions? This is a pointless law and a waste of the taxpayers’ time and money.

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WHAT A DISGRACE! Special Counsel Mueller Charged Russian Company Not in Existence at Time of Charge!

MUELLER TEAM BECOMES NATIONAL DISGRACE: Special Counsel Charged Russian Company Not in Existence at Time of Charge!

Guest post by Joe Hoft

Lawyer: Mueller indicted “the proverbial ham sandwich.”

This week, on Wednesday May 9th, a hearing took place between the corrupt Mueller team and one of the Russian Companies they indicted for interfering with the 2016 US election, Concord Management.  Concord Management and a sister company Concord Catering were charged by Mueller for defrauding the government.

The Mueller crooks and far left hacks were embarrassed again!

A week ago Friday at a hearing on this same case, Mueller’s team asked for the case to be delayed.  The judge politely declined and the initial hearing on the case was held on Wednesday.   Mueller’s team is represented by former Clinton Foundation attorney, Jeannie Rhee.  CNN applauded Rhee for being on the Mueller team while ignoring her and the entire team’s conflicts of interest –

Rhee represented Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in a lawsuit about her private emails, and she also represented the Clinton Foundation in a civil racketeering case that was later dismissed.

Rhee also represented President Barack Obama’s deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes during the House Benghazi Committee’s investigation into the deadly 2012 terrorist attack in Libya.

During the hearing, the judge asked the attorney representing Concord Management if he was also representing Concord Catering.  The attorney for Concord Management explained that he is not because the indictment contains the ‘proverbial ham sandwich’, as noted earlier this week at TGP.

What was not yet available until last night was the transcript of the hearing.  The reason the Concord Management attorneys called the case a ‘proverbial ham sandwich’ was because one of the entities indicted by the Mueller team, Concord Catering, was not in existence at the time the crimes were alleged to have taken place.

Here is a copy of the transcript noted in the tweet above –

The Mueller team is a disaster.  It’s investigation is unconstitutional. It’s team has more conflicts than any case in US history.  It’s cases are crap!  Shut it down!


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