Donald Trump isn’t just doing a great job as President, he a master of social media. While democrats take witless shots at the Trump all the time, he blows them to bits with laser-guided tweets. Recently both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have tried and failed to insult Trump, but he hit them back with devastating and hilarious precision. Trump is truly a Jedi Master of trolling.
Hillary Clinton blames the Russians, James, Comey, sexist women, the biased liberal media, and pretty much everything and everyone, except herself, for her 2016 loss to Donald Trump. There’s a lot of reasons why she lost, but it can be argued that when she called most Americans racist sexist rednecks with her “basket of deplorables” speech she effectively ended her chances at the White House. Sunday was the two-year anniversary of that comment and President Trump celebrated it with one hell of a funny tweet:
Happy Anniversary! #ProudDeplorable pic.twitter.com/iHyeu5a8DD
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 9, 2018
I’m almost certain that Hillary, or maybe her dimwitted daughter Chelsea, will strike back by accusing Trump of misogyny. You know, because it’s always racist or sexist to use liberals’ own words against them.
That was definitely a master class in trolling, but Trump was just warming up. He got Obama good with another tweet that requires a little set up.
Back in 2016 at a town hall, then-president Obama gave then-candidate Trump crap for claiming that he would negotiate better trade deals and bring manufacturing jobs back to the US.
“How exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have?” Obama asked.
As President, Trump has negotiated better trade deals and brought back manufacturing jobs. The economy is growing fast, unemployment is at a historic low, while job creation is a historic high.
Obama can’t pretend the economy isn’t kicking ass, but rather than give Trump props for the turnaround he took credit for everything. At a speech last Friday, Obama puked up this:
“When you hear how great the economy’s doing right now, let’s just remember when this recovery started,” Obama said.
See, Obama wants everyone to think his miserable failure of a presidency is responsible for the booming economy under President Trump. It’s a load of crap and Trump was gracious enough to point that out:
“President Trump would need a magic wand to get to 4% GDP,” stated President Obama. I guess I have a magic wand, 4.2%, and we will do MUCH better than this! We have just begun.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 10, 2018
Brilliant, funny, and true. Obama had 8 years to get the economy humming and he did absolutely nothing. In his defense, he was trying to jump-start the economy with the Democratic Party playbook of raising taxes and passing job-killing regulations, so it was never going to happen. Then again, it was his choice to follow the proven path of failure, so that’s all on him.
When Obama was president, he always blamed his failures on the previous president, George W. Bush. Now that he’s out of office, he’s taking credit for the successes of his replacement, Donald J. Trump. That’s not how it works and history will remember him as one of the least effective presidents of all time.
For Trump to let these things simmer for two years and unleash them in such a hilarious and devastating way is nothing short of brilliance. Future generations will study Trump’s genius and innovative trolling techniques.
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