Twitter Continues to Send Out Threats to Critics of Radical Islam that They Are Breaking Pakistani Law

by Jim Hoft
December 10, 2018
Ensaf Haidar, a Canadian citizen and activist, received an email from Twitter after she tweeted out against wearing the Muslim niqab garment.
Haidar is the wife of imprisoned Saudi-Canadian blogger Raif Badaw.
Haider asked her followers to retweet if they were against mandatory niqab laws.
They said she violated Pakistani law.
Ensaf lives in Canada.
Via The Donald Reddit:
Ensaf Haidar’s account has since been restored.
Now this…
Twitter also informed Iman Mohammad Tawhidi recently that his tweets violated Pakistani law.
Via Religion of Peace.
Imam Tawhidi is not from Pakistan nor is he a Pakistani citizen.
Evidently, this doesn’t matter to Twitter.
We have our new global thought leaders.
Twitter’s Legal Department has sent me an Email informing me that I have broken Pakistan’s Law. I have attached the Tweet in question, so judge for yourselves.
I am not from Pakistan nor am I a Pakistani citizen. Pakistan has no authority over what I say. Get out of here.
— Imam Mohammad Tawhidi (@Imamofpeace) December 3, 2018
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