Impeachment Support Plummeting Among Blacks, Hispanics as Story Unravels

How badly it’s all backfiring.

Democrats who thought their dream of overturning the 2016 election would come true if they launched a serious impeachment drive against President Donald Trump should be getting a brutal wake-up from recent poll numbers.

Not only are Republicans holding firm in supporting Trump, but some of the Democratic Party’s most important voters are reversing their position on impeaching the president.

Black voters in particular – a minority of the general population but one with huge importance to any potential Democratic victory — are losing their taste for deposing the president as the process gets greater publicity.

And Hispanic voters are doing the same.

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According to Emerson Polling results released last week, support among blacks for impeachment has plummeted from 58 percent in October to only 38 percent in November,

Among Hispanics, the numbers went from an overwhelming 73 percent in October to 48 percent in November.

Given the overwhelming support impeachment has among the mainstream media, and given the Democratic Party’s history of persistent, cynical pandering to black and Hispanic voters, that’s a dismal showing for an issue that the party has chosen to make its battleground.

It’s worth noting, too, as Haris Alic pointed out at Breitbart on Tuesday, that support for impeachment decreased at the same time that the impeachment hearings were being televised to the public – which means that the show trial run by Rep. Adam Schiff and the other Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee, which at times unraveled in front of millions of Americans live — might have had exactly the opposite effect from what liberals were intending.

Do you think impeaching President Trump is going to hurt Democrats in 2020?

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“The polling seems to indicate the House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry, which began televised public hearings this month, has backfired tremendously,” Halic wrote.

It’s tough to look at these numbers and see anything but a failure among Democrats to stoke an appetite for impeaching Trump among the public at large.

For decades, Democratic politicians – black and white — have taken advantage of black voters to ensure their own success while accomplishing little or nothing for black communities.

During the 2016 campaign, Trump sought support among black voters with the question with a simple question: “What the hell do you have to lose?”

RELATED: Democrats Are Now Losing Their Own Voters’ Interest in Impeachment Inquiry

The answer, it turns out, is not much — no matter what CNN’s Don “Trump is a Racist” Lemon and the other clowns in the anti-Trump media might pretend.

As Halic pointed out at Breitbart, Trump earned more black votes than Republican nominee Mitt Romney in 2012 or John McCain in 2008 — votes that were key to Trump’s Electoral College victory.

And what have those voters gotten in return?

Since Trump’s upset win over Hillary Clinton in 2016, the American economy has been roaring.

Unemployment rates are at or near record low levels – very much including blacks and Hispanics.

And now, the Democratic impeachment dog-and-pony show of impeaching the president isn’t having anywhere near the kind of rallying effect Democrats hoped, and could very well be hurting the party’s chances come the 2020 election with the electorates it relies on to survive.

So far, at least, the Democratic impeachment gambit is backfiring. And backfiring badly.

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via The Western Journal

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