The hits just keep coming for CNN with yet another story that shows that relying on fake news and conspiracy theories is a miserable failure as a business model.
It’s been a nightmarish last few months for the self-proclaimed “most trusted name in news” when plunging ratings over the Mueller report mega-dud have driven the network to deny “crazy rumors” about a wave of staff cuts yet last month “voluntary buyouts” were offered to employees as the central anti-Trump propaganda transmission station trimmed the fat.
The “buyouts” were recently followed by the news that CNN was slashing its entire health division with the exception of smarmy celebrity Doctor Sangay Gupta who specializes in long-range diagnoses of President Trump, a man who he has never personally examined.
Then just last week, CNN implemented staff cuts across the pond at its international operations London, forcing viewers to suffer through domestic American replacement content on their tellies.
Now it’s freelance writers who are getting rear-ended by Jeff Zucker and the other suits as it is now being reported that such content providers should expect to not be paid for three months which is going to be tough to swallow for people already living on a razor-thin budget.
CNN To Start Making Freelancers Wait 3 Months For Payment https://t.co/pZQVAbV2a4
— The Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) May 31, 2019
Via The Daily Caller:
CNN is reportedly set to impose a “net 90” payment term on freelance employees beginning in June, meaning the company’s freelancers will be paid just once every three months.
“In a blow to their financial stability, CNN sent a letter to several of the network’s freelancers this week, extending their payment terms to net 90 (payment 90 days after invoice). The change is to ‘be better aligned with our corporate requirements,’” a Twitter user named Marcus DiPaola said on Tuesday night.
The move has met with significant blowback.
“Net 90 is NOT a reasonable payment term for people who must pay rent every 30 days,” Freelancers Union Executive Director Caitlin Pierce wrote on Thursday. “CNN is effectively asking freelancers to finance the cash flow of a multi-billion dollar company by waiting one quarter of a year for payment.”
Here is the copy of the letter the freelancers received. Sorry for the delay. Wanted to get explicit permission from my source to post. pic.twitter.com/XZZAHT4X1q
— Marcus DiPaola (@marcusdipaola) May 29, 2019
In addition to being a really rotten surprise to spring on freelancers, it is yet another sign that CNN bet the house on Mueller and rolled snake eyes.
Unlike MSNBC where the loyal viewing audience would eat a bowl of doggie doo with candy sprinkles on top if Rachel Maddow told them too, CNN had long relied on the big con that it was still a legitimate news network and the implosion of the great Russian collusion hoax didn’t sit well with those who are still occasionally capable of critical thinking.
Things aren’t looking up either. It was reported that the New York Times is moving to bar its reporters from appearing on CNN and MSNBC in what taken at face value, appears to be a too little, too late effort to salvage their credibility.
The New York Times is clamping down on its reporters appearing on opinionated cable news shows to avoid the appearance of “bias.”https://t.co/MDbtcO6ZWv
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) May 31, 2019
According to The Washington Examiner:
The New York Times is clamping down on its reporters appearing on opinionated cable news shows to avoid the appearance of “bias.”
The newspaper recently blocked its finance editor David Enrich from appearing on Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC show to talk about his reporting on President Trump’s finances and Deutsche Bank, according to according to Vanity Fair. The paper has also placed Lawrence O’Donnell’s show on MSNBC and Don Lemon’s show on CNN on its blacklist.
“In deciding whether to make a radio, television or Internet appearance, a staff member should consider its probable tone and content to make sure they are consistent with Times standards,” the New York Times ethics guide states. “Staff members should avoid strident, theatrical forums that emphasize punditry and reckless opinion-mongering.”
When you’ve lost the New York Times, you know that it’s big trouble.
Sooner or later it won’t only be freelancers and staffers but CNN will have to start sawing off some of its high-dollar all-star team of Trump hating crazies like gangrenous limbs.
via Downtrend.com
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