It’s not easy being a crazy leftist these days.
Word has gotten out about the mass starvation, crushing repression, and refugee crisis brought on by Venezuela’s brutal socialist dictatorship, and now no one wants to jump in to support Code Pink’s sit-in to defend the regime at the Venezuelan embassy in Washington.
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Support for the @codepink coup is failing at the Venezuelan embassy in #WashingtonDC Desperate cry from @ArielElyseGold “We need more people at the embassy in DC to protect it. Can you join us? DM me if you are available..” Anyone want to send her a message? MaybeDM? 😂😂😂 pic.twitter.com/2E9ParNqcZ
— Michael Welling (@WellingMichael) April 27, 2019
The photo shows a whopping six Code Pinksters involved in this obnoxious little stunt, with only one of them, founder Medea Benjamin, in pink, something that raises questions about the commitment of the protestors. This group has so little public support it can’t even get its own people to put on the Pepto-Bismol pink. It suggests that even the Code Pinksters themselves (so very abundant in congressional yell-ins) are staying away from this particular protest like a bad smell.
They should. Starvation pictures now coming from Venezuela are horrifying. The latest news from the U.S. ambassador to the Organization of American States, Carlos Trujillo, is that half the population of Venezuela – about 15 million people - are expected to flee the hellhole if Maduro retains power, meaning a hell of a refugee mass-migration crisis on the horizon.
And it doesn’t help Code Pink’s cause at all that people on the center-left, such as the writers for the Caracas Chronicle, who use all the language of the ‘woke’ such as ‘peace privilege,’ to denounce groups such as Code Pink. Here’s what one contributor on that high-traffic blog writes:
In these [social media] exchanges, “deniers” of the Venezuelan crisis (most of them tweeting from their peaceful lives in the U.S. or Europe, with no real clue about what it means to survive in present-day Venezuela) attack and provoke Venezuelan social media users. They, in turn, go to painstaking lengths to prove that what these “Starbucks communists” claim and what it takes to actually survive in Venezuela are not correlated.
With an essay like that, denouncing the crazies on the left, center-leftists have made opposition to the Chavista socialist hellhole regime a respectable position even among most leftists. Democrats running for president, seeking the Florida vote, know that Florida’s voters won’t look at a candidate who supports the Code Pink position. Even socialist Bernie Sanders, seems to be trying to distance himself from Venezuela’s failure, though he didn’t earlier when other people’s money was still around. No support from those quarters, either.
Life’s tough when you support odious pariahs. Code Pink didn’t get the memo. Now pariahs are about all they have left.
It’s not easy being a crazy leftist these days.
Word has gotten out about the mass starvation, crushing repression, and refugee crisis brought on by Venezuela’s brutal socialist dictatorship, and now no one wants to jump in to support Code Pink’s sit-in to defend the regime at the Venezuelan embassy in Washington.
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Support for the @codepink coup is failing at the Venezuelan embassy in #WashingtonDC Desperate cry from @ArielElyseGold “We need more people at the embassy in DC to protect it. Can you join us? DM me if you are available..” Anyone want to send her a message? MaybeDM? 😂😂😂 pic.twitter.com/2E9ParNqcZ
— Michael Welling (@WellingMichael) April 27, 2019
The photo shows a whopping six Code Pinksters involved in this obnoxious little stunt, with only one of them, founder Medea Benjamin, in pink, something that raises questions about the commitment of the protestors. This group has so little public support it can’t even get its own people to put on the Pepto-Bismol pink. It suggests that even the Code Pinksters themselves (so very abundant in congressional yell-ins) are staying away from this particular protest like a bad smell.
They should. Starvation pictures now coming from Venezuela are horrifying. The latest news from the U.S. ambassador to the Organization of American States, Carlos Trujillo, is that half the population of Venezuela – about 15 million people - are expected to flee the hellhole if Maduro retains power, meaning a hell of a refugee mass-migration crisis on the horizon.
And it doesn’t help Code Pink’s cause at all that people on the center-left, such as the writers for the Caracas Chronicle, who use all the language of the ‘woke’ such as ‘peace privilege,’ to denounce groups such as Code Pink. Here’s what one contributor on that high-traffic blog writes:
In these [social media] exchanges, “deniers” of the Venezuelan crisis (most of them tweeting from their peaceful lives in the U.S. or Europe, with no real clue about what it means to survive in present-day Venezuela) attack and provoke Venezuelan social media users. They, in turn, go to painstaking lengths to prove that what these “Starbucks communists” claim and what it takes to actually survive in Venezuela are not correlated.
With an essay like that, denouncing the crazies on the left, center-leftists have made opposition to the Chavista socialist hellhole regime a respectable position even among most leftists. Democrats running for president, seeking the Florida vote, know that Florida’s voters won’t look at a candidate who supports the Code Pink position. Even socialist Bernie Sanders, seems to be trying to distance himself from Venezuela’s failure, though he didn’t earlier when other people’s money was still around. No support from those quarters, either.
Life’s tough when you support odious pariahs. Code Pink didn’t get the memo. Now pariahs are about all they have left.
via American Thinker Blog
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