Do you ever get the feeling the left is only pro-woman when it suits them? Honestly, the hypocrisy that comes out of that leftist philosophy is astounding.
The party of #MeToo, a woman’s right to choose and equal rights certainly gets no extra bonus points from me for how they treat women from the right’s political philosophy, especially the first lady.
I would characterize their treatment of conservative women as catty, disrespectful and insolent, just off the top of my head.
But White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders leveled the liberal playing field with minimal effort.
Never let it be said that ABC’s “The View” misses an opportunity to drive home the message that they don’t like The Trump administration or anything remotely connected to it.
TRENDING: MSNBC Hosts Suffer On-Air Meltdown After Kanye Meets With Trump
On Friday, evidently they felt the time was right to make the most insulting comments they could muster toward first lady Melania Trump.
At the 24:00 minute mark on this video, guest host Yvette Nicole Brown took the cheap shot during an interview with Tom Llamas who appeared to promote his interview with the first lady that was scheduled to air on Friday evening on ABC.
Llamas set up his interview by stating the format he wanted to show.
did Yvette Nicole Brown cross a line in accusing the first lady of being a mistress to the president?
“It took us us two years to get this interview. It started back on the campaign. I covered the Trump campaign. I had been toying with the idea of doing an extended interview with her. And then we had a lot of meetings with her staff and a lot of meetings at the White House and my pitch to her was very simple––it was America doesn’t know who you are. I want to give you an opportunity to say who you think you are and I think we got there,” said Llamas.
When the subject of alleged infidelity by her husband came up, Brown took the low road and said: “Is it possible that she’s not concerned with his mistresses because she was one of them, is that possible that it doesn’t affect her in that way?
You could hear the groans from the some in the audience as she spoke.
Melania Trump gets more than her share of hard knocks from the left, as we see here, but another strong woman from the Trump administration came to her defense with great distinction and class.
Sarah Sanders reiterated the hypocrisy with which the left stands both for and against women — depending, of course, on which side of the political spectrum said women stand.
RELATED: Melania Trump’s Spokeswoman Destroys ‘The View’ Guest for ‘Disgusting’ Mistress Attack
Sad @TheView continues their disgusting attacks on @FLOTUS. The left’s “war on women” they disagree with is a disgrace. @FLOTUS is strong, accomplished, and has a lot more class than the women who bully her
— Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) October 12, 2018
Sanders can certainly sum up a number of factual truths in less than 140 characters, with great eloquence.
The first lady’s spokeswoman also offered a comment:
Day 2 of attacks from @TheView. @YNB check your facts before you accuse someone of being a mistress. She’s your @FLOTUS – she deserves your respect & certainly not your lies. Disgusting. #disrespectful #accusation #LiberalMedia @TomLlamasABC @ABCWorldNews
— Stephanie Grisham (@StephGrisham45) October 12, 2018
During the interview, the women on the panel dug into every possible question they could to uncover a “gotcha” moment that might have been uncovered in Llamas’ interview, but to his credit, he maintained respect for the content of her answers and even a respect for the first lady herself.
And even Llamas came to her defense: “I do want to say something. There was a comment made at this table today about Mrs. Trump. I just want to say, whether you like her or you don’t like her she deserves our respect because she is our first lady.”
Independent Journal Review reported that Brown stood by her original statements even though she walked back the allegation: “Although Brown then added an ‘allegedly’ to her statement, she has continued to stand by her words in the face of backlash.”
I stand by every word I said.
My mom taught me that respect is earned. And thankfully we live in a nation–at least for now–where I don’t have to bow down to dear leader or his third wife.
And come for ME, @StephGrisham45, not @TheView. The views were MINE.
I own them. ✊🏽 https://t.co/QqgQVvPG7S
— yvette nicole brown (@YNB) October 12, 2018
Hey @StephGrisham45 was Melania NOT his mistress? I’m only going by HIS math of when they got together. That and that he’s had multiple mistresses before. Many that he’s paid off. I added an allegedly later. Was that not enough? #KanyeShrug #IReallyDontCareDoYou? 😚 https://t.co/derbt1ctY5
— yvette nicole brown (@YNB) October 12, 2018
And she just couldn’t let it go.
Well, all I can say is good luck to Brown because I don’t believe she’s going to come out on the winning end of this one. If a liberal mainstream media outlet reporter like ABC’s Tom Llamas can muster up respect for the first lady in a Republican administration, there’s probably more than enough evidence that she deserves it.
Melania has proven to be a class act, unlike that of what we have seen coming from “The View.”
Administration personnel like Sarah Sanders will probably not be the only one in the future to come to the first lady’s defense, because the kind of class demonstrated by the first lady transcends leftist cheap shots.
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via Conservative Tribune
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