In today’s episode of “The Michael Knowles Show,” Michael talks about how Twitter’s ban of Gavin McInnes is just the next step in shutting out conservatives from social media.
“This is what I told you would happen. I told you this would happen last week when they were hitting Alex Jones and I said we have to defend the shirtless vitamin salesman,” Knowles said.
“I know, conservatives don’t want to. They find it is unsavory. It’s uncouth to defend Alex Jones.”
But now Twitter is going after CRTV Host Gavin McInnes, and who knows who’s next.
“Gavin sent out a statement when they banned him. He said: ‘You know they’re coming for you next,’ They’re gonna go for probably, then they’re gonna go for the Daily Caller or….” Knowles said. “Now, Daily Caller. Now you’re getting way more mainstream and they’re gonna go for the Daily Wire and I’m sure they’re coming for us.”
Video and transcript below:
This brings us to the Gavin McInnes of it all.
You might have seen this over the weekend. Gavin McInnes, who has been on our show – I’ve been on his show a couple times – he was banned from Twitter. Gavin founded the Proud Boys, which is this group of, I think they call themselves Western chauvinists, and you know, they want to be an answer to Antifa. They say: “We’re not going to let you beat up our guys on the street,” and you know, it’s a bunch of young guys. They’re pumping full of testosterone and energy, sure. Twitter decided to ban Gavin.
Why did they ban Gavin? Did he violate Twitter’s rules? No, he didn’t. There’s no evidence that he violated any of Twitter’s rules. There’s no tweet you can point to that says this is in violation. There’s certainly no recent tweet that you can point to say this is why he got banned from Twitter, but this comes just after last week when Jack Dorsey, the head of Twitter said: “We’re not gonna ban Alex Jones because Alex Jones hasn’t violated the rules”.
Okay, you’re not gonna ban Alex Jones. Then why are you banning Gavin?
They banned Gavin two days before the Unite the Right rally, because they find the Proud Boys implicated in Unite the Right last year. Some of the Proud Boys were enthusiastic about Unite the Right. Now, Gavin McInnes, for his part has totally disavowed the alternative right, the white nationalists.
He hasn’t said, “I’m a racist! I’m a white nationalist! I support…”
No, he doesn’t. Now, he’s a provocateur. He’s a comedian, but he has said explicitly: “I am NOT a racist and I don’t support white supremacy or white nationalism.” They booted him anyway.
This is what I told you would happen. I told you this would happen last week when they were hitting Alex Jones and I said we have to defend the shirtless vitamin salesman.
I know, conservatives don’t want to. They find it is unsavory. It’s uncouth to defend Alex Jones. To say: “Oh pish-posh, I’m not like him. I don’t think that the water is turning the frogs gay. I don’t take my shirt off frequently in public. You know, I don’t try to sell people vitamins. I don’t want to defend Alex Jones.”
I say, well it’s coming. They go first for Alex Jones because he’s the easiest to boot. He’s so easy. Nobody wants to defend him on the right or the left, so they get rid of Jones and YouTube and Facebook did that. Twitter didn’t quite do it, but then Jack Dorsey is under so much pressure. He must be under so much insane pressure from the left to censor people and he just gave in on Gavin McInnes. So now Gavin McInnes is getting banned on social media. Gavin’s a little harder to ban than Alex Jones, but they banned Alex Jones to establish the principle that they’re gonna start censoring more mainstream people.
You know Gavin McInnes has been on Fox News a zillion times. Gavin McInnes co-founded Vice media, Vice magazine. Gavin is a comedian. He’s an actor. He’s a provocateur, you know. He’s got his talk shows and everything.
This is not some like fringe Nazi who’s, you know, out there marching for a white Ethno-state. He’s a little bit more. Now, he’s not totally mainstream, right? He’s not. He’s still kind of punk-rock, Vice media; but they establish the principle with Alex Jones. Now they’re gonna push it to Gavin McInnes.
Gavin sent out a statement when they banned him. He said: “You know they’re coming for you next.” They’re gonna go for probably, then they’re gonna go for the Daily Caller or….”
Now, Daily Caller. Now you’re getting way more mainstream and they’re gonna go for the Daily Wire and I’m sure they’re coming for us.
via Daily Wire
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