It was Obama, not Trump, who weaponized government against political opponents

Most of the media along with other Democrats are having a collective cow because the Trump administration has reassigned some people from the White House and fired an ambassador who clearly disagreed with Trump’s policies who used hearsay evidence and personal opinion to destroy him.

We are hearing from the Democrat talking points that Trump is weaponizing the government and exacting revenge.

It’s as if the media and other Democrats are so arrogant that they can indoctrinate people to believe that other presidents and politicians don’t make staff decisions based on whether subordinates support their policies. Why the heck would any president keep people who are so insubordinate on their staffs?

Would Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff just ignore subordinates on their staffs who sought to destroy them? What would Schiff do if a staff member told the truth about the leaker, the person now lionized as ”the whistleblower”?

As for the puppets in the media: Do they just ignore when their journalists disagree with their talking points?

The media frequently buries stories that might hurt political candidates or policies they support and will continually run false stories against political candidates and policies they oppose. How else can it explain the years of fake stories on Russian collusion, seeking to destroy white Christian boys for wearing MAGA hats, trying to destroy Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh with no evidence, the false “Hands up, don’t shoot” narrative?

How else do you explain the burying of stories about all the mental and sexual abuse of women by the Clintons and the burying of stories or the lack of investigation into the clear corruption and kickbacks of the Clintons and Bidens if not pure bias?

How many people are the media willing to destroy in order to get power back for the Democrats? Isn’t that pure weaponization and revenge? Remember these incidents?

Ashe Schow on ABC Burying Epstein Story: What The Media Doesn’t Cover Is Indicator Of Bias

CBS fires employee tied to leak of ABC hot mic video on Epstein: report

Harvey Weinstein’s trial is underway in NYC. Here’s a timeline of the 2-year conflict between journalist Ronan Farrow and NBC, the network accused of trying to kill his exposé.

Meanwhile, as soon as Obama took office, he weaponized government to reward political supporters and infringe harm on political opponents. That is revenge.

One of Obama’s first acts was to violate bankruptcy law by rewarding unsecured auto unions and greatly harming more secure creditors along with other unsecured creditors.

Obama used the IRS to shut down political opponents. 

On September 11, 2012, less than two months before a presidential election, Americans were under attack in Benghazi. Obama and Hillary did not lift a finger to help those under attack and they died. Instead of telling the truth, they concocted a lie about a video. They even lied to the families of those who died. They sent out minions to lie through the media. They were so consumed with power and vengeance they even arrested the man they blamed. He went to jail and in 2016 was homeless. The complicit media showed little concern for those who died or the man with the video that they railroaded. They also were consumed with doing whatever they could to keep Obama in power. Remember this?

Blamed for Benghazi: Filmmaker jailed after attack now lives in poverty, fear

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the Coptic Christian whose short video “The Innocence of Muslims” was initially faulted for sparking the Sept. 11, 2012 terror attack at U.S. diplomatic compounds in Libya, is now living in a homeless shelter run by First Southern Baptist Church in Buena Park, Calif. He has served time in prison, been shamed publicly by the White House and threatened with death.

It was Obama who used government funds to meddle in Israel’s election.

His staff also lied through the complicit media to get the dangerous deal done with Iran which pledged death to Israel and the United States. He truly must despise Israel to do what he did.

He also dictatorially had the weaponized Justice Department stop a years long investigation into drug running by terrorists to appease Iran. Very few journalists and other Democrats have ever cared about all the people who died from terrorism and drugs because of Obama’s appeasement of Iran.

That is revenge on the American people as he sought to remake America.

It was Obama who shook down corporations.and create slush funds at EPA, Justice and CFPB to use for political purposes and to reward political supporters. 

It was Obama who said he would rule with his pen and his phone when Congress wouldn’t do what he wanted.

It was Obama who said that anyone who disagreed on climate change should not be listened to.

It was Obama who used the FBI, intelligence agencies and others to spy on and destroy people surrounding Trump.

It was Obama who changed the rules so classified information could be shared and who had people working under him who questionably unmasked names of people to destroy them.

It was Obama who illegally spied on thousands of Americans, including reporters. It was Obama who imprisoned and spied on reporters. But Trump is mean for telling the truth about the bias and false reporting by the press.

After Trump was elected, much of the media, many bureaucrats and other Democrats immediately set out to destroy and impeach Trump. It never mattered how many lies they had to tell and how many lives the vengeful people had to destroy to get Democrats back in power. The truth hasn’t mattered for a long time.

But Trump is somehow the vengeful one for moving some people around and firing a few people.

If you want to see a purely vengeful person consumed with power all you have to do is look at a person named Nancy Pelosi, dressed as if she were as pure as driven snow as she rips up the president’s State of the Union speech because she’s a petulant little child who didn’t get her way on impeachment.

But Trump is the problem as he seeks to move the power, purse and freedom back to the people as fast as he can because that is where the power and money belong. He is the opposite of a dictator but the media doesn’t give a damn about the truth. They are also consumed with power and revenge.

Image credit: USAF public domain

Most of the media along with other Democrats are having a collective cow because the Trump administration has reassigned some people from the White House and fired an ambassador who clearly disagreed with Trump’s policies who used hearsay evidence and personal opinion to destroy him.

We are hearing from the Democrat talking points that Trump is weaponizing the government and exacting revenge.

It’s as if the media and other Democrats are so arrogant that they can indoctrinate people to believe that other presidents and politicians don’t make staff decisions based on whether subordinates support their policies. Why the heck would any president keep people who are so insubordinate on their staffs?

Would Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff just ignore subordinates on their staffs who sought to destroy them? What would Schiff do if a staff member told the truth about the leaker, the person now lionized as ”the whistleblower”?

As for the puppets in the media: Do they just ignore when their journalists disagree with their talking points?

The media frequently buries stories that might hurt political candidates or policies they support and will continually run false stories against political candidates and policies they oppose. How else can it explain the years of fake stories on Russian collusion, seeking to destroy white Christian boys for wearing MAGA hats, trying to destroy Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh with no evidence, the false “Hands up, don’t shoot” narrative?

How else do you explain the burying of stories about all the mental and sexual abuse of women by the Clintons and the burying of stories or the lack of investigation into the clear corruption and kickbacks of the Clintons and Bidens if not pure bias?

How many people are the media willing to destroy in order to get power back for the Democrats? Isn’t that pure weaponization and revenge? Remember these incidents?

Ashe Schow on ABC Burying Epstein Story: What The Media Doesn’t Cover Is Indicator Of Bias

CBS fires employee tied to leak of ABC hot mic video on Epstein: report

Harvey Weinstein’s trial is underway in NYC. Here’s a timeline of the 2-year conflict between journalist Ronan Farrow and NBC, the network accused of trying to kill his exposé.

Meanwhile, as soon as Obama took office, he weaponized government to reward political supporters and infringe harm on political opponents. That is revenge.

One of Obama’s first acts was to violate bankruptcy law by rewarding unsecured auto unions and greatly harming more secure creditors along with other unsecured creditors.

Obama used the IRS to shut down political opponents. 

On September 11, 2012, less than two months before a presidential election, Americans were under attack in Benghazi. Obama and Hillary did not lift a finger to help those under attack and they died. Instead of telling the truth, they concocted a lie about a video. They even lied to the families of those who died. They sent out minions to lie through the media. They were so consumed with power and vengeance they even arrested the man they blamed. He went to jail and in 2016 was homeless. The complicit media showed little concern for those who died or the man with the video that they railroaded. They also were consumed with doing whatever they could to keep Obama in power. Remember this?

Blamed for Benghazi: Filmmaker jailed after attack now lives in poverty, fear

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the Coptic Christian whose short video “The Innocence of Muslims” was initially faulted for sparking the Sept. 11, 2012 terror attack at U.S. diplomatic compounds in Libya, is now living in a homeless shelter run by First Southern Baptist Church in Buena Park, Calif. He has served time in prison, been shamed publicly by the White House and threatened with death.

It was Obama who used government funds to meddle in Israel’s election.

His staff also lied through the complicit media to get the dangerous deal done with Iran which pledged death to Israel and the United States. He truly must despise Israel to do what he did.

He also dictatorially had the weaponized Justice Department stop a years long investigation into drug running by terrorists to appease Iran. Very few journalists and other Democrats have ever cared about all the people who died from terrorism and drugs because of Obama’s appeasement of Iran.

That is revenge on the American people as he sought to remake America.

It was Obama who shook down corporations.and create slush funds at EPA, Justice and CFPB to use for political purposes and to reward political supporters. 

It was Obama who said he would rule with his pen and his phone when Congress wouldn’t do what he wanted.

It was Obama who said that anyone who disagreed on climate change should not be listened to.

It was Obama who used the FBI, intelligence agencies and others to spy on and destroy people surrounding Trump.

It was Obama who changed the rules so classified information could be shared and who had people working under him who questionably unmasked names of people to destroy them.

It was Obama who illegally spied on thousands of Americans, including reporters. It was Obama who imprisoned and spied on reporters. But Trump is mean for telling the truth about the bias and false reporting by the press.

After Trump was elected, much of the media, many bureaucrats and other Democrats immediately set out to destroy and impeach Trump. It never mattered how many lies they had to tell and how many lives the vengeful people had to destroy to get Democrats back in power. The truth hasn’t mattered for a long time.

But Trump is somehow the vengeful one for moving some people around and firing a few people.

If you want to see a purely vengeful person consumed with power all you have to do is look at a person named Nancy Pelosi, dressed as if she were as pure as driven snow as she rips up the president’s State of the Union speech because she’s a petulant little child who didn’t get her way on impeachment.

But Trump is the problem as he seeks to move the power, purse and freedom back to the people as fast as he can because that is where the power and money belong. He is the opposite of a dictator but the media doesn’t give a damn about the truth. They are also consumed with power and revenge.

Image credit: USAF public domain

via American Thinker Blog

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