Most people
agree that our system of government depends on an informed, participating
citizenry. It can be hard enough to understand what Congress is doing, but it’s
even harder to grasp how Congress operates.
And yet, rules
that govern how things get done often determine what those things end up being.
As such, it’s very important that Americans understand how the Senate majority
just changed—and hopefully, improved—the process for debating the president’s
Republicans on Wednesday, in a pair of 51-48 votes almost entirely along party
lines, revised one part of that process. The move will expedite the
confirmation process for President Donald Trump’s district court nominees and
sub-Cabinet posts at federal departments and agencies.
Constitution doesn’t say much about this process, only that the president needs
the Senate’s “advice and consent” before he can appoint someone he has
Then the
Constitution gives the Senate authority to establish “the rules of its
proceedings.” In other words, the Constitution assigns this role to the Senate,
but without telling the Senate how to do it.
The process of the Senate evaluating nominees and deciding whether to give its consent is often called the confirmation process, and it operated pretty smoothly for nearly two centuries.
But as the
federal government grew in size and power, the appointment of those who lead it
has become more important and, therefore, more contentious.
designed to be the weakest branch, the judiciary has in recent decades become
the strongest. Its power to determine what our laws mean is magnified because
judges do not have limited terms. Once they are appointed, they serve until
they decide to leave, an average of nearly 25 years.
As a result,
the judicial-confirmation process has become particularly difficult. Until the past
couple of decades, 96 percent of federal judges were confirmed without even a
roll call, or recorded, vote, and 97 percent had no opposition at all.
Those days
are gone.
Trump is
making significantly more judicial nominations—and the Senate Judiciary
Committee is holding a hearing for far more of them—than under the previous
five presidents.
confirmations by the full Senate, however, are off the pace. The cause is an organized
campaign, utilizing several specific tactics, by Democrats and their liberal
allies to make the rest of the process as slow and cumbersome as possible.
Republicans have now neutralized one of those tactics.
Senate Rule
22 provides for a process to invoke cloture, or end debate, which is necessary
before the Senate can vote on confirmation.
Even when
the Senate votes to bring debate to a close, however, Rule 22 allowed up to 30
more hours of debate.
Democrats had
abused that part of the Rule 22 process. First, they refused to shorten that
30-hour period of debate even for nominations they didn’t intend to oppose.
Second, they almost never actually went to the Senate floor and debated the nomination
being considered.
That was
just empty time, with the clock ticking for no purpose other than delaying the
inevitable. Nominations that would have been confirmed in a few hours took
several days.
On Tuesday, Senate
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell gave Democrats a final opportunity to dial back
such obstruction. The Kentucky Republican brought up a resolution to shorten post-cloture
debate for most nominations with limits very similar to those the Senate voted
78-16 to adopt for the 113th Congress (2013-14).
supported those limits when they ran the Senate under President Barack Obama, but
filibustered them now that they are the minority under Trump.
On Wednesday,
McConnell achieved the same reform in a different way. He proposed lower limits
on post-cloture debate, not in the form of a written resolution, but as a
“point of order,” or a question of procedure that required an answer from the
Senate’s presiding officer.
The full
Senate then voted on whether to endorse the presiding officer’s decision.
McConnell used this approach because it could not be stopped by a filibuster
the way the resolution had been the day before.
Remember, that
is the very last step before a final confirmation vote. The Senate has already
voted, often overwhelmingly, that it wants to end debate. Making that final
period of available debate a little shorter is not, in the big scheme of
things, a significant step.
It can,
however, have a significant impact. When similar debate limits were in place in
2014, the Senate confirmed 89 judicial nominations, the second-highest annual
total in American history.
Even if
Democrats continue forcing the Senate to use the formal Rule 22 process to end
debate, the Senate will be able to do so for more nominees in a shorter period
of time.
Today, 142
positions across the federal judiciary are vacant, the highest number since
June 1991. Ninety percent of those vacancies are on the U.S. District Court,
the lowest level of the judiciary, where every case must begin.
No business
or organization could function properly if 17 percent of its workforce was absent,
yet that is the condition of the federal judiciary today.
The bottom
line is that the Senate’s process for considering nominations has become too
divisive and subject to abuse. The judiciary, and the American people who
depend on it, suffer as a result.
While controversies can arise about an individual nominee here or there, the process must be less cumbersome for the large majority, who should be easily confirmed.
Republicans have, in effect, opened one of the gates that have kept the process backed up. They need to seize this opportunity so that the government that Americans elected in 2016 can function as it should.
The post Senate Republicans Have Triggered the ‘Nuclear Option.’ They Were Completely Justified. appeared first on The Daily Signal.
via The Daily Signal
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