One of the things that obsessed the candidates on during Tuesday’s 7th Democrat primary debate was climate change. Whatever they say, whatever they promise, it always loops back to that topic.
Bernie, especially, framed the matter in doomsday terms. When he challenged the USMCA trade deal, he skipped over the usual economic grounds for opposing a trade deal and, instead, said that the deal failed on climate grounds (emphasis added):
[E]very major environmental organization has said no to this new trade agreement because it does not even have the phrase “climate change” in it. And given the fact that climate change is right now the greatest threat facing this planet, I will not vote for a trade agreement that does not incorporate very, very strong principles to significantly lower fossil fuel emissions in the world.
So I happen to believe — and I hope we will talk about climate change in a moment — if we do not get our act together in terms of climate change, the planet that we’re going to be leaving our kids and our children — and our grandchildren will be increasingly unlivable and uninhabitable.
Bernie’s ominous take on climate change perfectly parallels the take of Kyle Jurek, an Iowa Field Organizer for Bernie’s campaign. Project Veritas introduced America to Jurek on Tuesday through a video in which Jurek gleefully boasted about burning cities, “suiciding” Clintons, and imprisoning or executing those who dissent from his hard-Left world view.
(Interestingly, there is no word from the Sanders campaign about whether they intend to continue employing Jurek. To date, according to Project Veritas, Jurek has received over $10,000 for his work on the Bernie campaign.)
Project Veritas was back today with another video focusing on Kyle Jurek. In it, viewers get to hear more about Jurek’s horrifying and un-American views. He’s especially taken with Soviet gulags. After first stating that these torture institutions that killed well over a million people were significantly better than American prisons, Jurek riffs on the virtue of and reasoning behind imprisoning those who don’t get with the revolution. And if they refuse to fall in line, Jurek thinks killing the opposition is the way to go. Today’s video is, in some ways, a re-hash of yesterday’s video, only worse.
What made this video significantly different from Tuesday’s was listening to Jurek explain why his extremist measures were appropriate. Although one feels that Jurek enjoys violence and power for their own sake, he has a different justification for his violent desires. Unlike your average communist, Jurek doesn’t engage in the usual talk about class warfare, economic equality, or even identity politics. For him, it’s all about avoiding Armageddon:
Yeah, and that’s where we’re at right now. We’re at one of those moments in human history, where it’s, like, we’re fighting for survival, we’re fighting for survival of the entire human race. We’re fighting for the survival of living creatures on Planet Earth and there’s some people that will stop at nothing to preserve that, right?
Like, to see, to see the human race continue into the future. Right? To try and save the f**king planet from f**king destruction. And no matter what country and what laws that exist, they’re irrelevant to, there are things greater than those systems, right?
There are things that are more important than the rule of law in the United States, when it comes down to the existence of the human race. And that’s where we’re at.
Unfortunately, in, like, this is, like, there are very few, there are probably no other points in human history, in, like, recorded human history where, like, the stakes were as high as they are right now. Like, we are at a f**king, we’re, we’re at the end, we’re at the end of the road and, like, the way we choose to go, it’s going to determine like, hey, are we going to continue as a species or are we going to f**king burn up in a f**king century?
Or as Bernie said more pithily, “climate change is right now the greatest threat facing this planet,” and the failure to act will leave it “increasingly unlivable and uninhabitable.” Unintentionally or not, Bernie and the other candidates are giving the most dangerous people in America justification for acting on their instincts. No wonder people are worried, as O’Keefe said at the video’s end, that Jurek might even try to assassinate President Trump. In Jurek’s mind, why shouldn’t he do what he can to save the world from “the greatest threat facing this planet.”
One of the things that obsessed the candidates on during Tuesday’s 7th Democrat primary debate was climate change. Whatever they say, whatever they promise, it always loops back to that topic.
Bernie, especially, framed the matter in doomsday terms. When he challenged the USMCA trade deal, he skipped over the usual economic grounds for opposing a trade deal and, instead, said that the deal failed on climate grounds (emphasis added):
[E]very major environmental organization has said no to this new trade agreement because it does not even have the phrase “climate change” in it. And given the fact that climate change is right now the greatest threat facing this planet, I will not vote for a trade agreement that does not incorporate very, very strong principles to significantly lower fossil fuel emissions in the world.
So I happen to believe — and I hope we will talk about climate change in a moment — if we do not get our act together in terms of climate change, the planet that we’re going to be leaving our kids and our children — and our grandchildren will be increasingly unlivable and uninhabitable.
Bernie’s ominous take on climate change perfectly parallels the take of Kyle Jurek, an Iowa Field Organizer for Bernie’s campaign. Project Veritas introduced America to Jurek on Tuesday through a video in which Jurek gleefully boasted about burning cities, “suiciding” Clintons, and imprisoning or executing those who dissent from his hard-Left world view.
(Interestingly, there is no word from the Sanders campaign about whether they intend to continue employing Jurek. To date, according to Project Veritas, Jurek has received over $10,000 for his work on the Bernie campaign.)
Project Veritas was back today with another video focusing on Kyle Jurek. In it, viewers get to hear more about Jurek’s horrifying and un-American views. He’s especially taken with Soviet gulags. After first stating that these torture institutions that killed well over a million people were significantly better than American prisons, Jurek riffs on the virtue of and reasoning behind imprisoning those who don’t get with the revolution. And if they refuse to fall in line, Jurek thinks killing the opposition is the way to go. Today’s video is, in some ways, a re-hash of yesterday’s video, only worse.
What made this video significantly different from Tuesday’s was listening to Jurek explain why his extremist measures were appropriate. Although one feels that Jurek enjoys violence and power for their own sake, he has a different justification for his violent desires. Unlike your average communist, Jurek doesn’t engage in the usual talk about class warfare, economic equality, or even identity politics. For him, it’s all about avoiding Armageddon:
Yeah, and that’s where we’re at right now. We’re at one of those moments in human history, where it’s, like, we’re fighting for survival, we’re fighting for survival of the entire human race. We’re fighting for the survival of living creatures on Planet Earth and there’s some people that will stop at nothing to preserve that, right?
Like, to see, to see the human race continue into the future. Right? To try and save the f**king planet from f**king destruction. And no matter what country and what laws that exist, they’re irrelevant to, there are things greater than those systems, right?
There are things that are more important than the rule of law in the United States, when it comes down to the existence of the human race. And that’s where we’re at.
Unfortunately, in, like, this is, like, there are very few, there are probably no other points in human history, in, like, recorded human history where, like, the stakes were as high as they are right now. Like, we are at a f**king, we’re, we’re at the end, we’re at the end of the road and, like, the way we choose to go, it’s going to determine like, hey, are we going to continue as a species or are we going to f**king burn up in a f**king century?
Or as Bernie said more pithily, “climate change is right now the greatest threat facing this planet,” and the failure to act will leave it “increasingly unlivable and uninhabitable.” Unintentionally or not, Bernie and the other candidates are giving the most dangerous people in America justification for acting on their instincts. No wonder people are worried, as O’Keefe said at the video’s end, that Jurek might even try to assassinate President Trump. In Jurek’s mind, why shouldn’t he do what he can to save the world from “the greatest threat facing this planet.”
via American Thinker Blog
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