Democrats need 90% black turnout and 90% black support in order to win elections on a national scale. Anything that erodes either number is a mortal threat. And they must be sensing softness, if not outright desertion in the face of three factors:
1. Blacks have done far better under Trump than Obama in terms of rising employment opportunities and rising wages. The growth in manufacturing employment in particular has pushed up wages in the segments of the labor market with heavy black participation. Very few people of any color prefer life on food stamps and unemployment insurance to gainful employment at rising wages.
2. The enthusiastic support of Kanye West, slated to visit the White House along with football icon ”Big Jim” Brown (as President Trump affectionately calls him), powerfully diminishes the ability of Democrats to call on ethnic solidarity to spike turnout and support.
3. The Democrats’ embrace of political correctness is very unattractive to black voters. Steven Hayward of Powerline cites a startling study revealing the depth of repugnance felt by blacks and Hispanics toward PC:
Asians (82 percent), Hispanics (87 percent), and American Indians (88 percent) who are most likely to oppose political correctness. . .
Three quarters of African Americans oppose political correctness.
So acute is this fear of desertion that members of a CNN panel resorted to the other N-Word (Negro) to insult Kanye West. Victor Morton reports in the Washington Times:
In the segment presided over by a chuckling Don Lemon, CNN commentators Bakari Sellers and Tara Setmayer repeatedly attacked Mr. West, who will meet President Trump at the White House on Thursday, in terms immediately called out as racist — albeit not on CNN.
“Kanye West is what happens when Negroes don’t read,” Mr. Sellers said.
Added Ms. Setmayer: “He’s all of a sudden now the model spokesperson. He’s the token Negro of the Trump administration?”
She also called Mr. West “an attention whore, like the president.”
Watch for yourself:
How can any honest person not call this CNN segment racist?
– “Kanye is what happens when negroes don’t read”
– Kanye is “token negro of the Trump administration”
– “Black folks are about to trade Kanye West in the racial draft”
– “Kanye’s an attention whore, like the president”
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) October 10, 2018
I can’t claim to be an expert on black public opinion, but I have never seen racial insults inspire an ethnic group to support the insulter.
Democrats need 90% black turnout and 90% black support in order to win elections on a national scale. Anything that erodes either number is a mortal threat. And they must be sensing softness, if not outright desertion in the face of three factors:
1. Blacks have done far better under Trump than Obama in terms of rising employment opportunities and rising wages. The growth in manufacturing employment in particular has pushed up wages in the segments of the labor market with heavy black participation. Very few people of any color prefer life on food stamps and unemployment insurance to gainful employment at rising wages.
2. The enthusiastic support of Kanye West, slated to visit the White House along with football icon ”Big Jim” Brown (as President Trump affectionately calls him), powerfully diminishes the ability of Democrats to call on ethnic solidarity to spike turnout and support.
3. The Democrats’ embrace of political correctness is very unattractive to black voters. Steven Hayward of Powerline cites a startling study revealing the depth of repugnance felt by blacks and Hispanics toward PC:
Asians (82 percent), Hispanics (87 percent), and American Indians (88 percent) who are most likely to oppose political correctness. . .
Three quarters of African Americans oppose political correctness.
So acute is this fear of desertion that members of a CNN panel resorted to the other N-Word (Negro) to insult Kanye West. Victor Morton reports in the Washington Times:
In the segment presided over by a chuckling Don Lemon, CNN commentators Bakari Sellers and Tara Setmayer repeatedly attacked Mr. West, who will meet President Trump at the White House on Thursday, in terms immediately called out as racist — albeit not on CNN.
“Kanye West is what happens when Negroes don’t read,” Mr. Sellers said.
Added Ms. Setmayer: “He’s all of a sudden now the model spokesperson. He’s the token Negro of the Trump administration?”
She also called Mr. West “an attention whore, like the president.”
Watch for yourself:
How can any honest person not call this CNN segment racist?
– “Kanye is what happens when negroes don’t read”
– Kanye is “token negro of the Trump administration”
– “Black folks are about to trade Kanye West in the racial draft”
– “Kanye’s an attention whore, like the president”
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) October 10, 2018
I can’t claim to be an expert on black public opinion, but I have never seen racial insults inspire an ethnic group to support the insulter.
via American Thinker Blog
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