In 2016, the Obama administration determined that candidate Trump was an imminent threat to their chosen career criminal candidate Hillary Clinton. They were worried that the power they had amassed, while remaking America, was in jeopardy. Therefore, they decided to use massive amounts of taxpayer money and many agencies to take Trump out. Doesn’t that clearly violate the Hatch Act?
The first thing they had to do was get Hillary off from her many violations of the law. They had the Justice Department do a pretend investigation. Then there was a chance meeting of Attorney General Loretta Lynch with Bill Clinton followed up by a pretend interview with Hillary. Then, congenital liar James Comey, who had exonerated Hillary months before, came out and listed all the crimes Hillary had committed but lied that no prosecutor would ever take the case.
Next, they had to go after Trump and his associates.
The corrupt Hillary and the DNC obviously couldn’t find truthful information to take out Trump, and couldn’t run on their unpopular policies, so they paid a foreign national, Christopher Steele, more than $10 million to produce a fictional document to take out Trump. The DNC and Hillary also filed fraudulent documents with the FEC claiming these were legal fees.
The Obama administration, through the corrupt, politicized Justice department and intelligence agencies, had illegally spied on thousands of Americans during its term and had to figure out a way to mislead the FISA court in order to spy on people surrounding Trump so they came up with the idea to claim Trump was colluding with Russia despite having zero evidence that was true.
They decided that Carter Page was expendable so they claimed he was a spy. They continually lied (they did not make mistakes) to the FISA court about evidence but all they had was the fictional dossier from Steele. An attorney at Justice altered documents and they didn’t even tell the court that the dossier was paid for by the DNC and Hillary. The truth was inconvenient, so they continually lied to the court. All these facts have been evident for years, yet the complicit media hasn’t cared because they also don’t want Trump as president. It is dangerous to America to have an in-the-tank media.
The Obama administration also decided they wanted informants in the Trump campaign, so they went after George Papadopoulos to entrap him. He was also expendable.
The DNC computers were hacked, and they blamed Russia but refused to let government officials examine the evidence. The fact that they didn’t see evidence didn’t make any difference to the Obama administration, journalists or other Democrats. They just repeated what they were told, like puppets.
The Russian collusion story was obviously fake, or they would also have targeted the Clinton campaign which had many connections and contacts with Russia.
President Obama obviously wasn’t very concerned because in the summer of 2016 — he gave a stand down order to his cyber security chief to stop investigating Russia.
The targeting didn’t work, and Trump was elected. The threat to bureaucrats and Democrat policies was now more imminent than ever so they had to attack harder. The strive to impeach started on day one. President Obama, suddenly, changed the way classified documents could be shared. Susan Rice and others started illegally unmasking names and leaking like a sieve. Somehow only people surrounding Trump were targeted for unmasking.
Michael Flynn was now expendable and was targeted, entrapped and the corrupt, politicized Justice department illegally hid exonerating evidence as they bankrupted and charged him.
Then, with no evidence, we got the two-year Mueller investigation and endless Congressional investigations vainly searching for a crime to impeach Trump with. Sadly, they couldn’t find any.
Judge Brett Kavanaugh, soon to be nominated to the Supreme Court, was also determined to be an imminent threat to the Democrat agenda so they sought to take him out with no evidence. There is no end to the number of people the media and other Democrats will seek to destroy as they quest for and protect their power. They will even seek to destroy white teenagers who dared attend a pro life rally wearing MAGA hats.
The election of 2020 was coming up, the economy is good, and Trump is a bigger imminent threat to radical Democrat policies than ever. Magically a whistleblower (leaker) shows up and makes up some stuff about a conversation Trump had with the Ukraine leader even though he wasn’t privy to the conversation. Suddenly whistleblower rules were changed to not require direct knowledge. The leaker went to congenital liar Adam Schiff’s staff before the complain was filed.
Trump was such an imminent threat that the Democrats had to rush through impeachment. They still couldn’t come up with actual crimes, so they created fictional ones. Facts again are irrelevant.
The threat was so imminent that they rushed the vote without evidence and fact witnesses. Survival of America was at stake. But wait, after the vote, Pelosi violated Trump’s sixth amendment rights and withheld the impeachment articles from the Senate for a month.
Now, after three years of targeting and destroying many people surrounding Trump, we have found someone journalists and other Democrats have determined has been unfairly targeted. Iran’s chief terrorist, General Qassem Soleimani.
They have questioned whether this terrorist killer, who has been responsible for the killing and maiming of hundreds of thousands, including hundreds of Americans, was an imminent threat and should have been killed.
My guess is every member of our military, private contractors, Iranian protestors and innocent citizens throughout the Mideast consider themselves under imminent threat every day of the year because of terrorist groups sponsored by Iran and because of Soleimani.
President Obama and his administration are responsible for a significant amount of money Iran and Soleimani had to carry out terrorism throughout the world.
They lied to get the deal done, bribed the leaders with $1.8 billion, stopped an investigation into drug running, released $150 billion in frozen funds and dropped the sanctions which freed up $100’s of billions. The Europeans also have major responsibilities into ratcheting up the danger of Iran.
But Trump is the imminent danger because he killed the terrorist general and Congress must now limit his power. Not once did they have a resolution reigning in Obama as he attacked Libya and used drones to kill, but Trump is the problem and dangerous.
The Democrats want to rein in Trump, but they refused to vote for a resolution condemning Iran for taking down the airline and for killing over 1,000 protestors. They won’t even support the protesters against the tyrants. Why is there so little reporting that Iran killed so many of its own people? The answer is that it doesn’t fit the Democrat agenda.
House Democrats blocked a resolution on Tuesday that expressed support for oppressed Iranian protesters and condemned Iran for shooting down a Ukrainian passenger plane last week that killed 176 people.
“Consideration and a vote on House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s resolution was blocked … by a vote of 226-191,” The Daily Caller reported. “The resolution would have condemned the Government of Iran for killing 1,500 Iranian citizens who were protesting their government, as well as condemned the Government of Iran for shooting down Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752, killing 176 people.”
The greatest imminent threat to America’s peace, prosperity and freedom would be to listen to journalists and vote for Democrats as they seek to take out Trump who is trying to return the power and purse to the people as fast as he can and protect us from terrorist sponsoring countries like Iran.
In 2016, the Obama administration determined that candidate Trump was an imminent threat to their chosen career criminal candidate Hillary Clinton. They were worried that the power they had amassed, while remaking America, was in jeopardy. Therefore, they decided to use massive amounts of taxpayer money and many agencies to take Trump out. Doesn’t that clearly violate the Hatch Act?
The first thing they had to do was get Hillary off from her many violations of the law. They had the Justice Department do a pretend investigation. Then there was a chance meeting of Attorney General Loretta Lynch with Bill Clinton followed up by a pretend interview with Hillary. Then, congenital liar James Comey, who had exonerated Hillary months before, came out and listed all the crimes Hillary had committed but lied that no prosecutor would ever take the case.
Next, they had to go after Trump and his associates.
The corrupt Hillary and the DNC obviously couldn’t find truthful information to take out Trump, and couldn’t run on their unpopular policies, so they paid a foreign national, Christopher Steele, more than $10 million to produce a fictional document to take out Trump. The DNC and Hillary also filed fraudulent documents with the FEC claiming these were legal fees.
The Obama administration, through the corrupt, politicized Justice department and intelligence agencies, had illegally spied on thousands of Americans during its term and had to figure out a way to mislead the FISA court in order to spy on people surrounding Trump so they came up with the idea to claim Trump was colluding with Russia despite having zero evidence that was true.
They decided that Carter Page was expendable so they claimed he was a spy. They continually lied (they did not make mistakes) to the FISA court about evidence but all they had was the fictional dossier from Steele. An attorney at Justice altered documents and they didn’t even tell the court that the dossier was paid for by the DNC and Hillary. The truth was inconvenient, so they continually lied to the court. All these facts have been evident for years, yet the complicit media hasn’t cared because they also don’t want Trump as president. It is dangerous to America to have an in-the-tank media.
The Obama administration also decided they wanted informants in the Trump campaign, so they went after George Papadopoulos to entrap him. He was also expendable.
The DNC computers were hacked, and they blamed Russia but refused to let government officials examine the evidence. The fact that they didn’t see evidence didn’t make any difference to the Obama administration, journalists or other Democrats. They just repeated what they were told, like puppets.
The Russian collusion story was obviously fake, or they would also have targeted the Clinton campaign which had many connections and contacts with Russia.
President Obama obviously wasn’t very concerned because in the summer of 2016 — he gave a stand down order to his cyber security chief to stop investigating Russia.
The targeting didn’t work, and Trump was elected. The threat to bureaucrats and Democrat policies was now more imminent than ever so they had to attack harder. The strive to impeach started on day one. President Obama, suddenly, changed the way classified documents could be shared. Susan Rice and others started illegally unmasking names and leaking like a sieve. Somehow only people surrounding Trump were targeted for unmasking.
Michael Flynn was now expendable and was targeted, entrapped and the corrupt, politicized Justice department illegally hid exonerating evidence as they bankrupted and charged him.
Then, with no evidence, we got the two-year Mueller investigation and endless Congressional investigations vainly searching for a crime to impeach Trump with. Sadly, they couldn’t find any.
Judge Brett Kavanaugh, soon to be nominated to the Supreme Court, was also determined to be an imminent threat to the Democrat agenda so they sought to take him out with no evidence. There is no end to the number of people the media and other Democrats will seek to destroy as they quest for and protect their power. They will even seek to destroy white teenagers who dared attend a pro life rally wearing MAGA hats.
The election of 2020 was coming up, the economy is good, and Trump is a bigger imminent threat to radical Democrat policies than ever. Magically a whistleblower (leaker) shows up and makes up some stuff about a conversation Trump had with the Ukraine leader even though he wasn’t privy to the conversation. Suddenly whistleblower rules were changed to not require direct knowledge. The leaker went to congenital liar Adam Schiff’s staff before the complain was filed.
Trump was such an imminent threat that the Democrats had to rush through impeachment. They still couldn’t come up with actual crimes, so they created fictional ones. Facts again are irrelevant.
The threat was so imminent that they rushed the vote without evidence and fact witnesses. Survival of America was at stake. But wait, after the vote, Pelosi violated Trump’s sixth amendment rights and withheld the impeachment articles from the Senate for a month.
Now, after three years of targeting and destroying many people surrounding Trump, we have found someone journalists and other Democrats have determined has been unfairly targeted. Iran’s chief terrorist, General Qassem Soleimani.
They have questioned whether this terrorist killer, who has been responsible for the killing and maiming of hundreds of thousands, including hundreds of Americans, was an imminent threat and should have been killed.
My guess is every member of our military, private contractors, Iranian protestors and innocent citizens throughout the Mideast consider themselves under imminent threat every day of the year because of terrorist groups sponsored by Iran and because of Soleimani.
President Obama and his administration are responsible for a significant amount of money Iran and Soleimani had to carry out terrorism throughout the world.
They lied to get the deal done, bribed the leaders with $1.8 billion, stopped an investigation into drug running, released $150 billion in frozen funds and dropped the sanctions which freed up $100’s of billions. The Europeans also have major responsibilities into ratcheting up the danger of Iran.
But Trump is the imminent danger because he killed the terrorist general and Congress must now limit his power. Not once did they have a resolution reigning in Obama as he attacked Libya and used drones to kill, but Trump is the problem and dangerous.
The Democrats want to rein in Trump, but they refused to vote for a resolution condemning Iran for taking down the airline and for killing over 1,000 protestors. They won’t even support the protesters against the tyrants. Why is there so little reporting that Iran killed so many of its own people? The answer is that it doesn’t fit the Democrat agenda.
House Democrats blocked a resolution on Tuesday that expressed support for oppressed Iranian protesters and condemned Iran for shooting down a Ukrainian passenger plane last week that killed 176 people.
“Consideration and a vote on House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s resolution was blocked … by a vote of 226-191,” The Daily Caller reported. “The resolution would have condemned the Government of Iran for killing 1,500 Iranian citizens who were protesting their government, as well as condemned the Government of Iran for shooting down Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752, killing 176 people.”
The greatest imminent threat to America’s peace, prosperity and freedom would be to listen to journalists and vote for Democrats as they seek to take out Trump who is trying to return the power and purse to the people as fast as he can and protect us from terrorist sponsoring countries like Iran.
via American Thinker Blog
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