William Shatner Shreds #MeToo over ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ Hysteria

Actor William Shatner criticized the feminist backlash against the Christmas classic “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” in a recent interview, calling the #MeToo movement “hysterical.”

“In 2018 we have the #MeToo movement, which I think is great, that these hidden forces are exposed and not to be allowed and women have equal rights. I’ve got three daughters [ages 60, 57 and 54], I’m all for that,” William Shatner told Daily Mail.

He continued, “But if you look back at things that were written and said 20, 30 years ago, it’s a different context, and you’ve got to judge it by that context. Rape and pillage, absolutely not — those are crimes against humanity. But saying ‘Would you make love with me?’ and the opposing party says ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ I can’t fathom what’s wrong with that.”

In recent years, many feminists have taken aim at the song popularized by Dean Martin, saying that the male voice in the song is being predatory and not respecting the woman’s rejections.

Others have defended the song, saying that it is playful and that woman is in fact interested in the man, but has to feign rejection because of the sexual mores of post-World War II America.

Deana Martin, the daughter of singer Dean Martin defended Baby It’s Cold Outside in an interview this month, saying she was “absolutely flabbergasted” over the controversy.

“It’s just insane,” she said.

Shatner also criticized the #MeToo movement in general, saying that the dynamic between men and women is totally different now.

“I’ve got three daughters and I’m glad that they have more opportunity. At the same time, it’s become hysterical,” the Star Trek icon said.

“It’s a whole new culture. The whole business has changed. The whole man-woman relationship has changed to a severe degree.”

The 87-year-old actor also commented on sexual harassment training in the workplace, saying, “It’s all about sensitizing you to what is harassment. You might say, as I have on numerous occasions, ‘looking good,’ ‘wow, what a great dress,’ ‘great legs,’ ‘I love your hair.’ Nothing grabby, touchy-feely, nothing sexual,” he said.

“Just innocuous compliments that one might say to anybody, with no intent of lasciviousness,” he said.

In recent weeks, Dean Martin’s version of “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” have shot up the digital sales charts.

As expected, Shatner’s comments caused an uproar from many social media users, who criticized him for being tone-deaf to the concerns of women.

However, the Emmy-winning actor was defiant, doubling down on his criticisms and saying that if the movement is not “policed,” it could become like the French Revolution.

via Breitbart News

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