Is rabidly far-left Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D.-Washington) trying to become the Ilhan Omar of the health care industry?
Sure looks like it, given her new Medicare-for-All proposal set to go to the House for a vote. It’s so left-wing even the left-leaning Axios says it makes Bernie Sanders look like a piker. Here’s how bad it is:
Even Sen. Bernie Sanders can get outflanked in the race to define Medicare for All as Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) is set to introduce a bill today that would go even further than Sanders’ sweeping proposal.
Why it matters: Even as moderates and more conventional liberals are freaking out over the politics of such a dramatic upheaval, the left is still moving left, laying down ever-more-ambitious markers as they gain more and more influence over their party.
Axios also notes that the bill seeks to keep costs under control through a “global budget,” meaning a cap on how much money hospitals and nursing care facilities can get, which is a fancy way of saying: rationing. They call that “interesting.” The rest of us call it “Venezuela.”
The HuffPo praises it as: ”The Most Ambitious ‘Medicare For All’ Bill Yet.”
And it has even more horrible details:
The program would be non-voluntary, which means you get care as the government determines, whether you like it or not. You’d not only lose your current insurance, you’d lose any right to buy insurance even if you wanted to pay extra on top of your well-raised taxes. Rest assured the dolings will be politicized.
The only private element would be for non-Medicare-covered services, such as optional plastic surgery. The boob jobs get saved. The rest of your health care? Not so much.
Abortion would be fully covered and paid for through those higher taxes, like it or not. One wonders if infanticide fees for babies who survive abortions will be billable hours now, too.
Much of nightmare would be “paid for” not just through soaring taxes, and don’t expect the projects for this to avoid cost overruns, but also by cutting doctors’ salaries, which is a great way to motivate them and the future doctors who are going to be needed. The insurance would be nationalized, but the hospitals and doctors would stay private, forcing the latter to remain on double-entry bookkeeping while the state would have no limits on who it could keep sending over for care. In Venezuela, this was the exact recipe for the country’s famous shortages and you can bet they’d show up here, too.
Here’s another one: It will be available, free of charge to “all residents,” according to the HuffPo piece, which obviously would include all illegal immigrants. With Democrats already dangling out free health care to illegals in California, leftist states suing to block any fence at our southern border as their “illegal immigration stimulus plan,” and congressional Democrats vowing to block any effort to put up a border barrier, too (Jayapal is one of the loudest voices on this by the way), you can bet that’s a dinner triangle for free health care, not just to all of Central America, but other prominent suppliers of America’s illegals: Somalia, the Philippines, Vietnam, South Korea, China, India, Brazil and Nigeria . Who wouldn’t?
Meanwhile, the transition period from the health care you have, to the Medicare you aren’t going to like? A mere two years. It would be a rather amazing jolt, and too bad for you if there any ‘glitches’ and you needed some service.
The HuffPo notes that the bill will have fewer sponsors as even Democrats blanch, but among those who are signing on are all those newly-minted Democrats from places such as southern California. Those representatives wouldn’t be around were it not for ballot-harvesting and who knows how many illegal votes – because the state after all isn’t saying. Which rather shows the coercive factor here – given that most of these places’ voters aren’t that left-wing.
The bottom line, though, is that the bill is even more extreme than what Bernie Sanders is proposing, and that says a lot about the state of the Democrats. They all want to stand out and they wall are now trying to out-Bernie Bernie and go open with what their real agenda is. Obamacare looks so mild compared to these lunacies. To propose something more socialist than the big socialist wants for you speaks to how crazily Chavista left the Democrats are now becoming. All that is holding them back now is President Trump and the Republican-led Senate, as Axios notes.
As Sen. Lindsey Graham once said in another context: “Boy, y’all want power. You want this seat? I hope you never get it.”
Is rabidly far-left Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D.-Washington) trying to become the Ilhan Omar of the health care industry?
Sure looks like it, given her new Medicare-for-All proposal set to go to the House for a vote. It’s so left-wing even the left-leaning Axios says it makes Bernie Sanders look like a piker. Here’s how bad it is:
Even Sen. Bernie Sanders can get outflanked in the race to define Medicare for All as Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) is set to introduce a bill today that would go even further than Sanders’ sweeping proposal.
Why it matters: Even as moderates and more conventional liberals are freaking out over the politics of such a dramatic upheaval, the left is still moving left, laying down ever-more-ambitious markers as they gain more and more influence over their party.
Axios also notes that the bill seeks to keep costs under control through a “global budget,” meaning a cap on how much money hospitals and nursing care facilities can get, which is a fancy way of saying: rationing. They call that “interesting.” The rest of us call it “Venezuela.”
The HuffPo praises it as: ”The Most Ambitious ‘Medicare For All’ Bill Yet.”
And it has even more horrible details:
The program would be non-voluntary, which means you get care as the government determines, whether you like it or not. You’d not only lose your current insurance, you’d lose any right to buy insurance even if you wanted to pay extra on top of your well-raised taxes. Rest assured the dolings will be politicized.
The only private element would be for non-Medicare-covered services, such as optional plastic surgery. The boob jobs get saved. The rest of your health care? Not so much.
Abortion would be fully covered and paid for through those higher taxes, like it or not. One wonders if infanticide fees for babies who survive abortions will be billable hours now, too.
Much of nightmare would be “paid for” not just through soaring taxes, and don’t expect the projects for this to avoid cost overruns, but also by cutting doctors’ salaries, which is a great way to motivate them and the future doctors who are going to be needed. The insurance would be nationalized, but the hospitals and doctors would stay private, forcing the latter to remain on double-entry bookkeeping while the state would have no limits on who it could keep sending over for care. In Venezuela, this was the exact recipe for the country’s famous shortages and you can bet they’d show up here, too.
Here’s another one: It will be available, free of charge to “all residents,” according to the HuffPo piece, which obviously would include all illegal immigrants. With Democrats already dangling out free health care to illegals in California, leftist states suing to block any fence at our southern border as their “illegal immigration stimulus plan,” and congressional Democrats vowing to block any effort to put up a border barrier, too (Jayapal is one of the loudest voices on this by the way), you can bet that’s a dinner triangle for free health care, not just to all of Central America, but other prominent suppliers of America’s illegals: Somalia, the Philippines, Vietnam, South Korea, China, India, Brazil and Nigeria . Who wouldn’t?
Meanwhile, the transition period from the health care you have, to the Medicare you aren’t going to like? A mere two years. It would be a rather amazing jolt, and too bad for you if there any ‘glitches’ and you needed some service.
The HuffPo notes that the bill will have fewer sponsors as even Democrats blanch, but among those who are signing on are all those newly-minted Democrats from places such as southern California. Those representatives wouldn’t be around were it not for ballot-harvesting and who knows how many illegal votes – because the state after all isn’t saying. Which rather shows the coercive factor here – given that most of these places’ voters aren’t that left-wing.
The bottom line, though, is that the bill is even more extreme than what Bernie Sanders is proposing, and that says a lot about the state of the Democrats. They all want to stand out and they wall are now trying to out-Bernie Bernie and go open with what their real agenda is. Obamacare looks so mild compared to these lunacies. To propose something more socialist than the big socialist wants for you speaks to how crazily Chavista left the Democrats are now becoming. All that is holding them back now is President Trump and the Republican-led Senate, as Axios notes.
As Sen. Lindsey Graham once said in another context: “Boy, y’all want power. You want this seat? I hope you never get it.”
via American Thinker Blog
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