If things have gotten a little … cold … in the bedroom lately, it turns out you can blame President Donald Trump.
According to a “sex expert” who spoke to the far-left publication Salon, Trump is having an outsized effect on people’s love lives across the country, causing bouts of apathy, listlessness, and just a general lack of “being in the mood.”
Dr. Susan Block, a self-described “sex therapist,” said that Donald Trump has “created a type of PTSD — what I call ‘Post-Trump Sex Disorder.'”
“Trump has created feelings of fear, loathing, and nausea,” she told Salon. “People just don’t want to have sex. This would mainly be seen with women who are just appalled at how creepy Trump is. He takes what is often a positive male attributes of confidence and pushes it way over the line into a rape-like and rape-entitled kind of arrogance.”
Part of the problem, Dr. Block believes, is that Trump has wormed his way into so many Americans’ brains that they can no longer separate “good sex” from their idea of what Trump’s version must be like.
“The news is full of stories about bad sex. They don’t really like to talk about good sex. When you have this media obsession with bad sex with the usual ‘all American’ war worship and racism, as well as economic disparities and the way that corporations are in control, it really sucks the life out of a person,” she added.
It’s hard to believe that anyone, even in their worst moments, equates sex with racism and “worship,” and if people are thinking about income inequality while they’re getting it on, they may have bigger problems than just who happens to be president, but Dr. Block insists that Trump is to blame for lack of action.
She may not be entirely wrong. Other studies have shown that Trump is having a disparate impact on the leftist psyche. Just last week, a similar expert claimed that Americans are so depressed about Trump’s presidency that many of them now fall under a new diagnosis, “Trump anxiety disorder.”
And according to a study out of San Francisco State University, at least 25% of all college-age students who lived through Trump’s election have symptoms of actual post-traumatic stress disorder, occasionally to the same degree as kids who’ve lived through school shootings.
There’s good news, though, from Dr. Block if you’re a Trump supporter.
She believes that the president, whom she describes as a “a right-wing authoritarian and aspiring tyrant,” with a “fascist conception of the State,” is actually “charging up” those who agree with him — though she sees that — and not letting Trump dictate your desire for sex — as an indication of mental illness.
“In this way, Donald Trump is the daddy of a dysfunctional United States family. And of course evil can be very sexy. Evil is fascinating. As you said previously, Donald Trump is a cult leader and Charlie Manson-like figure. People are just charged up by him and some of those people are driven to commit great crimes by that kind of charisma,” she said.
via Daily Wire
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