There is something we know that is absolutely true about the endless reports on networks and in newspapers about Christine Blasey Ford, and the man she is accusing of bad conduct, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. That would be that there is absolutely no evidence that indicates that Kavanaugh did anything to Ford in 1982 or at any other time she might come up with in the future.
The first thing that the public should recognize about the reporting is that for the last several decades the media has colluded with Democrats to destroy people who get in the way of the Democrats’ quest for power They have been supported with the tag teams of Hollywood and leftist groups. The technique is always the same and facts haven’t mattered. They throw mud against the wall on people and hope some of it sticks. It does not matter how many lives they destroy, the Democrat agenda is all that matters. They hope a significant amount of the public believes the crap they spew forth. There are numerous easy examples: Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas, forged documents with Bush, a false story in NY Times about McCain and a lobbyist, a false story about Sarah Palin not being the mother of Trig, Herman Cain’s mistreatment of women, Romney bullying a kid over forty years ago, Romney not paying his taxes, Trump not paying taxes and a Democrat fake dossier used to destroy Trump. The media plants the stories in the publics’ head to destroy people’s chances to win.
We do know lots of actual things about this Kavanaugh story and the charges being leveled by Christina Ford. Here are some of them.
The Democrats and the media were always intent on delaying or destroying whichever candidate Trump nominated. If they dispose of Kavanaugh they will set out to destroy the next nominee no matter how clean and qualified.
Kavanagh has been a judge for years and his name has been well known for years that he might be a Supreme Court nominee and yet this story never came up until now.
Kavanaugh has gone through six FBI background checks over decades and the story never came up until now.
Democrats have had over one month to question Kavanaugh in private and in a public hearing and the story never came up. They have actually had years to review his record.
Senator Feinstein had the letter at the end of July and she never asked Kavanaugh in private or in public about the allegations.
Kavanaugh was sailing through to conformation and only then did the Democrats bring the accusation up because all their other efforts to stall, delay or derail Kavanaugh’s appointment had failed.
We still don’t know what is in the letter from Ford because Feinstein is keeping the unredacted letter private. What is she hiding? Isn’t the media curious?
I have read that Ford did not bring up Kavanaugh’s name in the 2012 session with a therapist but I believe none of us know because I assume those notes are protected by privacy.
I have heard or read that what Ford told the therapist does not match what she said in her letter but we obviously have no idea since we haven’t seen the letter or the therapist’s notes.
Somehow, Ford doesn’t know when or where the attack happened and she didn’t tell anyone at the time but she and her leftists backers want FBI to investigate. How would that go? Would they interview everyone that went to those schools for years and then ask if there ever was a party? The request for an FBI investigation is obviously a joke and a delaying tactic.
We are told that a woman would never make stuff like that up but we know that is absolutely not true. The fake Duke University rape case and the fake Rolling Stone rape case about a fraternity come to mind. In those cases, the media were also willing to destroy young men’s lives with absolutely zero evidence that the stories were true. But there was an agenda to push that men abuse women so those boys’ lives didn’t matter.
The story the Ford-Kavanaugh story most reminds me of is the unverified story about Roy Moore. For decades Moore had been running for public office and the story never came up. Roy Moore ran for the primary for Senator and the story never came up. After Moore won the primary and it was too late for Republicans to put another candidate on the ballot, all of a sudden, decades-old accusations that he abused a few young women showed up. The story didn’t end up in an Alabama paper. Nope, it ended up on a national paper, the Washington Post (the same paper Christine Ford used) and they ran the story. Of course the national media immediately picked up the unverified story as if it was true. The agenda was that the Democrats wanted to win a Senate seat in the red state Alabama and they couldn’t win on their agenda so they had to destroy. The accusers were used until Moore lost and then as far as I know of they have essentially disappeared. They were useful pawns. The method was successful so why not use it again against Kavanaugh?
The media, Democrats, Hollywood and leftists pretend they care about the supposedly abused Ford and other abused women but we know that is absolutely not true. For decades Bill and Hillary physically and mentally abused multiple women and these groups wholeheartedly supported putting them back in the White House in 2016. Bill and Hillary set out to destroy the lives of any of the accusers as they got in their way of their quest for power and the media and other leftists were complicit in destroying the accusers. Not once did Democrats or the media care about these women and we are supposed to all of a sudden believe that they care. These accusers of the Clintons were as disposable as the accuser of Keith Ellison.
It is an extreme danger to our republic, our freedom and our rights when the media, including Google and Facebook collude with Democrats to shut up and destroy anyone who disagrees with the leftist agenda but that is where we are.
I am trying to think of the proper term to call people who will protect and enable anyone whose agenda they like no matter what they do while setting out to destroy anyone whose agenda they don’t like no matter how clean they are. Hypocrite is too polite a term. The best I could come up with is despicable, deplorable creeps.
There is something we know that is absolutely true about the endless reports on networks and in newspapers about Christine Blasey Ford, and the man she is accusing of bad conduct, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. That would be that there is absolutely no evidence that indicates that Kavanaugh did anything to Ford in 1982 or at any other time she might come up with in the future.
The first thing that the public should recognize about the reporting is that for the last several decades the media has colluded with Democrats to destroy people who get in the way of the Democrats’ quest for power They have been supported with the tag teams of Hollywood and leftist groups. The technique is always the same and facts haven’t mattered. They throw mud against the wall on people and hope some of it sticks. It does not matter how many lives they destroy, the Democrat agenda is all that matters. They hope a significant amount of the public believes the crap they spew forth. There are numerous easy examples: Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas, forged documents with Bush, a false story in NY Times about McCain and a lobbyist, a false story about Sarah Palin not being the mother of Trig, Herman Cain’s mistreatment of women, Romney bullying a kid over forty years ago, Romney not paying his taxes, Trump not paying taxes and a Democrat fake dossier used to destroy Trump. The media plants the stories in the publics’ head to destroy people’s chances to win.
We do know lots of actual things about this Kavanaugh story and the charges being leveled by Christina Ford. Here are some of them.
The Democrats and the media were always intent on delaying or destroying whichever candidate Trump nominated. If they dispose of Kavanaugh they will set out to destroy the next nominee no matter how clean and qualified.
Kavanagh has been a judge for years and his name has been well known for years that he might be a Supreme Court nominee and yet this story never came up until now.
Kavanaugh has gone through six FBI background checks over decades and the story never came up until now.
Democrats have had over one month to question Kavanaugh in private and in a public hearing and the story never came up. They have actually had years to review his record.
Senator Feinstein had the letter at the end of July and she never asked Kavanaugh in private or in public about the allegations.
Kavanaugh was sailing through to conformation and only then did the Democrats bring the accusation up because all their other efforts to stall, delay or derail Kavanaugh’s appointment had failed.
We still don’t know what is in the letter from Ford because Feinstein is keeping the unredacted letter private. What is she hiding? Isn’t the media curious?
I have read that Ford did not bring up Kavanaugh’s name in the 2012 session with a therapist but I believe none of us know because I assume those notes are protected by privacy.
I have heard or read that what Ford told the therapist does not match what she said in her letter but we obviously have no idea since we haven’t seen the letter or the therapist’s notes.
Somehow, Ford doesn’t know when or where the attack happened and she didn’t tell anyone at the time but she and her leftists backers want FBI to investigate. How would that go? Would they interview everyone that went to those schools for years and then ask if there ever was a party? The request for an FBI investigation is obviously a joke and a delaying tactic.
We are told that a woman would never make stuff like that up but we know that is absolutely not true. The fake Duke University rape case and the fake Rolling Stone rape case about a fraternity come to mind. In those cases, the media were also willing to destroy young men’s lives with absolutely zero evidence that the stories were true. But there was an agenda to push that men abuse women so those boys’ lives didn’t matter.
The story the Ford-Kavanaugh story most reminds me of is the unverified story about Roy Moore. For decades Moore had been running for public office and the story never came up. Roy Moore ran for the primary for Senator and the story never came up. After Moore won the primary and it was too late for Republicans to put another candidate on the ballot, all of a sudden, decades-old accusations that he abused a few young women showed up. The story didn’t end up in an Alabama paper. Nope, it ended up on a national paper, the Washington Post (the same paper Christine Ford used) and they ran the story. Of course the national media immediately picked up the unverified story as if it was true. The agenda was that the Democrats wanted to win a Senate seat in the red state Alabama and they couldn’t win on their agenda so they had to destroy. The accusers were used until Moore lost and then as far as I know of they have essentially disappeared. They were useful pawns. The method was successful so why not use it again against Kavanaugh?
The media, Democrats, Hollywood and leftists pretend they care about the supposedly abused Ford and other abused women but we know that is absolutely not true. For decades Bill and Hillary physically and mentally abused multiple women and these groups wholeheartedly supported putting them back in the White House in 2016. Bill and Hillary set out to destroy the lives of any of the accusers as they got in their way of their quest for power and the media and other leftists were complicit in destroying the accusers. Not once did Democrats or the media care about these women and we are supposed to all of a sudden believe that they care. These accusers of the Clintons were as disposable as the accuser of Keith Ellison.
It is an extreme danger to our republic, our freedom and our rights when the media, including Google and Facebook collude with Democrats to shut up and destroy anyone who disagrees with the leftist agenda but that is where we are.
I am trying to think of the proper term to call people who will protect and enable anyone whose agenda they like no matter what they do while setting out to destroy anyone whose agenda they don’t like no matter how clean they are. Hypocrite is too polite a term. The best I could come up with is despicable, deplorable creeps.
via American Thinker Blog
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