Fox’s Tucker Carlson continues to be at the top of his game and he directed his fire at the dark heart of the Democrats’ socialist scheme to destroy America, the Green New Deal.
The plan to impose socialism/communism on America may still be in an inchoate form but the corrupt media is lapping up the slop by the bucket and covering for 29-year-old dunce and taco bar revolutionary Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who has emerged as the salesperson who will appeal to the coveted millennials.
Carlson just unloaded on both the buck-toothed Bronx buffoon as well as the entire scam which he referred to as the ‘Green New Mess’ during a recent segment on his popular show.
Via Real Clear Politics, “Tucker Carlson: “Screechy Moron” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Not Demanding China To Adopt ‘Green New Deal’”:
Tucker Carlson dismissed the Democratic-proposed Green New Deal as a “religious document” in climate theology. Carlson said the rhetoric about the Deal is “not the language of compromise and moderation, it’s the language of fundamentalist theology.”
The FOX News host said the Green New Deal, like gun control, is not about what they say it is, it is really about “punishment and control.” The left believes America must be punished for its prosperity, he said, through “atonement.” The “indulgence” is turning over control of the U.S. economy to the Democratic party.
“The Green New Deal isn’t about the environment,” Carlson said Wednesday. “Just like gun control isn’t about school shootings, and speech codes have nothing to do with sensitivity. Nothing is what they say it is. What it’s really about is punishment and control.”
“The Green New Deal is a religious document,” the FNC host said. “It punishes America for the sins of its prosperity. The only atonement it offers is turning over control of the entire US economy to the Democratic Party. That’s the indulgence they require. They’re using moral blackmail to get it. Theocrats always do.”
He also blasted AOC as a “Screechy Moron” which is an insult to screechy morons.
Via the transcript:
OK. We give up. Let’s take this seriously. Global warming imperils the earth. We need a mass mobilization of Americans to fight it. Solar-powered landing craft on the beaches of this generation’s Normandy. No cost is too high, no sacrifice too extreme. Cory Booker is our Patton. Let’s stipulate that’s all true, and not flagrantly insane. So who is our enemy exactly? Well, carbon of course. Carbon is poison. Al Gore told us that 25 years ago. And who’s the biggest carbon dealer on planet earth, the El Chapo of CO2? You may think it’s America, because nobody has bothered to send you an update. In fact, it’s not. Not even close. China is the undisputed kingpin in the carbon trade. China throws more than twice the amount of deadly carbon into the atmosphere that America does. China is the problem. And that’s true, even if you’re just a regular environmentalist and skeptical of received climate theology. Because China is also the biggest physical polluter in the world. China dumps almost as much non-degradable plastic into the ocean as the rest of the world combined. They haven’t banned straws in Shanghai. So it’s pretty clear. If you’re worried about killing polar bears and poisoning fish with mercury, you should worry most about China.
But nobody in our ruling class is.
You don’t see Democratic activists camped outside the Chinese embassy in protest. They’re not demanding sanctions on China. That screechy moron Ocasio-Cortez isn’t telling China to give up coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear power within ten years. No way. The left loves the Chinese government. It’s their model for governing. A few years ago, California governor Jerry Brown flew — yes, flew — all the way to the Chinese mainland to praise its fascist government for its environmental leadership. Pretty funny.
Will this madness end? It had better or it will be the end of us.
via Downtrend.com
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