Dem Hypocrites Explode After Trump Suggests Relocating Illegals To Sanctuary Cities

So it now looks like all of the political left’s pontificating and phony concern about open borders and illegal immigrants has been complete hogwash.

President Trump came up with a brainstorm to alleviate overwhelmed border detention centers by suggesting that those who have invaded the U.S. under the pretense of being refugees should be transported to sanctuary cities across the country where liberals could roll out the red carpet.

Instead of gratitude, the celebs, activist media, and Democrats exploded in outrage showing once and for all that these sanctimonious sacks of snake shit don’t practice what they preach.

Via The Hill, Trump proposal for ‘sanctuary cities’ infuriates Dems”:

Democrats are fuming over President Trump’s consideration of a plan to move asylum seekers to “sanctuary cities” as a form of political retribution.

Top Democratic lawmakers were quick to criticize the morality of the proposal, while also saying it’s hard to take it seriously.

“You have policymakers at the highest levels throwing tantrums,” said Rep. Lou Correa (D-Calif.), the chairman of the House Homeland Security oversight subcommittee. “I can’t even begin to address this issue.”

The proposal, first reported by The Washington Post on Thursday, was floated by White House officials to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

President Trump on Friday confirmed the proposal in a tweet, saying, “we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities.”

White House officials in November and February tried unsuccessfully to pressure DHS officials to release thousands of detainees in small and mid-sized “sanctuary cities” as a form of political pressure against Democrats, the Post reported.

“This reflects how much policymakers at the highest level of a government don’t understand what they’re dealing with,” Correa said before Trump’s tweet. “When they say they’re going to punish sanctuary states, don’t they understand these workers are needed in this economy?”

And OH how they HOWLED like scalded cats instead of taking the side of their beloved illegals…

The stench of hypocrisy is overwhelming!


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