Pro-Life Movie ‘Unplanned’ Hits No. 1 Among DVDs on Amazon

“Unplanned,” a movie about an abortion clinic director who left her job at Planned Parenthood, is the No. 1 DVD in Amazon sales after surpassing expectations in movie theaters. 

“You know, without being trite, I think the people have spoken,” Cary Solomon, who directed the movie with Chuck Konzelman, told The Daily Signal in a phone interview Tuesday. 

“Unplanned” tells the true story of Abby Johnson, a Planned Parenthood clinic director who quit her job with the nation’s largest abortion provider in 2009 after having a conversion experience regarding the procedure. 

The movie, which stars Ashley Bratcher as Johnson, grossed $19 million in theaters over 19 weeks, according to Box Office Mojo.

Solomon said the news that “Unplanned” became Amazon’s top-selling DVD for its official release Tuesday is especially gratifying given “suppression” of the movie by mainstream media and social media in an attempt to “damage” it during the initial run in theaters.   

Obstacles to the movie’s success included its “R” rating from the Motion Picture Association of America and censorship on social media. 

Solomon said he read that the makers of the average movie are happy with sales of 20,000 to 30,000 DVDs, but that “we presold about 235,000 without even telling anyone it was out there.”

“What does that say?” Solomon asked. “It says that we have a nation that is hungry for stories about life, but not only that [but for] true stories that reveal the truth.” 

Solomon credited the film’s success to God’s grace:

When we began, we were very concerned, very worried, very scared, and we had a Holy Spirit moment: The Spirit dropped on us and basically said, ‘Do not be afraid. This is for my glory.’ And I know that thousands of people maybe won’t believe that, but that is exactly what happened.

Konzelman, Solomon’s co-director, told The Daily Signal that he has been pleasantly surprised how well the film has done despite the opposition encountered. 

“We’re continually surprised every day. We’re surprised by the obstacles, we’re surprised by how every adversity seems to contain within it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit,” Konzelman said. 

“We just were kind of amazed every day,” he added.  

Bratcher tweeted Thursday about the development. 

The official Twitter account for “Unplanned” chimed in: “No promotion. No ads. We’ve barely mentioned our DVD release on social media.” 

The film arrived Tuesday on DVD, Blu-ray Disc, and streaming on demand on Amazon Prime Video. 

“Number one bestseller on Amazon,” Johnson exclaimed in a Facebook post days before the home video release. “And it hasn’t even released yet!!! Go purchase yours now on Amazon, Walmart or [get] an autographed copy through our store at

The post Pro-Life Movie ‘Unplanned’ Hits No. 1 Among DVDs on Amazon appeared first on The Daily Signal.

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CNN In Hot Water: April Ryan Has Bodyguard Violently Eject Journalist, Steal Camera

It’s been a bad week for CNN. Hosts Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon both embroiled in their own scandals, one even caught on camera. Now CNN political analyst April Ryan is in hot water after a local journalist claims he was assaulted by Ryan’s bodyguard while covering an event she was speaking at, earlier this month.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Levin: These Dem senators are ‘threatening the Supreme Court … if they don’t get in line on gun control’

Tuesday on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin called out Senate Democrats for their blatant tyranny in warning the Supreme Court to “heal” or else face “fundamental restructuring.”

Democratic Senators Sheldon Whitehouse, R.I., Dick Durbin, Ill., Richard Blumenthal, Conn., Kirsten Gillibrand, N.Y., and Mazie Hirono, Hawaii, filed a brief in a New York gun control case Monday saying the court “is not well” and must “heal itself.”

“This is tyranny. … They’re threatening the United States Supreme Court. You know, it’s one thing to pass a new Judiciary Act, propose new numbers on the Supreme Court, amend the Constitution — they’re not doing that. They’re telling the court, ‘Either you rule the way we want you to rule on gun control, or we’re going to attack your institution legislatively.’”


“Donald Trump has criticized judges, and he’s been viciously, relentlessly attacked for it,” Levin reminded listeners. “‘That’s an independent branch; you can’t question them.’ Remember? But now you have multiple senior Senate Democrats, in a brief filed in the Supreme Court for all the media to see, threatening the Supreme Court with restructuring if they don’t get in line on gun control. You have Brett Kavanaugh, a sitting associate justice of the Supreme Court, being threatened by the House Judiciary Committee, which wants his records from the time he was working at the White House Counsel’s office — that is a threat against a sitting justice — and constantly intimating about impeachment of that justice. You have presidential candidates, including Joe Biden, trashing the Declaration of Independence, trashing the Constitution. You have them all almost unanimously trashing free markets and capitalism, attacking the Electoral College, attacking the Second Amendment. This is an unAmerican party. It has become a radicalized, unAmerican party, rejecting the Constitution except when it thinks it can help them. … Attacking one institution after another. It’s one thing to disagree, and one thing to come up with a constitutional means for addressing them, like Article V Convention of States. But that’s not what they did. They filed a brief in the Supreme Court, threatening these Supreme Court justices, making it abundantly clear that they will bring pressure to change the makeup of the court if the court does not deliver them the opinion that they want.”

“This is a party that’s very, very comfortable with tyranny. This is a party that’s very comfortable with a centralized, iron-fisted government, as long as they run it, as long as they control it.”

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Mueller, Epstein, and the rule of law

After this weekend I have little faith in the U.S.’ go-forward ability to blindly administer the Rule of Law.

I’ll spare the details of the Epstein story as they’ve been trickling out over the weekend, but based on those details, it’s clear the fix is blatantly in, with astonishing hubris.  Common sense would signal that powerful people assessed the risk of Epstein dumping the goods on them vs. the risk of taking him out — in blatant public view — and opted for the latter.  It’s as if the Corleone family and the Matrix calling the shots in the Bourne Trilogy have come to life.  

Malfeasance within our Justice system kicked into a new gear, commencing with the two-year Mueller investigation.  It’s irrelevant whether or not you’re a Trump supporter;  that “windmill chase” shone the spotlight on a U.S. legal system that pivoted to the premise of an individual having a position of guilt — in initiating and carrying out an investigation, without a proper legal process/gathering of evidence to properly justify the criminal accusation(s) from the onset.  Reminder:  a backfill and temporary head of the DoJ, Rod Rosenstein, was able to solely trigger that action.  After two years, with nothing of substance to report on, that investigation has largely disappeared from press coverage and is no longer discussed among Trump’s (serious and reasoned) foes.  Is this the America we want going forward:  allowing a politically-driven process like this, against any American, let alone a sitting President, regardless where that individual sits on the Left-to-Right spectrum?

As I review Monday morning’s press headlines (such as the NY Times’ and LA Times’ headlines), one would expect a headline to the effect of “How could Epstein have committed suicide?”  It’s clear the media will lose its curiosity in digging into the cause of death of “America’s highest profile inmate” and accept the findings from law enforcement, attorneys and expert witnesses at face value.  Heck, the only coverage in the LA Times is an op-ed, and it’s arguing the case he committed suicide!  It would appear both outlets received the talking points to focus elsewhere…

We should all be disturbed that our federal and local law enforcement agencies, coupled with the power players impacted, can coordinate and execute (pun intended) an event like this — and get away with it.  This clear corruption is Exhibit A why the Founders created the 2nd Amendment — so the citizens could defend themselves from tyranny within, as well as outside of this country.  That amendment is not about hunting rights, and the Founders surely felt the citizenry should be armed equally with the threatening tyranny.  They believed human nature, especially of those in control, was prone to corruption — even with the checks and balances they created in the Constitution and the governing model of federalism.  After observing the events of the Epstein episode these past several weeks, the threat to the Rule of Law is reaching new heights.  As such, we should never agree to allow our law enforcement agencies to define, monitor and enforce these proposed Red Flag laws that are currently in vogue.  

This country is sailing into uncharted and rough waters.  When the populace loses its faith in the rule of law, tyranny always backfills the void.

After this weekend I have little faith in the U.S.’ go-forward ability to blindly administer the Rule of Law.

I’ll spare the details of the Epstein story as they’ve been trickling out over the weekend, but based on those details, it’s clear the fix is blatantly in, with astonishing hubris.  Common sense would signal that powerful people assessed the risk of Epstein dumping the goods on them vs. the risk of taking him out — in blatant public view — and opted for the latter.  It’s as if the Corleone family and the Matrix calling the shots in the Bourne Trilogy have come to life.  

Malfeasance within our Justice system kicked into a new gear, commencing with the two-year Mueller investigation.  It’s irrelevant whether or not you’re a Trump supporter;  that “windmill chase” shone the spotlight on a U.S. legal system that pivoted to the premise of an individual having a position of guilt — in initiating and carrying out an investigation, without a proper legal process/gathering of evidence to properly justify the criminal accusation(s) from the onset.  Reminder:  a backfill and temporary head of the DoJ, Rod Rosenstein, was able to solely trigger that action.  After two years, with nothing of substance to report on, that investigation has largely disappeared from press coverage and is no longer discussed among Trump’s (serious and reasoned) foes.  Is this the America we want going forward:  allowing a politically-driven process like this, against any American, let alone a sitting President, regardless where that individual sits on the Left-to-Right spectrum?

As I review Monday morning’s press headlines (such as the NY Times’ and LA Times’ headlines), one would expect a headline to the effect of “How could Epstein have committed suicide?”  It’s clear the media will lose its curiosity in digging into the cause of death of “America’s highest profile inmate” and accept the findings from law enforcement, attorneys and expert witnesses at face value.  Heck, the only coverage in the LA Times is an op-ed, and it’s arguing the case he committed suicide!  It would appear both outlets received the talking points to focus elsewhere…

We should all be disturbed that our federal and local law enforcement agencies, coupled with the power players impacted, can coordinate and execute (pun intended) an event like this — and get away with it.  This clear corruption is Exhibit A why the Founders created the 2nd Amendment — so the citizens could defend themselves from tyranny within, as well as outside of this country.  That amendment is not about hunting rights, and the Founders surely felt the citizenry should be armed equally with the threatening tyranny.  They believed human nature, especially of those in control, was prone to corruption — even with the checks and balances they created in the Constitution and the governing model of federalism.  After observing the events of the Epstein episode these past several weeks, the threat to the Rule of Law is reaching new heights.  As such, we should never agree to allow our law enforcement agencies to define, monitor and enforce these proposed Red Flag laws that are currently in vogue.  

This country is sailing into uncharted and rough waters.  When the populace loses its faith in the rule of law, tyranny always backfills the void.

via American Thinker Blog

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Another ungrateful athlete takes a knee

Apparently gratitude is as obsolete as the truth on a network newscast. We have another example from the 2019 Pan American Games in Lima, Peru, where U.S. fencer Race Imboden took a knee while the “Star Spangled Banner” played for the gold medals won by Imboden and teammates Gerek Meinhardt and Nick Itkin (who both stood for the anthem).

“Every athlete competing at the 2019 Pan American Games commits to terms of eligibility, including to refrain from demonstrations that are political in nature. In this case, Race didn’t adhere to the commitment he made to the organizing committee and the USOPC,” Mark Jones, Vice President of Communications, USOPC (United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee) said in a statement on Saturday.  Although Jones’ statement appears that the team leadership are not pleased with Imboden’s actions, it remains to be seen what, if any, action will be taken.

After the incident Imboden, released a typically leftist statement decrying racism in America, along with his dislike for Donald Trump, and mistreatment of immigrants. Apparently free health care and in-state tuition constitute “mistreatment” in his mind. His statement conveniently ignores the fact that the immigrants to whom he refers break our laws by coming uninvited across our border, and that in the vast majority of countries around the world such lawbreakers are summarily jailed until they are returned home.

Athletes should realize the difference between representing their country and representing themselves. Standing on the medal podium in uniform while the national anthem plays is not the time or place. By protesting in the way he did, Imboden presumes to speak for the whole country. He does not speak for this writer and, I believe, not for the majority of Americans. Instead, he could write a blog, a letter to the editor, go on a sympathetic television or radio station, call a press conference, create your own web page, etc.  No one in America would deny him the right to do any of those things.

Western, that is to say Judeo-Christian, civilization teaches that one should be grateful for what one has. Leftism can’t abide this because when one is grateful, one is generally happy. Leftists require constant turmoil and never-ending crisis, manufactured if necessary, so they can come to our rescue. That their “fixes” would also strip all of our freedoms and take all our hard-earned money in the process is just collateral damage to them. I offer three words as an example: “Green New Deal.”

Imboden is a classic example of a person who should be grateful, not angry. According to US Fencing, he was educated in private schools – The Dwight School in New York, base tuition $48,620 a year for grades 1-12, and St. John’s University, base undergrad tuition $41,900. Add in the thousands of dollars for training and fencing coaches and we have a portrait of what many would call a privileged young man.

Like Colin Kaepernick before him, who made millions of dollars for throwing and running with a football, not exactly up there with curing cancer on the value-to-society scale, Imboden has no gratitude. In a way Imboden is a victim. But he isn’t a victim of oppression or some mythical “man,” or any of the leftist boogeymen that he might name. He is a victim of a coordinated effort by the left to indoctrinate, to make America the villain at every turn, to literally rewrite history.

Acknowledging the value of freedom and supporting our rights under the Constitution used to be the norm in America. Kids in elementary school held Flag Day celebrations and we learned that our rights come from God and are to be protected by our government, they are not granted by government and therefore subject to repeal on a whim. It seems as if patriotism is not allowed in higher education anymore. That’s remarkable since universities have traditionally been places where unpopular speech was welcomed if not encouraged. Apparently it depends on who is speaking.

It’s been going on for at least a half century now and it’s amazing that it hasn’t consumed more of the population. Conservatives should be grateful for the rise of the Internet and conservative media, especially talk radio. No one knew how far left Walter Cronkite was when there was no one to compare him to. Today you would have to be blind not to recognize the insanity that comes from leftists in the media. Think “insanity” is too strong? Who knew that if the president raised flags from half-staff on the eighth of August he was actually saying “Heil Hitler?

The truth about the United States, its history, and its president is out there if one is willing to look past the New York Times and the network news. Imboden is therefore a willing victim, and that makes a person a fool. “Useful Idiot” is another term that would apply.  As W.S. Gilbert put it in The Mikado: “the idiot who praises, with enthusiastic tone, All centuries but this, and every country but his own.”

Image credit: Twitter screen shot

Bruce Buckfelder has been writing on a variety of topics since 1993. He writes from the Atlanta, GA area. 

Apparently gratitude is as obsolete as the truth on a network newscast. We have another example from the 2019 Pan American Games in Lima, Peru, where U.S. fencer Race Imboden took a knee while the “Star Spangled Banner” played for the gold medals won by Imboden and teammates Gerek Meinhardt and Nick Itkin (who both stood for the anthem).

“Every athlete competing at the 2019 Pan American Games commits to terms of eligibility, including to refrain from demonstrations that are political in nature. In this case, Race didn’t adhere to the commitment he made to the organizing committee and the USOPC,” Mark Jones, Vice President of Communications, USOPC (United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee) said in a statement on Saturday.  Although Jones’ statement appears that the team leadership are not pleased with Imboden’s actions, it remains to be seen what, if any, action will be taken.

After the incident Imboden, released a typically leftist statement decrying racism in America, along with his dislike for Donald Trump, and mistreatment of immigrants. Apparently free health care and in-state tuition constitute “mistreatment” in his mind. His statement conveniently ignores the fact that the immigrants to whom he refers break our laws by coming uninvited across our border, and that in the vast majority of countries around the world such lawbreakers are summarily jailed until they are returned home.

Athletes should realize the difference between representing their country and representing themselves. Standing on the medal podium in uniform while the national anthem plays is not the time or place. By protesting in the way he did, Imboden presumes to speak for the whole country. He does not speak for this writer and, I believe, not for the majority of Americans. Instead, he could write a blog, a letter to the editor, go on a sympathetic television or radio station, call a press conference, create your own web page, etc.  No one in America would deny him the right to do any of those things.

Western, that is to say Judeo-Christian, civilization teaches that one should be grateful for what one has. Leftism can’t abide this because when one is grateful, one is generally happy. Leftists require constant turmoil and never-ending crisis, manufactured if necessary, so they can come to our rescue. That their “fixes” would also strip all of our freedoms and take all our hard-earned money in the process is just collateral damage to them. I offer three words as an example: “Green New Deal.”

Imboden is a classic example of a person who should be grateful, not angry. According to US Fencing, he was educated in private schools – The Dwight School in New York, base tuition $48,620 a year for grades 1-12, and St. John’s University, base undergrad tuition $41,900. Add in the thousands of dollars for training and fencing coaches and we have a portrait of what many would call a privileged young man.

Like Colin Kaepernick before him, who made millions of dollars for throwing and running with a football, not exactly up there with curing cancer on the value-to-society scale, Imboden has no gratitude. In a way Imboden is a victim. But he isn’t a victim of oppression or some mythical “man,” or any of the leftist boogeymen that he might name. He is a victim of a coordinated effort by the left to indoctrinate, to make America the villain at every turn, to literally rewrite history.

Acknowledging the value of freedom and supporting our rights under the Constitution used to be the norm in America. Kids in elementary school held Flag Day celebrations and we learned that our rights come from God and are to be protected by our government, they are not granted by government and therefore subject to repeal on a whim. It seems as if patriotism is not allowed in higher education anymore. That’s remarkable since universities have traditionally been places where unpopular speech was welcomed if not encouraged. Apparently it depends on who is speaking.

It’s been going on for at least a half century now and it’s amazing that it hasn’t consumed more of the population. Conservatives should be grateful for the rise of the Internet and conservative media, especially talk radio. No one knew how far left Walter Cronkite was when there was no one to compare him to. Today you would have to be blind not to recognize the insanity that comes from leftists in the media. Think “insanity” is too strong? Who knew that if the president raised flags from half-staff on the eighth of August he was actually saying “Heil Hitler?

The truth about the United States, its history, and its president is out there if one is willing to look past the New York Times and the network news. Imboden is therefore a willing victim, and that makes a person a fool. “Useful Idiot” is another term that would apply.  As W.S. Gilbert put it in The Mikado: “the idiot who praises, with enthusiastic tone, All centuries but this, and every country but his own.”

Image credit: Twitter screen shot

Bruce Buckfelder has been writing on a variety of topics since 1993. He writes from the Atlanta, GA area. 

via American Thinker Blog

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Let this FBI investigate Epstein’s death? You gotta be joking

Pardon my cynicism, folks, but Attorney General Barr’s declared determination to dig to the bottom of the purported Jeffrey Epstein suicide rings a bit hollow.  Had he said he was appointing an independent investigative team headed by an assistant attorney general on loan from one of our southern red states — say, Texas, Alabama or Georgia — where cultural sophistication doesn’t rise to the level of blasé acceptance of pedophilia found in blue, coastal urban enclaves, I might feel more confident.  Had he further announced an investigative team comprising veteran sleuths from state police departments from similar red states, with no federal presence other than scientific criminological support, I would be truly heartened.

But to tell this nation that the same federal investigative agency that, we have learned, and still are learning with every passing day, was thoroughly corrupted at its head, leading to deceptive cover-up investigations of powerful political figures, is to conduct an investigation that most of this country now believes may involve powerful political figures from those previous pretend probes is, to borrow A.G. Barr’s word describing the suicide itself, “appalling.”

I know, I know — many of you are going to tell me I should not distrust all the good, honest, hardworking rank-and-file members of the FBI who played no role in their leadership’s treachery.  After all, we’ve been fed that line endlessly by politicians and talking-heads.  However, it was those same pols and pundits who told us what a reliably trustworthy cop James Comey was when he was heading up the Hillary email inquiry, and that Robert Mueller was such a straight-arrow professional, one who could be relied on to conduct a fair inquest into Trump’s possible Russian collusion.  So much for their character-reading skills.

So, pardon the hell outta me when I tell you that I just have to wonder whether some of that political cancer in the head of our federal policing hasn’t metastasized down to other regions of that body, especially to such politically aquiver vital organs as the New York and South Florida offices, where most of the Epstein case is focused.  Believe me: I would like nothing better than to be able to believe in the complete integrity of our vaunted federal police agency, but sadly, like many, if not most of you, I’m beyond that.  My trust has been poisoned by their malignant leaders and my skepticism that their organization is now fully free of political malevolence, particularly in these urban power centers.

So we need a federal investigation?  What’s not federal about a federally appointed team made up of states in the federation?

Pardon my cynicism, folks, but Attorney General Barr’s declared determination to dig to the bottom of the purported Jeffrey Epstein suicide rings a bit hollow.  Had he said he was appointing an independent investigative team headed by an assistant attorney general on loan from one of our southern red states — say, Texas, Alabama or Georgia — where cultural sophistication doesn’t rise to the level of blasé acceptance of pedophilia found in blue, coastal urban enclaves, I might feel more confident.  Had he further announced an investigative team comprising veteran sleuths from state police departments from similar red states, with no federal presence other than scientific criminological support, I would be truly heartened.

But to tell this nation that the same federal investigative agency that, we have learned, and still are learning with every passing day, was thoroughly corrupted at its head, leading to deceptive cover-up investigations of powerful political figures, is to conduct an investigation that most of this country now believes may involve powerful political figures from those previous pretend probes is, to borrow A.G. Barr’s word describing the suicide itself, “appalling.”

I know, I know — many of you are going to tell me I should not distrust all the good, honest, hardworking rank-and-file members of the FBI who played no role in their leadership’s treachery.  After all, we’ve been fed that line endlessly by politicians and talking-heads.  However, it was those same pols and pundits who told us what a reliably trustworthy cop James Comey was when he was heading up the Hillary email inquiry, and that Robert Mueller was such a straight-arrow professional, one who could be relied on to conduct a fair inquest into Trump’s possible Russian collusion.  So much for their character-reading skills.

So, pardon the hell outta me when I tell you that I just have to wonder whether some of that political cancer in the head of our federal policing hasn’t metastasized down to other regions of that body, especially to such politically aquiver vital organs as the New York and South Florida offices, where most of the Epstein case is focused.  Believe me: I would like nothing better than to be able to believe in the complete integrity of our vaunted federal police agency, but sadly, like many, if not most of you, I’m beyond that.  My trust has been poisoned by their malignant leaders and my skepticism that their organization is now fully free of political malevolence, particularly in these urban power centers.

So we need a federal investigation?  What’s not federal about a federally appointed team made up of states in the federation?

via American Thinker Blog

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How whites became pariahs in academia

Likely you’ve never heard of Noel Ignatiev, yet he’s been influential in much of what is going on in culture and politics today.  A left-wing Jewish American author and historian, Ignatiev has been one of the main voices in helping shape and direct what is commonly called “Whiteness Studies,” a subset of Critical Race Theory, which is itself a subset of Critical Theory (basically Marxism by another name).

Normally, when one sees the word “studies” attached to anything, it tends to make anyone not fully enamored of Progressive thought cringe, if not contemplate (metaphorically, at least) getting out the pitchforks and torches.  It means something steeped in a Marxist-tinged ideological understanding of the world, which casts victims and perpetrators within a power-play framework that suits its ultimate vision of a Heaven on Earth once the perpetrators are vanquished from the scene.

As one might guess, in this particular iteration of “studies,” it is the so-called “white” person who has been cast as the villain.  As Ignatiev has said, “The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race.  Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because white influence permeates every issue in U.S. society, whether domestic or foreign.”

Defenders of Ignatiev’s views argue that he was simply being metaphorical.  ”Whiteness” here is simply a social construct, not a reference to race or ethnicity.  This becomes harder to defend as one reads more quotes from Ignatiev and realizes that this isn’t just a social construct he has difficulty with; it’s actual flesh-and-blood human beings he sees as intrinsically evil and worthy of eradication.  When reading the following quotes, are you left with the conclusion he is merely speaking of a metaphorical, socially constructed system that he hopes to bring down, or is it something more than that?

“If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live.  You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world!”

“The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists[.] … Keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed — not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.”

“Whiteness is not a culture[.] … Whiteness has nothing to do with culture and everything to do with social position[.] … Without the privileges attached to it, the white race would not exist, and the white skin would have no more social significance than big feet.”

Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.

Replace the word “whiteness” with “blackness” — or, considering his background, “Jewishness” — would you write this off as nothing more than an academic speaking of a social construct’s need to be re-evaluated and deconstructed?  I highly doubt it.  I am sure Ignatiev would cry foul at such hateful anti-Semitism if you did that.  Yet he seems content to do it for “whites.”  Why is that, and why is that now deemed acceptable in society?  Does he not consider himself white, too?

What Ignatiev began teaching a short few decades ago has filtered down into the young minds of those coming out of our universities and filling many parts of our culture.  It has seeped into the various avenues and institutions that will become intrinsic to the next generation and the decision-making of the government.  All you are hearing today about the inherent evil of “whiteness” stems from people like Ignatiev, who was one of the most prominent behind it.

We should not idly accept this.  We should call out the Ignatievs of the world, shine a light on their dark corners, and ferret them out so they do not get away with their heinous belief systems.  Such people are not merely ivory-tower academics; they are aggressively calling to destroy a group of people, a civilization.  Why are we allowing them and their acolytes a pass?

Likely you’ve never heard of Noel Ignatiev, yet he’s been influential in much of what is going on in culture and politics today.  A left-wing Jewish American author and historian, Ignatiev has been one of the main voices in helping shape and direct what is commonly called “Whiteness Studies,” a subset of Critical Race Theory, which is itself a subset of Critical Theory (basically Marxism by another name).

Normally, when one sees the word “studies” attached to anything, it tends to make anyone not fully enamored of Progressive thought cringe, if not contemplate (metaphorically, at least) getting out the pitchforks and torches.  It means something steeped in a Marxist-tinged ideological understanding of the world, which casts victims and perpetrators within a power-play framework that suits its ultimate vision of a Heaven on Earth once the perpetrators are vanquished from the scene.

As one might guess, in this particular iteration of “studies,” it is the so-called “white” person who has been cast as the villain.  As Ignatiev has said, “The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race.  Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because white influence permeates every issue in U.S. society, whether domestic or foreign.”

Defenders of Ignatiev’s views argue that he was simply being metaphorical.  ”Whiteness” here is simply a social construct, not a reference to race or ethnicity.  This becomes harder to defend as one reads more quotes from Ignatiev and realizes that this isn’t just a social construct he has difficulty with; it’s actual flesh-and-blood human beings he sees as intrinsically evil and worthy of eradication.  When reading the following quotes, are you left with the conclusion he is merely speaking of a metaphorical, socially constructed system that he hopes to bring down, or is it something more than that?

“If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live.  You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world!”

“The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists[.] … Keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed — not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.”

“Whiteness is not a culture[.] … Whiteness has nothing to do with culture and everything to do with social position[.] … Without the privileges attached to it, the white race would not exist, and the white skin would have no more social significance than big feet.”

Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.

Replace the word “whiteness” with “blackness” — or, considering his background, “Jewishness” — would you write this off as nothing more than an academic speaking of a social construct’s need to be re-evaluated and deconstructed?  I highly doubt it.  I am sure Ignatiev would cry foul at such hateful anti-Semitism if you did that.  Yet he seems content to do it for “whites.”  Why is that, and why is that now deemed acceptable in society?  Does he not consider himself white, too?

What Ignatiev began teaching a short few decades ago has filtered down into the young minds of those coming out of our universities and filling many parts of our culture.  It has seeped into the various avenues and institutions that will become intrinsic to the next generation and the decision-making of the government.  All you are hearing today about the inherent evil of “whiteness” stems from people like Ignatiev, who was one of the most prominent behind it.

We should not idly accept this.  We should call out the Ignatievs of the world, shine a light on their dark corners, and ferret them out so they do not get away with their heinous belief systems.  Such people are not merely ivory-tower academics; they are aggressively calling to destroy a group of people, a civilization.  Why are we allowing them and their acolytes a pass?

via American Thinker Blog

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