Donald Trump Says He Will Use Tent Cities to End Caravan, Catch and Release

President Donald Trump told Fox News that he will hold Central American asylum-seekers in detention while they wait for their asylum requests to be considered by immigration judges.

“We’re going to hold them [in detention] until such time their trial takes place,” he told Fox News host Laura Ingraham Monday night. He continued:

We’re going to build tent cities, we’re going to put tents up all over the place … The [migrants] are going to wait [in detention], and if they don’t get asylum, they get out of here.

“We’re not letting them into this country,” he said, suggesting his plan will include all Central American asylum-seekers, not just the migrants in the two approaching caravans of Honduran migrants.

Trump is now expected to announce his plan on Wednesday, and likely will also describe the legal authorities which would allow a drastic change from the pro-migration policies embraced by Presidents Geoge W. Bush and Barack Obama.

Democrats, progressives and business groups will oppose his plan to reduce migration, and will likely ask a California judge to block the plan. In turn, Attorney Gen. Jeff Sessions will push the Supreme Court to contain the judicial counterattacks on Trump’s defense of the nation’s border and labor market.

Trump said his plan would keep asylum-seeking parents with their children, undermining Democrats’ complaints about “family separation.”

The Trump plan can legally replace the judge-imposed Flores rule which forces officials to release migrants with children before their asylum requests can be processed by officials. The Flores rule releases migrants with children in 20 days, even though the legal process takes roughly 40 days.

Trump’s plan may deter the future flow of migrants towards the border and into the United States. Once the asylum-seeking migrants hare held in detention, “you will have far fewer people come up,” he said.

Trump’s detention plan could break the cartels’ profitable labor-trafficking business because it prevents migrants from getting the U.S. jobs which allow them to pay for the cartels’ fees.

Getting the migrants released is the payday for the cartels. Once released, the migrants typically get the U.S. jobs the need to pay their debts to the cartel labor-traffickers. Moreover, many migrants continue working until they can raise another $10,000 to pay the cartels to smuggle their spouse or a child into the United States.

If Trump’s detention plan ends the current catch-release-and-work process, he will cripple the cartels’ trafficking business, force up wages for blue-collar Americans, and reduce the flow of foreign children into the schools needed by the children of blue-collar Americans.

However, the cutoff of cartel-delivered labor and consumers would reduce the economic benefits enjoyed by U.S. cheap-labor employers, retailers, landlords, and upper-income professionals.

The scale of the cartels’ labor trafficking is huge. In 2014, 400,000 asylum-seekers were given temporary work permits, according to the Department of Homeland Security. Many additional migrants pay the cartels to help them sneak into the United States.


Overall, Washington’s economic policy of using migration to boost economic growth shifts wealth from young people towards older people by flooding the market with cheap white-collar and blue-collar foreign labor. That flood of outside labor spikes profits and Wall Street values by cutting salaries for manual and skilled labor offered by blue-collar and white-collar employees.





via Breitbart News

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