When she turned 75, three years ago, The Washington Post called Nancy Pelos an “effective leader.“
Three years later, and with a different president in the White House, liberal faithful like actress and activist Alyssa Milano would seem to agree.
Milano has tweeted about how ‘terrifying’ the former speaker of the House and current minority leader is — allegedly — to Republicans:
Can you do me a favor? Can you retweet this if you’re sick of Republicans attacking Nancy Pelosi? They only attack her, because they’re absolutely terrified of her. They should be. Listen to a new #DworkinReport below. https://t.co/985kAijwxA
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) August 15, 2018
And while conservatives loathe the policies Pelosi helped pass during her two years as House speaker during the Obama administrations, some, like conservative actor James Woods, think Pelosi might be one of the Republicans’ most effective weapons to bring out their voters in November — and stop Pelosi from getting the House gavel again.
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I agree. I’m sick of Republicans attacking Pelosi. They should be throwing rose petals at her feet. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth! https://t.co/mfIZEGnQbl
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) August 21, 2018
For many on the right, Pelosi is not terrifying at all. In fact, she is the meme that keeps on giving.
Who could forget her referring to the Trump tax breaks “crumbs,” on more than one occasion calling President Trump “President Bush” (a Gateway Pundit count put the number at five in 2017 alone), and saying that mowing the grass would work to control illegal immigration instead of building a border wall?
But it isn’t just Republicans who see some flaws with Pelosi. One Democrat shared that Pelosi’s continued high visibility is actually harming the Democrat Party:
No. 🚫
I’m a Democrat and transgender. I’ve heard Nancy Pelosi call people Nazis that aren’t actually Nazis. So she has done wonderful things in the past but she’s NOW doing things that harm the #democrats @TheDemocrats
I agree the Republican Party is in the wrong though.
— Shawn Sunshine Strickland (@Strickalator) August 15, 2018
But that Democrat is not alone. The Atlantic — that liberal redoubt — has now reported that multiple Democrats have signed a petition that could have a direct impact on Pelosi’s future.
It first noted that it has been “described as a direct shot at Nancy Pelosi.” Then the article explained that, “At least 10 Democrats in the lower chamber have signed on to a letter to Caucus Chair Joe Crowley seeking a change to caucus rules that would raise the number of votes required to nominate a candidate for speaker.
“Current rules mandate that a nominee receive support from only a simple majority of caucus members before advancing to the floor for a vote. The letter requests that threshold be changed to 218, a majority of the House.”
In other words, if Democrats do retake the House in the November midterms, Pelosi would likely need the votes of all but a few of the Democrat representatives. (Democrats need to win at least 24 more seats in the House than they now hold even get the 218 votes they would need to elect a speaker.)
Ten signatures on the petition may not sound like a lot, and it isn’t. However, the article also reported that more weren’t needed for the petition to be taken seriously. It has enough support for the Democrat caucus to vote on it.
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Is it time for Democratic Sen. Nancy Pelosi to resign?
“Only five are needed for a vote on a petition like this one,” the article reported. “The proposed rule change will be voted on next week.”
No matter how the proposal fares, it’s a sign of rebellion among Democrats restless under Pelosi’s rule.
And this is from The Atlantic, the magazine so liberal it lets liberal social media mobs decide who it will hire and fire.
In the meantime, those on the right will continue to have fun at the expense of the “terrifying” Pelosi. Memes and political cartoons are sure to continue to be produced.
Reposting @thedeusvault:#democrats #chuckschumer #nancypelosi #qanon #maga #LockThemAllUp #trump #censorship #FreeSpeech #2ndAmendment #guncontrol #SecondAmendment #GunReformNow #deepstate #corruption #lockherup #Alfie #FreeHealthCare #Obamacare #USA #trump #trumpmemes pic.twitter.com/L2ksZRGLSX
— Tim Gradous (@tgradous) September 20, 2018
You’re kidding me right Nancy? I love my crumbs.. pic.twitter.com/4YY39L8RjI
— Covfefe Jerry (@JerryLanci) September 14, 2018
And Pelosi’s supporters will continue to hit back. Pelosi herself has made it clear that she has no plans on going anywhere:
Nancy Pelosi Mocks Conservatives, Says She’s Going Nowhere: “As Long as Trump’s Here, I’m Here” https://t.co/4Is0kw5fjm #proife #maga pic.twitter.com/iOivbVVxum
— LifeNews.com (@LifeNewsHQ) September 10, 2018
According to LifeNews, she credits President Donald Trump with her determination to stay put, despite acknowledging that not only will her caucus determine leadership within, but in fact, “it’s time for new blood.”
LifeNews added that in a CNN interview, she also claimed, “If Hillary Clinton had won, and the Affordable Care Act was protected — I feel very proprietary about that — I was happy to go my way. If the election were held today, we would win overwhelmingly and women would lead the way.”
“We have so many excellent women candidates from women across the country. Women marched and then they ran, and now they’re running and now they’re going to be members of Congress.”
It bears noting that Republicans have women in the Trump administration, in Congress, and running for office.
And it’s a good bet they’re more “effective” at what they do then Nancy Pelosi can dream of.
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via Conservative Tribune
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