Saturday on Fox News Channel’s “Justice,” conservative radio talker Dennis Prager explained how Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her efforts to fight Amazon’s now-canceled plans to put a headquarters in New York City was emblematic of leftism’s obsession with equality.
Prager called “leftism” an emotion and not a position.
“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a good example of the left since Marx,” he said. “This is not new. They are not liberals. They are leftists. For the left, the love of idea is much greater than the love of people. That 25,000 people would have jobs, good-paying jobs, that massive numbers of workers in Long Island City and environs would benefit from Amazon coming there is of no consequence to them. They care about corporate greed, not about bettering the life of human beings. In the name of equality, people don’t realize how much evil has been done. This is a little example.”
Prager cited the French Revolution, Venezuela, and the Soviet Union as examples where the ideal is more important than human beings.
“[L]eftism is an emotion,” Prager added. “It’s not a position. And so, they so loathe that anybody is richer than anyone else that it is better that everyone suffer at a low level than everyone be improved, but there still be much richer people. They live the idea of the violation because I think in biblical terms, often, of the Tenth Commandment: Don’t covet what belongs to someone else. The left is based on coveting. They loathe the idea that [Amazon CEO Jeff] Bezos is rich. I can’t stand Bezos. But I don’t loathe that he’s a billionaire. It is irrelevant to me. The question is, will he do good by bringing business to my city. The answer is an unequivocal yes.”
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via Breitbart News
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