Thursday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh warned of the dangers of not taking a closer look at the origins of the Mueller probe, which opens the door for “criminalization” of policy differences and politics.
Limbaugh said if such a thing is allowed, it would mean “we’re done” as a country.
Partial transcript as follows:
Everybody with half a brain ought to be outraged with what Mueller did yesterday. But they’re not, because Mueller is an ally in getting rid of a politician they don’t like. They couldn’t defeat the politician at the ballot box, and they couldn’t find any crimes that this politician committed.
So they’re just going to tell everybody they think he’s guilty and that he intended to commit crimes. “But, for crying out loud, we just don’t have the evidence yet! We can’t catch him, but we know he’s guilty. Therefore, because we know he is, he is.” That’s what they are constructing here. If they get away with this — if they get away with the criminalization of policy differences — then we’re finished. I mean, given the assets they have?
They have the deep state. They have the media. They have the power of the federal Treasury. Look at what they’re doing now with open borders, flooding the nation. Hollywood, the pop culture corrupting our society. Academia. Wall Street. They have all of this at their disposal. Right now, all we have is the people on our side and maybe 51, 52% of the country. These people have to be defeated. The people that did this have to be held accountable.
Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor
via Breitbart News
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