Recent polling has some good news for the conservative cause: More Americans identify as conservative than as liberal.
Gallup’s 2018 tracking polls in all 50 U.S. states asked respondents to self-identify as either liberal, conservative or moderate.
The aggregated results, which were released Friday, show that more respondents identified as liberal than as conservative in only six states. Gallup previously reported that on a national level, conservatives outnumbered liberals 35 percent to 26 percent in 2018.
The states where the number of self-identified liberal residents exceeded the number of conservatives were Hawaii, New Hampshire, New York, Massachusetts, Vermont and Washington.
Gallup’s 2018 survey results reveal a slight change from their 2017 poll, which showed nine states where self-identified liberals outnumbered conservatives.
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This means that according to Gallup, there were a few states that had a slight liberal bent in 2017 that now lean conservative.
However, Gallup noted that “it is unclear how meaningful these changes are,” as “many of the changes are within the margin of error for the state’s sample.”
Still, the 2018 poll does show that more Americans consider themselves conservatives than liberals.
The liberal-conservative gap meets in California, where conservatives and liberals both make up 29 percent of the population. In 43 other states, though, there are more conservatives than liberals.
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According to Gallup, conservatives lead by 38 points in the country’s most conservative state (Mississippi), while liberals have a 14 point-edge in the most liberal state (Massachusetts).
Fifty percent of Mississippians identified themselves as conservative, while only 12 percent said they were liberal. Another 29 percent identified as moderate.
On the other side of the political divide, 35 percent of Massachusetts residents identified as liberal, and 21 percent as conservative.
Conservatives have a significant advantage in 25 states. In 19 “highly conservative” states, Gallup said “conservatives outnumber liberals by at least 20 percentage points.”
The results may come as a surprise to some. The establishment media‘s decidedly liberal bent often paints America as less conservative than it is.
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It will be interesting to see how the country’s political demographics shift leading up to the 2020 elections.
Hopefully for conservatives, more and more Americans will realize that liberal policies simply don’t work.
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via Conservative Tribune
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