Just when you thought that shit was as crazy as it could get…
Man who ‘never felt human’ now lives his life as a dog in £2,000 fur suit https://t.co/xMUvyIKxF1 pic.twitter.com/YJihjKAsZQ
— Virall Newss (@VirallNewss) April 4, 2019
Man who ‘never felt human’ now lives his life as a dog in a fur suit
A ‘human pup’ who says he has never felt like a man eats his meals out of a dog bowl, wears a dog mask and often barks at, licks and bites friends.
Kaz James, 37, claims he’s felt like a dog since childhood and says he always felt ‘weird’ and unable to relate to others before finally allowing his pup persona to shine through in his late teens.
The store manager, from Salford, Greater Manchester, has had help from an online ‘pup play’ community and open-minded friends to transition from part-time pooch to confident canine.
The self-professed ‘full-time orange, brown and camo K9’ unleashes his doggy personality by barking at friends, carrying items with his teeth and snacking on Bonios.
Outside of work he can be found in customized rubber outfits, masks, dog leads, harnesses and even a bespoke £2,000 fur suit.
“I didn’t ever feel like a human, I always felt like a dog that was really out of place,” he said.
“I never really had a name for it, being a pup wasn’t a thing I knew about. When I met other people like me I felt I could be myself.
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Ex-Florida mayor who faces attempted murder charges smoked crack nightly for years, court records say https://t.co/RYihHrmCkG
Not first Fl. mayor to use meth and coke, but possibly the first ever to shoot at a SWAT team— Carl Hiaasen (@Carl_Hiaasen) April 12, 2019
Ex-Florida mayor who faces attempted murder charges smoked crack nightly for years, court records say
The mayor of this small coastal city spent years smoking crack cocaine on a nightly basis and used methamphetamine, too, according to court records obtained by the Tampa Bay Times.
Dale Massad paid runners to bring him illegal drugs, the records show, and acted as the personal doctor for his pals, suturing their injuries on his kitchen table — all while he held elected office.
Those records also reveal what launched the investigation that led to Massad’s arrest on Feb. 21 and his subsequent resignation as mayor.
Port Richey City Manager Vincent Lupo and Police Chief Gerard DeCanio reached out to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement last year with reports that Massad was engaged in corruption, drug use and practicing medicine without a license inside his home. Massad had lost his medical license in 1992 over the death of a 3-year-old patient.
Massad, 68, faces charges of practicing medicine without a license and attempted murder — the result of Massad firing his gun toward SWAT deputies as they raided his house during the medical investigation, according to the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office.
“He’s lucky he’s not dead,” Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco declared at a news conference the day of Massad’s arrest. The sheriff called Massad a violent drug user and said he kept several weapons in his home, hence the use of a SWAT team.
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They shot each other while taking turns wearing a bulletproof vest, police say. https://t.co/l4Gr7icRNF
— Fox 35 News (@Fox35News) April 5, 2019
Arkansas men in bulletproof vests shoot each other after night of drinking, invent elaborate cover story: cops
But two Arkansas men could still be in legal jeopardy after a night of drinking led them to test the vests by shooting at each other, officials said.
Charles Eugene Ferris, 50, and Christopher Hicks, 36, were arrested Sunday after Hicks showed up at a Rogers hospital complaining about chest pain.
Not wanting to reveal the true story of the backyard shootout, police said Ferris invented a lively story to explain the situation, KFSM reported.
Ferris allegedly told authorities he’d been paid $200 to protect an “asset,” whom he followed into the woods at Hobbs State Park. Ferris reportedly said that, while in the woods at about 10 p.m., the pair met a third man who approached the “asset” and prompted a gunfight. Cops say Ferris claimed to have been struck six times while returning fire and finally driving away with the “asset.”
Ferris allegedly said the “asset” dropped him off at his vehicle and the 50-year-old then dumped his weapons and drove to the hospital.
But officials say Ferris went from looking like 007 to just looking like a zero when his wife showed up at the hospital and spilled the beans: Ferris and Hicks shot each other while drinking on the back porch of their home.
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Cops: In retaliation for noisy picket line, neighbors gave strikers cookies spiked with laxative https://t.co/JK1PLsudxF pic.twitter.com/wB1fSRnkCh
— The Smoking Gun (@tsgnews) April 12, 2019
Cops: Duo Gave Strikers Cookies Spiked With Laxative Because Picket Line Was Too Noisy
Angered by the noise coming from a union picket line across frome their home, an Ohio couple allegedly made sugar cookies spiked with a laxative and gave the baked goods to striking school employees, police allege.
According to investigators, Bo Cosens, 29, and Rachel Sharrock, 25, are both facing a felony contamination charge. Seen above, Cosens and Sharrock are each locked up in lieu of $1 million bond.
The couple lives on the same street where workers have been protesting since going on strike in late-March. Picketers on the line outside the Claymont Primary School in Uhrichsville are often saluted by passing motorists with a honk of a horn.
That repetitive noise, cops say, prompted Cosens and Sharrock to target the workers.
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Man Admits Ghost Did Not Plant Meth In His Home, Court Records Show https://t.co/Zn9h8pTQwC pic.twitter.com/XxIPDyVllu
— Popular Crime (@popular_crime) April 10, 2019
Man Admits Ghost Did Not Plant Meth In His Home, Court Records Show
A man who surmised that a ghost may have planted methamphetamine in his Louisiana home eventually admitted that he, and not an otherworldly force, was responsible for the drug being in his residence court records show.
Michael Auttonberry, 60, was arrested in October after police arrived at his home in response to a purported assault. Auttonberry, cops say, had called 911 to claim that he had been “stabbed on the head by an axe.”
When officers arrived at Auttonberry’s West Monroe home, they determined that he was not suffering from any axe wounds (and there were no assailants in sight). Cops did, however, spot “in plain view on a night stand a open brown paper containing approximately 1 gram of suspected methamphetamine,” according to a probable cause affidavit. A subsequent pat down of Auttonberry yielded a pill bottle containing an additional gram of meth.
Quizzed by cops, Auttonberry said that “a ghost or intruders” planted the drugs before climbing out a bedroom window. This claim, investigators determined, “was not accurate.”
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Major U.S. hotels book depravity convention for pervy sickos
If you have plans to visit any of the major hotel chains in this Midwestern U.S. city, you should know how that room and… https://t.co/4hDDDg5sFQ
— WND News (@worldnetdaily) April 5, 2019
Convention at major U.S. hotels showcases extreme sexual depravity
If you had plans to take your kids to downtown Cleveland over the weekend of April 25-28, don’t – unless you want them to receive a quick and nightmarish tutorial about where the “LGBTQ” agenda really takes America: into a filthy sewer.
That weekend, major Cleveland hotels will host CLAW, the Cleveland Annual Leather Weekend
It’s a large orgy of homosexual males focused on “sado-masochism” and “bondage.” Think ropes, chains, erotic asphyxiation, suspension by hooks, cutting, etc. Or maybe don’t think about them, since these are usually considered reckless, stupid activities involving major risks of injury and disease, committed by severely emotionally disturbed people.
Unless of course you identify as “LGBTQ.” Then you get respect and can demand whatever you want in “public accommodations” even if it’s crazy, disgusting or a public health nightmare.
Which is why there’s a petition to Cleveland officials to stop this outrage.
If you have an interest in the Westin that weekend, it’s apparently “full.” Think about that: Packed with deviant males who will be doing who knows what in their rooms.
Sorry to offend, but it’s important to understand what is going on here: the public sharing of bodily fluids of promiscuous people who also regularly engage in anatomically invasive sex practices. So in the meeting rooms of the Westin, Hampton Inn, Cleveland Marriott, etc., there will be activities and “workshops” (a.k.a., orgies) involving blood, feces, urine, semen and – when people realize what they are doing – possibly vomit.
Several days later, you might be attending a corporate luncheon in the same room – and the Cleveland Department of Health is apparently okay with this.
Read it HERE.
You just can’t make stuff like this up
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