Former Law Enforcement Official: Benghazi Coverup Was to Protect Clinton Foundation – General Flynn Attacked Because He Knew Too Much

by Jim Hoft
January 6, 2019
Guest post by Joe Hoft
A former Law Enforcement Officer named Roscoe B. Davis unveiled a number or tweets over the weekend tying the attack in Benghazi to the Clinton Foundation. The foundation reportedly made millions gun running and General Flynn was allegedly attacked because he knew too much.
The tweets are as follows and start with information about the Taliban having US Stinger missiles:
On July 25, 2012 Taliban fighters in Kunar province Afghanistan successfully targeted a US Army CH-47 helicopter with a new generation Stinger missile. The terrorists didn’t properly arm the missile, so it didn’t explode, it only downed the chopper. #Benghazi
— Roscoe B Davis🎖⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@RoscoeBDavis1) January 2, 2019
The Taliban had obtained the stinger missiles that Hillary and McCain had hoped to go to Libya –
The Stinger tracked back to a lot that had been signed out by the CIA part of the same lot the CIA turned over to the Qataris in early 2011, weapons Hillary Clinton’s State Department intended for anti-Qaddafi forces in Libya through a contact of John McCain named Marc Turi.
— Roscoe B Davis🎖⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@RoscoeBDavis1) January 2, 2019
McCain’s contact by the name of Marc Turi sold billions to the US in weapons and was involved in the Obama plan to give guns to Al-Qaeda to get them to overthrow Qaddafi:
Marc Turi is from Phoenix AZ and was a neighbor of John McCain. McCain who has been on the Senate Arms Committee for years helped Turi secure billions in arms contracts with the DoD. Then Clinton and McCain came up with a plan to arm Al-Qaeda to get them to overthrow Qaddafi
— Roscoe B Davis🎖⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@RoscoeBDavis1) January 2, 2019
Charges against Turi were dropped in Obama’s last days in office.
He knew the US was running the arms through Libya but the CIA surprisingly was not supportive of this:
It’s nothing new for us to arm bad guys it’s been done many times, just ask Ollie North. But it’s usually a CIA effort but they opposed the idea from the very beginning because of the high risk involved in arming “insurgents” with powerful weapons that endanger civilian aircraft.
— Roscoe B Davis🎖⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@RoscoeBDavis1) January 2, 2019
Hillary was the one who was for the arms sales to Libya and she was out to make millions on the deal –
Those containers in Qatar that were diverted on the docks from Turi’s shipment delivered between 50 and 60 of those same Stingers to the Taliban in early 2012, and an additional 200 SA-24 Igla-S SAMs.
— Roscoe B Davis🎖⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@RoscoeBDavis1) January 2, 2019
Hillary put Stephens in Benghazi to clean up her mess after it was discovered that Al-Qaeda terrorists were obtaining the US arms. When he was murdered Hillary and Obama had to create a cover up story:
Immediately HRC tried to use the cover story on why they were attacked than fell flat on it’s face. Susan Rice hit the Sunday shows with the spontaneous protest because of a video story, that blew up in their faces.
— Roscoe B Davis🎖⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@RoscoeBDavis1) January 3, 2019
The story in Benghazi was why Stephens was even there:
What’s the desperate need to send him into a hostile unstable situation diplomacy? In Benghazi? We had no boots on the ground, only CIA contractors monitoring the situation there. Stevens showing up to set up a makeshift embassy in a virtually non secure facility for what?
— Roscoe B Davis🎖⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@RoscoeBDavis1) January 3, 2019
Stephens was in Benghazi allegedly working for the Clinton Foundation:
Chris Stevens became the official U.S. liaison to the Libyan opposition. He first entered Benghazi on April 5, 2011, joined by a USAID team, USAID team? How about some damn Marines? Who was neck deep in USAID and still are to this day? The Clinton Foundation.
— Roscoe B Davis🎖⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@RoscoeBDavis1) January 3, 2019
The US was attacked in Benghazi which was bad because Hillary wanted to keep the operation there low key:
State Dept official Charlene Lamb said she wanted to keep the security presence in Benghazi “artificially low” to not draw attention to why they were really there. Surplus funds originally earmarked for use in Iran were redirected & obligated for use in Benghazi to buy stingers
— Roscoe B Davis🎖⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@RoscoeBDavis1) January 3, 2019
Americans knew from the beginning it was a terrorist attack — because it was!
Diplomatic Security Service agents/Regional Security Officers informed their headquarters in DC about the attack just as it was beginning at about 9:40 p.m. local time (3:40 p.m. Eastern Time (ET)). At the time, they were informed that the attack was a “terrorist attack”
— Roscoe B Davis🎖⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@RoscoeBDavis1) January 3, 2019
It took the FBI 23 days to get to Benghazi and investigate:
After a 13 hr standoff, why did it take 23 days to allow the FBI investigators in to gather forensics? What were they hiding at the State Dept.? Where were all the official communications? The emails, better yet where are the Stingers and the balance of the SA-24s?
— Roscoe B Davis🎖⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@RoscoeBDavis1) January 3, 2019
Hillary tried to tie the attack to Turi but WikiLeaks released emails (which we wrote about at TGP at the time) showing Hillary’s plans and ties to Al-Qaeda –
Here’s 1651 emails in this sort that connect Clinton to al-Qaida and ISIS in both Libya and Syria, demonstrating Clinton supplied weapons to ISIS via Syria.
— Roscoe B Davis🎖⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@RoscoeBDavis1) January 3, 2019
Hillary then lied in front of Congress about the guns running in Benghazi –
Fox interview with Rand @RandPaul
— Roscoe B Davis🎖⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@RoscoeBDavis1) January 3, 2019
General Flynn knew the truth behind the entire situation:
Who was the director of the DIA at the time Benghazi went down and who was warning HRC and the Sate Dept, & Leon Panetta that an attack was planned? @GenFlynn and now you know why they were so desperate to get Flynn out of the seat of National Security Advisor. He knew the truth
— Roscoe B Davis🎖⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@RoscoeBDavis1) January 3, 2019
Obama got rid of General Flynn and even encouraged President-elect Trump not to hire General Flynn – he knew too much!
Barry also warned @realDonaldTrump to not hire Gen FLynn. Reason being @GenFlynn knew all the dirty secrets of all the illegal arms dealing the Obama admin was doing in the Middle East. As Nat’l Security Advisor he could sink them under the prison
— Roscoe B Davis🎖⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@RoscoeBDavis1) January 3, 2019
Hillary didn’t care about any deaths or guns to American enemies – she was making millions on the deal.
It’s time that Hillary and Obama are brought to justice.
If President Trump does not bring to justice the people in the Deep State responsible for selling guns to our enemies and lying about it and the fate of four Americans, he will have a difficult time being re-elected!
Americans want the swamp drained and Hillary locked up!
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