The Job Creators Network fired back at Democratic Rep. (D-NY) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with two more billboards in the heart of Times Square, this time roasting the left-wing Democrat after she attacked the group on social media.
“Hey AOC, Saw your wack tweet,” the second 7th Avenue billboard says, which is in response to an Ocasio-Cortez tweet that called JCN “wack.”
Last week, Job Creators Network had a giant billboard erected in Times Square which slammed Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for her role in driving Amazon’s decision to pull out of it announced plan to move it’s new headquarters to New York City.
“25,000 lost NYC jobs, $4 billion in lost wages, $12 billion in lost economic activity for NY — thanks for nothing, AOC!” the first billboard says.
Taking to Twitter, posted a pair of tweeted aimed at JCN.
Few things effectively communicate the power we’ve built in fighting dark money & anti-worker policies like billionaire-funded groups blowing tons of cash on wack billboards (this one is funded by the Mercers).
(PS fact that it’s in Times Sq tells you this isn’t for/by NYers.) https://t.co/B4QTPi1r2k
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) February 21, 2019
Billionaires paying to put up anti-progressive propaganda in Times Square is like the obscenely rich version of the scene where Michael Scott points to the Bubba Gump and saying “This is it, this is the heart of civilization, right here.” 😂 https://t.co/NJXggcSZJv
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) February 21, 2019
“Hey AOC, Saw your wack tweet,” the first JCN billboard reads, with another below that says, “Hey AOC, this billboard cost about $4,000. But you cost NY 25,000 jobs and $4,000,000,000 in annual lost wages. Ouch!”
To be clear, Ocasio-Cortez took heat from elected officials in New York on both political parties, including left-wing New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.
“The Amazon pullout is a perfect example of what we’ve been saying: socialism takes and capitalism creates,” said Alfredo Ortiz, JCN President and CEO. “The economic consequences of Amazon’s pullout is just a small taste of the harm that is to come if Ocasio-Cortez’s anti-business canon comes to fruition and is made federal policy.”
“The billboard—which is located on 42nd Street near 8th Avenue—will be displayed for one week beginning today and is headlined ‘AMAZON PULLOUT, Thanks For Nothing AOC,’” JCN said last week. “The ad goes on to highlight the economic consequences of Ocasio-Cortez’s actions and ends with the hashtag, #SocialismTakesCapitalismCreates.”
Visit ThanksAOC.com to learn more, the JCN press release says.
Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter @jeromeehudson
via Breitbart News
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