Nothing is safe from the left’s crusade for political correctness – not even “Seinfeld.”
Left-wing women’s magazine Bustle published an article outlining 13 jokes from the classic sitcom of the 1990s that are apparently too offensive for the snowflakes of the 21st Century.
“These 13 jokes from Seinfeld are super offensive now, and it will make you realize how much times have changed,” author Angelica Florio wrote.
Clearly, times have changed, but they’ve changed for the worse.
“Seinfeld,” which ran on NBC from 1989 to 1998, was a great show because most of the characters weren’t great people — including its co-creator and star, comic Jerry Seinfeld.
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Obviously, viewers aren’t meant to sympathize with the characters.
By nature, “Seinfeld” and its characters are politically incorrect, but that’s precisely why the show was so entertaining.
But not according to Bustle, which seems to want its readers to recoil at the jokes in “Seinfeld” instead of laughing.
From the get-go, Bustle attacked one of Seinfeld’s most well-known jokes, the “Soup Nazi” bit.
Do you still think ‘Seinfeld’ is funny?
The “Soup Nazi” serves great soup, but he’s very particular about how he expects his patrons to act in his presence.
Of course, the cranky character George Costanza couldn’t help but complain about not receiving free bread, to which the “Soup Nazi” replied, “No soup for you!”
However, according to Florio’s revisionist take, viewers aren’t supposed to laugh at this joke anymore because of the left’s constant fear-mongering about Nazis.
The author claims that using the term “Nazi” as a joke “doesn’t sit so well anymore” because “groups of Neo-Nazis have become noticeably emboldened.”
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We are also supposed to be offended by another “Seinfeld” episode in which Jerry and George are mistaken for a gay couple.
The show was also slammed for an episode in which Seinfeld’s friend Cosmo Kramer — universally known as “Kramer” — has guests from Japan sleep in his dresser drawers.
The joke is that some hotels in Japan’s biggest cities provide extremely small pods for guests to sleep in.
As a Forbes report shows, It’s a real phenomenon, and it actually seems to be growing in popularity throughout Japan, but it’s somehow offensive to reference it.
“That just wouldn’t fly now,” Florior wrote, without bothering to explain.
Florio also didn’t like a memorable Seinfeld question when he said he liked Chinese women. “If I like their race, how can that be racist?”
Other jokes on the list include the time Jerry accidentally got a man deported and some of the awkward relationship woes of George.
Lefitsts are compelled to insert their politics into everything, even if it means sacrificing humor.
Comedy will cease to exist if the left continues this fight for political correctness.
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via Conservative Tribune
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