Facebook Suffers Data Protection Mishap at London Security Event

Facebook was left red-faced earlier this month after the social network giant suffered a data protection mishap during a cybersecurity conference hosted in London, according to reports.

The blunder occurred when Facebook misplaced an email list of the summit’s participants.

Financial News London reports:

The privacy breach was not at any old seminar though, it happened at an event entitled “Cyber security: the next 50 years”, which was hosted by Facebook and The Fulbright Commission, the US-UK scholarship programme, at their offices in Brock Street.

The panel discussion was headed by Gail Kent, Facebook’s global public policy lead on security. Fulbright scholars and security experts Jamie Collier, Cameron Colquhoun and Karen Renaud also spoke and the talk was followed by a networking reception.

But the next day guests were shocked to receive an email from Chris Horry, chief operating officer at the Fulbright Commission, which has been forwarded to Capital.

Attendees initially assumed the message was an ironic joke, given the theme of the event, and wondered whether a Facebook employee had grabbed the guest list in view of the company’s track record on this issue.

“Unfortunately, I have to inform you that in the course of yesterday evening’s cyber security event, a printed guest list with the name of the invitee and email address has been mislaid,” an email via Horry to participants read. “Whilst we do not expect that the list has been misappropriated, we cannot exclude that possibility. Please rest assured we very much value your data privacy and sincerely apologise for this unfortunate incident.”

The screw-up comes after the Irish Data Protection Commission announced it would launch an investigation into Facebook over a recent data breach that allowed access to 90 million accounts worldwide.

The privacy watchdog said it will look into whether the social media giant complied with European regulations covering data protection that went into effect earlier this year. Further, the commission said in a statement that it would examine whether Facebook put in place “appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security and safeguarding of the personal data it processes.” The commission previously revealed the number of E.U. accounts potentially affected numbered less than 5 million. Ireland, which is Facebook’s lead privacy regulator for Europe, is moving swiftly to investigate the Silicon Valley behemoth since the breach became public on September 28.

“Since discovering the data breach, the company reset the digital access codes of the nearly 50 million accounts affected. It’s also, as a precaution, resetting that information for another 40 million accounts, meaning about 90 million people will need to go through a formal log-in process with Facebook now,” Politico reports.

“We patched the issue last night and are taking precautionary measures for those who might have been affected,” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told reporters. “In the interest of transparency, we want to share everything we know now.”

European Union lawmakers appear set this month to demand audits of Facebook by Europe’s cybersecurity agency and data protection authority in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal. A draft resolution submitted last Thursday to the E.U. Parliament’s civil liberties and justice committee urged Facebook to accept “a full and independent audit of its platform investigating data protection and security of personal data.”

The committee aims to adopt the resolution, which will almost certainly be modified, by October 10 and put it to the full assembly for endorsement in late October, well ahead of E.U. elections next May. The resolution also urges European justice authorities to investigate any alleged “misuse of the online political space by foreign forces,” and calls on the E.U.’s executive Commission to propose ways to boost the powers of Europe’s public prosecutor’s office so it can tackle crimes against electoral infrastructure.

The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

via Breitbart News

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A Brief History of Leftist Political Violence in 1 Year

Farzad Fazeli, James Hodgkinson, Steve St. Felix
On September 9, Rudy Peters, the Republican running for Congress in the 15th District in California, was attacked by a knife-wielding man shouting, “XXXX Trump”.

The attacker, Farzad Fazeli, an Iranian Clinton supporter, had previously posted, “Don Trump won’t clean his own house, so he’s too dirty to know right from wrong. Impeach/incarcerate him before more children die. P.S. complacency is worse than being the shooter.”

via CanadaFreePress.Com

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Lindsey Graham to Introduce Bill Ending Birthright Citizenship ‘Magnet’ for Illegal Immigration

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) announced on Tuesday that he plans to introduce legislation ending birthright citizenship for children born to illegal immigrants on American soil, citing it as a “magnet for illegal immigration.”

President Donald J. Trump announced on Tuesday that he plans to draft an executive order to end birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants born in America.

Trump told Axios’ Jonathan Swan:

But now they’re saying I can do it with just an executive order. Now, how ridiculous–we are the only country in the world where a person comes in, has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States for 85 years with all of those benefits? It’s ridiculous. It’s ridiculous–and it has to end.

Sen. Graham cheered Trump’s move against birthright citizenship, citing it as a significant “magnet” for illegal immigration.

“Finally, a president willing to take on this absurd policy of birthright citizenship,” Graham said in a statement. “I’ve always supported comprehensive immigration reform – and at the same time – the elimination of birthright citizenship.”

Graham continued explaining that birthright citizenship is a foreign concept in most modern countries.

The South Carolina Republican said, “The United States is one of two developed countries in the world who grant citizenship based on location of birth.  This policy is a magnet for illegal immigration, out of the mainstream of the developed world, and needs to come to an end.”

Eliminating birthright citizenship would prevent children born of illegal aliens would not receive citizenship status and would likely deter the practice of foreigners having “anchor babies” where immigrants plan to give birth to children on American soil to obtain citizenship for their children.

The anchor baby population has skyrocketed in recent years. One Congressional Budget Office (CBO) study found that the anchor baby population per year exceeds the number of American citizens births from American citizens.

To enshrine Trump’s executive order into law, Graham said that he plans to draft legislation to codify the president’s changes to birthright citizenship.

Graham said, “In addition, I plan to introduce legislation along the same lines as the proposed executive order from President Trump.”

via Breitbart News

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Migrant Caravan Demands Mexico Provide Them Transportation

That takes some nerve.

Via Daily Wire:

The massive chain of migrants slowly making its way towards the U.S. southern border, which is still some 1,000 miles north, is now demanding that the Mexican government provide transportation for its estimated 4,000 participants — demands issued amid reports of outbreaks of violence as more groups have forced their way through Mexico’s southern border.

“Worn down from long miles of walking and frustrated by the caravan’s slow progress, some migrants have been dropping out and returning home or applying for protected status in Mexico,” AP reports. “Conscious of that frustration, its representatives demanded ‘safe and dignified’ transportation to the capital Monday after the group arrived in the Oaxaca state town of Niltepec.”

Keep reading…

via Weasel Zippers

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Victor Davis Hanson: The Silicon Valley ‘Masters of the Universe’ Lack the Intellect, Morality to Tell Us What Is Permissible Speech

Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” the Hoover Institution’s Victor Davis Hanson weighed in on the effort to weaponize tragedy through the politicization of tragedy.

At question was the scrutiny of speech, particularly from the right and how it is blamed for the recent string incidents, including a pipe scare aimed at Democrats and media personalities, and the weekend’s synagogue shooting tragedy in Pittsburgh.

Hanson argued the rules weren’t clear and those that are currently attempting to define them, including the so-called “masters of the universe” of Silicon Valley lack the intellect and/or morality to do so.

“[T]he American people think, ‘Well, wait a minute — I don’t like hate speech or tough speech, but I don’t know what the rules are. It’s not symmetrical. It looks like it’s a left-wing electronic ring of terror. These self-appointed Facebook Robespierre in a nanosecond can guillotine you,” Hanson explained. “People don’t like that. So, we’re saying, ‘What are the rules of speech?’”

“From what you and I and others have seen of Facebook and Twitter and YouTube — the masters of the universe in Silicon lack either the intellect or the morality to tell us what is permissible speech,” he continued. “So, we don’t know who to turn to. There is confusion. Maybe we just go back to the ‘Sermon on the Mount’ and just say let’s treat people the way we would like to be treated.”

“I would tell that to Hillary Clinton,” Hanson added. “When Mitt Romney lost in 2012, he didn’t say, ‘I am not going to be civil until the next election.’ When George Bush quite graciously accepted that he was out of office in 2009, he did not go across the country as Obama is now calling the president of the United States an inveterate liar. So, I think it is asymmetrical, and people understand that. Until the adjudicators know they can’t adjudicate us because they don’t have the moral high ground.”

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

via Breitbart News

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Graham: Trump’s right, let’s take on “absurd” birthright citizenship … with legislation

Gonna be reeeaaalllly interesting to see how Republicans react to Donald Trump’s midterm pot-stirrer on birthright citizenship. Will they join the president in full-throated support of the same kind of executive authority over established law and the Constitution as they opposed with Barack Obama and DACA? Or do they risk alienating the base by pushing back and insisting on a more constitutional process?

Lindsey Graham ups the ante on his new Trump-channeling persona by cheering his fighting spirit. At the same time, however, Graham offers to split the baby by eclipsing the idea of an EO and channeling it through Congress instead:

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Tuesday said that he will introduce legislation to end birthright citizenship after President Trump suggested he wanted to do so through an executive order.

“Finally, a president willing to take on this absurd policy of birthright citizenship. I’ve always supported comprehensive immigration reform — and at the same time — the elimination of birthright citizenship,” Graham said in a string of tweets.

He added that he plans “to introduce legislation along the same lines as the proposed executive order” from Trump. Congress is out of session until Nov. 13.

It’s worth pointing out that Graham has been in Congress since 1995 — first in the House and since 2003 in the Senate. In that time, Graham has raised birthright citizenship has a pressing issue once, in 2010. In 2013, Graham was among eight senators who joined a bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform effort, joining other Republicans such as the late John McCain, Jeff Flake, and Marco Rubio, who got shredded over it in the 2016 primaries. Not only did the reform package fail to address birthright citizenship in any way, it provided a path to citizenship for those who entered the country illegally without having been born here at all.

So for an “absurd” situation, Graham didn’t seem terribly focused on it until today. Even when Graham did bring up birthright citizenship eight years ago, he acknowledged that it was constitutional and that “three court cases” had upheld it. What was the solution? A constitutional amendment:

“Birthright citizenship I think is a mistake,” explained Graham. “We should change our Constitution and say if you come here illegally and you have a child, that child’s automatically not a citizen.”

Graham signaled his intent to introduce a constitutional amendment to change the existing immigration law as it stands today.

“People come here to have babies,” argued the Republican lawmaker. “They come here to drop a child. It’s called “drop and leave. To have a child in America, they cross the border, they go to the emergency room, have a child, and that child’s automatically an American citizen. That shouldn’t be the case. That attracts people here for all the wrong reasons.”

Eight years later, Graham now thinks that legislation will resolve the problem. It’s certainly more within the constitutional framework to address the issue through legislation, but the “three court cases” — Wong Kim Ark and Plyler being two of them, presumably — would pre-empt the legislative track. Why not propose the constitutional amendment instead? Either Graham has rethought this in some way in the hour or so between Trump’s announcement and his response, or Graham’s trying to redirect the issue onto safer and less volatile ground.

Trump’s VP happened to be doing a live interview with Politico this morning when the broadside went out. Pence denied that Trump was using a “scare tactic” to motivate Republican voters, and declared that the Supreme Court had never addressed the issue of birthright citizenship in relation to illegal immigration (which they actually did in Plyly). However, Pence shrewdly put this into the same categories as other “magnets” for illegal immigration, and said that it should be “reconsidered” as part of broader immigration reform:

Neither of these amount to an explicit endorsement of an EO, probably because both men understand it wouldn’t work. It might be worthwhile to test the Supreme Court by passing legislation restricting citizenship grants to see whether the court would attempt to graft it to Wong Kim Ark, which would keep the effort in the legislative arena where it belongs. However, Graham had it right eight years ago — without a constitutional amendment, this is going nowhere, except as what Pence denies it to be: a midterm election play for hardcore security voters.

via Hot Air

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Democrats Using Every Evil Play in the Book to Silence Americans

The fake news media and Democratic Party dirty tricks just keep on coming.

A crazy man sent package bombs to prominent Democrats.  Fake news media and the demonic Democratic Party viewed the mentally ill man’s actions as a gift from the gods of liberalism.  They immediately flooded the airwaves with their absurd narrative that Trump was responsible for the package bomber’s behavior because he told the truth about CNN and their fellow fake news liars.  Fake news media and Democrats outrageously said Americans who cheer and applaud Trump at his rallies are also responsible for the package bombs.  Democrats and fake news media demand, “Trump must tone down his rhetoric!”

Folks, Democrats and fake news pull this insidious trick over and over again.  After every tragic shooting, leftists never blame the actual shooter.  Democrats rush to microphones to blame every law-abiding gun-owner in America for the shooting.  Watching a DVD, I hit the “stop” button when Ice Cube delivered the line (lie), “Tell the NRA to stop killing black people.”  That line was an irresponsible leftist lie designed to generate black hatred for the NRA.  The NRA does not kill black people.

Leftists attempt to exploit every incident to further their agenda and demonize everyday traditional-minded Americans.  Outrageously, Democrats and fake news said Christians who spoke out against redefining marriage caused a gunman to massacre homosexuals in an Orlando night club.  Omar Mateen, the shooter, was a Muslim.  Christians lovingly try to lead homosexuals to Jesus.  Muslims routinely execute them.

Leftists pulled this same dirty trick on Brett Kavanaugh.  They said if we did not believe Dr Ford’s evidence-less accusation against Kavanaugh, we support the rape and abuse of women.

Since winning the W.H. in 2016, Trump has been fearlessly exposing fake news media as the lying Democratic Party leftist agenda operatives they truly are.  Leftists have tried every weapon in their take-out-a-Republican arsenal to tame, silence, and destroy Trump.  Nothing has worked.  Trump keeps telling the truth about fake news media and Democrats, educating the American people about leftists’ lies and deceptions.  Trump has made Americans more aware than ever.

So when this package bomber came along, leftists saw a golden opportunity to demand that Trump “tone down his rhetoric,” which is leftists’ code for “stop telling the truth about us.”

Folks, leftists’ arrogance and blatant hypocrisy are off the chain.  These people thrive on encouraging violence against anyone who dares to disagree or oppose their anti-America and anti-Christian agenda.

I hate hearing conservative and Republican TV talking heads falling for leftists’ narrative that Trump must tone down his rhetoric.  How on Earth can anyone logically say Trump truthfully calling CNN fake news is equal to the bold clarion calls for violence, hateful, and divisive language coming out of leftists’ Trump Resistance movement?

Please allow me to recap Democrats’ and fake news media’s hypocrisy.

Democrat Andre Carson said the Tea Party wants to see black people hanging from a tree.  Democrats Obama and Hillary Clinton praise Black Lives Matter to the high heavens.  This racist hate group boldly declared it “open season” on whites and cops.  BLM warned white America to prepare to be “picked off.”  Democrat Maxine Waters called for mob assaults on members of Trump’s administration whenever they are seen in public.  Hillary Clinton told Democrats to keep up their lawless, violent, and crazy behavior until Democrats are back in power.

Here are more examples of leftists’ attempts to generate violence against Trump and his voters who were ignored or supported by fake news media and Democrats.  Snoop Dogg shot Trump in the head in his music video.  Kathy Griffin held a severed bloody head of Trump.  Madonna expressed her desire to blow up the White House.  Neither Democrats nor fake news media denounced these obvious leftist clarion calls to enact violence against our president and his supporters.

The divisive, evil American left is selling its lie that the thousands of grandparents, kids, families and everyday Americans who cheer and wave U.S. flags at Trump rallies are receiving subliminal marching orders to inflict violence on media and Democrats.  Folks, that is pure hogwash – another leftist tactic to silence and eventually criminalize telling the truth.  Americans knowing the truth about various issues scares the heck out of Democrats and leftists.

I pray that President Trump will continue trusting his instincts and being himself.  At a recent rally, Trump asked the audience of thousands if they want him to tone down his rhetoric.  The crowd responded with a loud, passionate “No!”  The American people get it.  They know fake news and Democrats’ “Trump must tone down his rhetoric” narrative is simply another dirty trick to tame, silence, and control Trump – and also silence dissenting voices of all Americans.

Two years ago, my wife Mary and I met with the Conservative Campaign Committee to prepare for the midterm elections.  We studied candidates to decide how best to focus our efforts to keep the GOP in control of Congress.  We’ve been away from our West Virginia home traveling for much of the past two years.  We are currently in Nevada with our Conservative Campaign Committee team, campaigning for Republican senator Dean Heller.

Bottom line, folks: Please do not allow Democrat dirty tricks to take your attention away from getting everyone you know to vote Republican on November 6.

Upon completing this article, my wife Mary yelled to me, “Your Facebook page has been taken down!”  Oh, well.  I trust God.  We must defeat these people on the left.  Everyone who supports Trump’s agenda must vote.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Help Lloyd spread the Truth: http://bit.ly/2kZqmUk


The fake news media and Democratic Party dirty tricks just keep on coming.

A crazy man sent package bombs to prominent Democrats.  Fake news media and the demonic Democratic Party viewed the mentally ill man’s actions as a gift from the gods of liberalism.  They immediately flooded the airwaves with their absurd narrative that Trump was responsible for the package bomber’s behavior because he told the truth about CNN and their fellow fake news liars.  Fake news media and Democrats outrageously said Americans who cheer and applaud Trump at his rallies are also responsible for the package bombs.  Democrats and fake news media demand, “Trump must tone down his rhetoric!”

Folks, Democrats and fake news pull this insidious trick over and over again.  After every tragic shooting, leftists never blame the actual shooter.  Democrats rush to microphones to blame every law-abiding gun-owner in America for the shooting.  Watching a DVD, I hit the “stop” button when Ice Cube delivered the line (lie), “Tell the NRA to stop killing black people.”  That line was an irresponsible leftist lie designed to generate black hatred for the NRA.  The NRA does not kill black people.

Leftists attempt to exploit every incident to further their agenda and demonize everyday traditional-minded Americans.  Outrageously, Democrats and fake news said Christians who spoke out against redefining marriage caused a gunman to massacre homosexuals in an Orlando night club.  Omar Mateen, the shooter, was a Muslim.  Christians lovingly try to lead homosexuals to Jesus.  Muslims routinely execute them.

Leftists pulled this same dirty trick on Brett Kavanaugh.  They said if we did not believe Dr Ford’s evidence-less accusation against Kavanaugh, we support the rape and abuse of women.

Since winning the W.H. in 2016, Trump has been fearlessly exposing fake news media as the lying Democratic Party leftist agenda operatives they truly are.  Leftists have tried every weapon in their take-out-a-Republican arsenal to tame, silence, and destroy Trump.  Nothing has worked.  Trump keeps telling the truth about fake news media and Democrats, educating the American people about leftists’ lies and deceptions.  Trump has made Americans more aware than ever.

So when this package bomber came along, leftists saw a golden opportunity to demand that Trump “tone down his rhetoric,” which is leftists’ code for “stop telling the truth about us.”

Folks, leftists’ arrogance and blatant hypocrisy are off the chain.  These people thrive on encouraging violence against anyone who dares to disagree or oppose their anti-America and anti-Christian agenda.

I hate hearing conservative and Republican TV talking heads falling for leftists’ narrative that Trump must tone down his rhetoric.  How on Earth can anyone logically say Trump truthfully calling CNN fake news is equal to the bold clarion calls for violence, hateful, and divisive language coming out of leftists’ Trump Resistance movement?

Please allow me to recap Democrats’ and fake news media’s hypocrisy.

Democrat Andre Carson said the Tea Party wants to see black people hanging from a tree.  Democrats Obama and Hillary Clinton praise Black Lives Matter to the high heavens.  This racist hate group boldly declared it “open season” on whites and cops.  BLM warned white America to prepare to be “picked off.”  Democrat Maxine Waters called for mob assaults on members of Trump’s administration whenever they are seen in public.  Hillary Clinton told Democrats to keep up their lawless, violent, and crazy behavior until Democrats are back in power.

Here are more examples of leftists’ attempts to generate violence against Trump and his voters who were ignored or supported by fake news media and Democrats.  Snoop Dogg shot Trump in the head in his music video.  Kathy Griffin held a severed bloody head of Trump.  Madonna expressed her desire to blow up the White House.  Neither Democrats nor fake news media denounced these obvious leftist clarion calls to enact violence against our president and his supporters.

The divisive, evil American left is selling its lie that the thousands of grandparents, kids, families and everyday Americans who cheer and wave U.S. flags at Trump rallies are receiving subliminal marching orders to inflict violence on media and Democrats.  Folks, that is pure hogwash – another leftist tactic to silence and eventually criminalize telling the truth.  Americans knowing the truth about various issues scares the heck out of Democrats and leftists.

I pray that President Trump will continue trusting his instincts and being himself.  At a recent rally, Trump asked the audience of thousands if they want him to tone down his rhetoric.  The crowd responded with a loud, passionate “No!”  The American people get it.  They know fake news and Democrats’ “Trump must tone down his rhetoric” narrative is simply another dirty trick to tame, silence, and control Trump – and also silence dissenting voices of all Americans.

Two years ago, my wife Mary and I met with the Conservative Campaign Committee to prepare for the midterm elections.  We studied candidates to decide how best to focus our efforts to keep the GOP in control of Congress.  We’ve been away from our West Virginia home traveling for much of the past two years.  We are currently in Nevada with our Conservative Campaign Committee team, campaigning for Republican senator Dean Heller.

Bottom line, folks: Please do not allow Democrat dirty tricks to take your attention away from getting everyone you know to vote Republican on November 6.

Upon completing this article, my wife Mary yelled to me, “Your Facebook page has been taken down!”  Oh, well.  I trust God.  We must defeat these people on the left.  Everyone who supports Trump’s agenda must vote.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Help Lloyd spread the Truth: http://bit.ly/2kZqmUk


via American Thinker Blog

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Donald Trump Says He Will Use Tent Cities to End Caravan, Catch and Release

President Donald Trump told Fox News that he will hold Central American asylum-seekers in detention while they wait for their asylum requests to be considered by immigration judges.

“We’re going to hold them [in detention] until such time their trial takes place,” he told Fox News host Laura Ingraham Monday night. He continued:

We’re going to build tent cities, we’re going to put tents up all over the place … The [migrants] are going to wait [in detention], and if they don’t get asylum, they get out of here.

“We’re not letting them into this country,” he said, suggesting his plan will include all Central American asylum-seekers, not just the migrants in the two approaching caravans of Honduran migrants.

Trump is now expected to announce his plan on Wednesday, and likely will also describe the legal authorities which would allow a drastic change from the pro-migration policies embraced by Presidents Geoge W. Bush and Barack Obama.

Democrats, progressives and business groups will oppose his plan to reduce migration, and will likely ask a California judge to block the plan. In turn, Attorney Gen. Jeff Sessions will push the Supreme Court to contain the judicial counterattacks on Trump’s defense of the nation’s border and labor market.

Trump said his plan would keep asylum-seeking parents with their children, undermining Democrats’ complaints about “family separation.”

The Trump plan can legally replace the judge-imposed Flores rule which forces officials to release migrants with children before their asylum requests can be processed by officials. The Flores rule releases migrants with children in 20 days, even though the legal process takes roughly 40 days.

Trump’s plan may deter the future flow of migrants towards the border and into the United States. Once the asylum-seeking migrants hare held in detention, “you will have far fewer people come up,” he said.

Trump’s detention plan could break the cartels’ profitable labor-trafficking business because it prevents migrants from getting the U.S. jobs which allow them to pay for the cartels’ fees.

Getting the migrants released is the payday for the cartels. Once released, the migrants typically get the U.S. jobs the need to pay their debts to the cartel labor-traffickers. Moreover, many migrants continue working until they can raise another $10,000 to pay the cartels to smuggle their spouse or a child into the United States.

If Trump’s detention plan ends the current catch-release-and-work process, he will cripple the cartels’ trafficking business, force up wages for blue-collar Americans, and reduce the flow of foreign children into the schools needed by the children of blue-collar Americans.

However, the cutoff of cartel-delivered labor and consumers would reduce the economic benefits enjoyed by U.S. cheap-labor employers, retailers, landlords, and upper-income professionals.

The scale of the cartels’ labor trafficking is huge. In 2014, 400,000 asylum-seekers were given temporary work permits, according to the Department of Homeland Security. Many additional migrants pay the cartels to help them sneak into the United States.


Overall, Washington’s economic policy of using migration to boost economic growth shifts wealth from young people towards older people by flooding the market with cheap white-collar and blue-collar foreign labor. That flood of outside labor spikes profits and Wall Street values by cutting salaries for manual and skilled labor offered by blue-collar and white-collar employees.





via Breitbart News

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