If you’re a cell phone owner — and I’m assuming that applies to most of you in 2018 — you’ve probably received one of those alerts on your phone about an abducted child or a possible weather emergency, or just the usual test message.
Well, now FEMA is about to conduct a national test of part of their alert system in which the president can notify the American people in the event of an emergency, which is something that has to be pretty uncontroversial, right? I mean, there’s absolutely no way that this could possibly be problematic.
Or, as the editor of the hyper-left website Talking Points Memo put it: “Prepare to die.”
Sounds reasonable enough.
So, here’s the occasion that has liberals all in a tizzy: “The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) on September 20, 2018,” the agency announced via a release.
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“The WEA portion of the test commences at 2:18 p.m. EDT, and the EAS portion follows at 2:20 p.m. EDT. The test will assess the operational readiness of the infrastructure for distribution of a national message and determine whether improvements are needed.”
So far, so normal. The part they don’t like? “The EAS is a national public warning system that provides the President with the communications capability to address the nation during a national emergency,” the release reads.
“The test is made available to EAS participants (i.e., radio and television broadcasters, cable systems, satellite radio and television providers, and wireline video providers) and is scheduled to last approximately one minute. The test message will be similar to regular monthly EAS test messages with which the public is familiar.”
We’re going to warn you that there’s some profanity ahead, because apparently nobody on the left can talk about the president without having to resort to swear words. Reader discretion is advised.
Do you think that this was a massive overreaction?
Josh Marshall, who runs Talking Points Memo, probably had the archetypal response:
Prepare to die, folks. Trump is about to get his own “presidential alert” system plugged into your cell phone. And he gets to test it out the first time next week >>> https://t.co/g08HbVmKPt via @TPM
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) September 14, 2018
2/ In other words, it’s basically like an amber alert from the president when we’re all about to die. Or alternatively when he’s going so apeshit that tweeting just want give him enough satisfaction.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) September 14, 2018
Not an overreaction at all. But the overreaction to the overreaction was — well, predictable.
Please. Are you fecking kidding me right now. Say yes.
— Secret ‘Society’ Squirrel (@ssquirrel007) September 14, 2018
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OH DEAR GOD. It’s like an Amber Alert except it’s Orange and there’s no way of disabling it. https://t.co/tYGXHim1eZ
— Charles Gaba (@charles_gaba) September 14, 2018
And you can’t opt out. Imagine being in an office and suddenly 50 phones start ranting about Hillary Clinton and rigged witch hunts at top volume.
— Charles Johnson (@Green_Footballs) September 14, 2018
Ugh seriously? How do I block this? https://t.co/Byr3ztwLlz
— susan (@kungfupussy) September 14, 2018
I will throw my godsdamned phone into the sea. https://t.co/ovP4wMLGEq
— Meg Elison (@megelison) September 14, 2018
Oh, see, “godsd******.” Just so we know she’s polytheist or what-have-you. That’s some next-level #Resistance right there.
At least one respondent evinced some sanity:
Oh good grief. This isn’t about pushing out political texts. It’s for life endangering emergencies.
— HuskyCaucasian (@HuskyCaucasian) September 14, 2018
Exactly. This isn’t tweeting or anything like that. It’s a test message for the event of an emergency. The idea that Trump is going to send out something like “WARNING: I’m the best at being president and you shouldn’t vote for anyone but me” during the 2020 campaign is so beyond absurd at face value that I question why anyone would believe it.
Then again, there are so many things I question why so many on the left would believe in the first place regarding Trump. I suppose I shouldn’t be shocked that they think he’s going to use the new millennium version of the Emergency Broadcast System as his own personal Twitter. Good grief, indeed.
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via Conservative Tribune
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